8,457 research outputs found

    Anti-aliasing with stratified B-spline filters of arbitrary degree

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    A simple and elegant method is presented to perform anti-aliasing in raytraced images. The method uses stratified sampling to reduce the occurrence of artefacts in an image and features a B-spline filter to compute the final luminous intensity at each pixel. The method is scalable through the specification of the filter degree. A B-spline filter of degree one amounts to a simple anti-aliasing scheme with box filtering. Increasing the degree of the B-spline generates progressively smoother filters. Computation of the filter values is done in a recursive way, as part of a sequence of Newton-Raphson iterations, to obtain the optimal sample positions in screen space. The proposed method can perform both anti-aliasing in space and in time, the latter being more commonly known as motion blur. We show an application of the method to the ray casting of implicit procedural surfaces

    Dense, Parsec-Scale Clumps near the Great Annihilator

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    We report on Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (CARMA) and James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) observations toward the Einstein source 1E 1740.7-2942, a LMXB commonly known as the "Great Annihilator." The Great Annihilator is known to be near a small, bright molecular cloud on the sky in a region largely devoid of emission in 12-CO surveys of the Galactic Center. The region is of interest because it is interior to the dust lanes which may be the shock zones where atomic gas from HI nuclear disk is converted into molecular gas. We find that the region is populated with a number of dense (n ~ 10^5 cm^-3) regions of excited gas with small filling factors, and estimate that up to 1-3 x 10^5 solar masses of gas can be seen in our maps. The detection suggests that a significant amount of mass is transported from the shock zones to the GC star-forming regions in the form of small, dense bundles.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journal, abstract abridge

    Hilft das zahnmedizinische Bonussystem den stationĂ€r PflegebedĂŒrftigen?

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Mundgesundheit bei PflegebedĂŒrftigen ist mangelhaft. ZufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlte PflegebedĂŒrftige (Berlin n=75, Nordrhein-Westfalen n=94, Sachsen n=73) aus 30 stationĂ€ren Pflegeeinrichtungen wurden u.a. zu ihrem Verhalten der zahnmedizinischen Inanspruchnahme und der Nutzung ihres zahnmedizinischen Bonusheftes (zBH) befragt. Von 242Befragten (Median: 82Jahre, Range: 43-100Jahre, Frauen: 78,5%) besaßen nur 18,6% ein zBH, dabei gab es keine signifikanten geschlechts- und altersspezifischen Unterschiede. Regionale Unterschiede waren signifikant (Berlin 5,3%, Nordrhein-Westfalen 18,1%, Sachsen 32,9%; χ2-Test p<0,01). Die Zahnzahl war bei Bonusheftinhabern grĂ¶ĂŸer (Mann-Whitney-Test p=0,01), die Zeitspanne zum letzten Zahnarztbesuch geringer (p<0,01). Von den Bonusheftinhabern gaben 18,6% an, den Zahnarzt lĂ€nger als 12Monate nicht aufgesucht zu haben (stationĂ€r PflegebedĂŒrftige ohne Bonusheft 51,3%). Als Beitrag zur QualitĂ€tssicherung, zur oralen Infektionskontrolle sowie zur Verbesserung der mundbezogenen und allgemeinen LebensqualitĂ€t wird die regelmĂ€ĂŸige jĂ€hrliche DurchfĂŒhrung zahnmedizinischer Reihenuntersuchungen mit dem FĂŒhren eines zBH fĂŒr jeden Bewohner vorgeschlage

    VLBA Observations of G5.89–0.39: OH Masers and Magnetic Field Structure

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    We present VLBA observations of 1667 MHz OH maser emission from the massive star formation region G5.89-0.39. The observations were phase-referenced, allowing the absolute positions of the masers to be obtained. The 1667 MHz masers have radial velocities that span ~50 km s^(-1) but show little evidence of tracing the bipolar molecular outflow, as has been claimed in previous studies. We identify 23 Zeeman pairs through comparison of masers in left and right circular polarization. Magnetic field strengths range from -2 to +2 mG, and an ordered reversal in magnetic field direction is observed toward the southern region of the UC H II region. We suggest that the velocity and magnetic field structure of the 1667 MHz masers can be explained in the context of a model in which the masers arise in a neutral shell just outside a rapidly expanding ionized shell

    Multitaper Spectral Analysis and Wavelet Denoising Applied to Helioseismic Data

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    Estimates of solar normal mode frequencies from helioseismic observations can be improved by using Multitaper Spectral Analysis (MTSA) to estimate spectra from the time series, then using wavelet denoising of the log spectra. MTSA leads to a power spectrum estimate with reduced variance and better leakage properties than the conventional periodogram. Under the assumption of stationarity and mild regularity conditions, the log multitaper spectrum has a statistical distribution that is approximately Gaussian, so wavelet denoising is asymptotically an optimal method to reduce the noise in the estimated spectra. We find that a single m-upsilon spectrum benefits greatly from MTSA followed by wavelet denoising, and that wavelet denoising by itself can be used to improve m-averaged spectra. We compare estimates using two different 5-taper estimates (Stepian and sine tapers) and the periodogram estimate, for GONG time series at selected angular degrees l. We compare those three spectra with and without wavelet-denoising, both visually, and in terms of the mode parameters estimated from the pre-processed spectra using the GONG peak-fitting algorithm. The two multitaper estimates give equivalent results. The number of modes fitted well by the GONG algorithm is 20% to 60% larger (depending on l and the temporal frequency) when applied to the multitaper estimates than when applied to the periodogram. The estimated mode parameters (frequency, amplitude and width) are comparable for the three power spectrum estimates, except for modes with very small mode widths (a few frequency bins), where the multitaper spectra broadened the modest compared with the periodogram. We tested the influence of the number of tapers used and found that narrow modes at low n values are broadened to the extent that they can no longer be fit if the number of tapers is too large. For helioseismic time series of this length and temporal resolution, the optimal number of tapers is less than 10

    Observation of critical phenomena and self-similarity in the gravitational collapse of radiation fluid

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    We observe critical phenomena in spherical collapse of radiation fluid. A sequence of spacetimes S[η]\cal{S}[\eta] is numerically computed, containing models (ηâ‰Ș1\eta\ll 1) that adiabatically disperse and models (η≫1\eta\gg 1) that form a black hole. Near the critical point (ηc\eta_c), evolutions develop a self-similar region within which collapse is balanced by a strong, inward-moving rarefaction wave that holds m(r)/rm(r)/r constant as a function of a self-similar coordinate Ο\xi. The self-similar solution is known and we show near-critical evolutions asymptotically approaching it. A critical exponent ÎČ≃0.36\beta \simeq 0.36 is found for supercritical (η>ηc\eta>\eta_c) models.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX) (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.), TAR-039-UN

    A Smooth Interface Method for Simulating Liquid Crystal Colloid Dispersions

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    A new method is presented for mesoscopic simulations of particle dispersions in liquid crystal solvents. It allows efficient first-principle simulations of the dispersions involving many particles with many-body interactions mediated by the solvents. Demonstrations have been performed for the aggregation of colloid dispersions in two-dimensional nematic and smectic-C* solvents neglecting hydrodynamic effects, which will be taken into account in the near future.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Variable orthogonality of serine integrase interactions within the ϕC31 family

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    Serine integrases are phage- (or mobile element-) encoded enzymes that catalyse site-specific recombination reactions between a short DNA sequence on the phage genome (attP) and a corresponding host genome sequence (attB), thereby integrating the phage DNA into the host genome. Each integrase has its unique pair of attP and attB sites, a feature that allows them to be used as orthogonal tools for genome modification applications. In the presence of a second protein, the Recombination Directionality Factor (RDF), integrase catalyses the reverse excisive reaction, generating new recombination sites, attR and attL. In addition to promoting attR x attL reaction, the RDF inhibits attP x attB recombination. This feature makes the directionality of integrase reactions programmable, allowing them to be useful for building synthetic biology devices. In this report, we describe the degree of orthogonality of both integrative and excisive reactions for three related integrases (ϕC31, ϕBT1, and TG1) and their RDFs. Among these, TG1 integrase is the most active, showing near complete recombination in both attP x attB and attR x attL reactions, and the most directional in the presence of its RDF. Our findings show that there is varying orthogonality among these three integrases – RDF pairs. ϕC31 integrase was the least selective, with all three RDFs activating it for attR x attL recombination. Similarly, ϕC31 RDF was the least effective among the three RDFs in promoting the excisive activities of the integrases, including its cognate ϕC31 integrase. ϕBT1 and TG1 RDFs were noticeably more effective than ϕC31 RDF at inhibiting attP x attB recombination by their respective integrases, making them more suitable for building reversible genetic switches. AlphaFold-Multimer predicts very similar structural interactions between each cognate integrase – RDF pair. The binding surface on the RDF is much more conserved than the binding surface on the integrase, an indication that specificity is determined more by the integrase than the RDF. Overall, the observed weak integrase/RDF orthogonality across the three enzymes emphasizes the need for identifying and characterizing more integrase – RDF pairs. Additionally, the ability of a particular integrase’s preferred reaction direction to be controlled to varying degrees by non-cognate RDFs provides a path to tunable, non-binary genetic switches

    Interactions of the 3pπᔀcÂčΠᔀ(v=2) Rydberg-complex member in isotopic N₂

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    The 3pπᔀcÂčΠᔀ−XÂčÎŁgâș(2,0)Rydberg and bâ€ČÂčΣᔀâș−XÂčÎŁgâș(7,0) valence transitions of Âč⁎N₂, Âč⁎NÂč⁔N, and Âč⁔N₂ are studied using laser-based 1 extreme ultraviolet (XUV)+1â€ČUV two-photon-ionization spectroscopy, supplemented by synchrotron-based photoabsorption measurements in the case of Âč⁎N₂. For each isotopomer, effective rotational interactions between the c(v=2) and bâ€Č(v=7) levels are found to cause strong Λ-doubling in c(v=2) and dramatic P∕R-branch intensity anomalies in the bâ€Č−X(7,0) band due to the effects of quantum interference. Local perturbations in energy and predissociation line width for the c(v=2)Rydberg level are observed and attributed to a spin-orbit interaction with the crossing, short-lived C³Πᔀ(v=17) valence level.This research was partially supported by Australian Research Council Discovery Program Grant Nos. DP0558962 and DP0773050

    Simulating Particle Dispersions in Nematic Liquid-Crystal Solvents

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    A new method is presented for mesoscopic simulations of particle dispersions in nematic liquid crystal solvents. It allows efficient first-principle simulations of the dispersions involving many particles with many-body interactions mediated by the solvents. A simple demonstration is shown for the aggregation process of a two dimentional dispersion.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
