1,760 research outputs found

    Web-based learning in the field of empirical research methods

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    This study focuses on the development of a complex web-based learning environment aimed at promoting the acquisition of applicable knowledge in the context of studying empirical research methods at university. This learning environment was then modified further on an empirical basis. The main focus of the present article is to describe the conceptualisation of the learning environment and research activities which were guided by an integrative research paradigm. The learning environment consisted of highly structured, complex texts in which the process of empirical research was illustrated in a detailed manner. By combining these texts with other instructional measures, the learning environment is given a flexible hypertext-structure. The effectiveness of the learning environment as a whole was investigated in three studies (two evaluation studies in the field and one experimental study in the laboratory). It was demonstrated that the additional instructional measures (e.g. a specific feedback-guidance and time-management measures) were not effective. The importance of cognitive, motivational and emotional learning prerequisites for the successful utilisation of the learning environment was highlighted. The implementation of special training and additional preparatory modules is recommended in order to optimise the fit between students' prerequisites and learning environmIm Zentrum der vorliegenden Arbeit steht zum einen die Konzeptualisierung einer Lernumgebung zur Förderung des Erwerbs anwendbaren Wissens im Kontext der universitären Ausbildung in empirischen Forschungsmethoden. Zum anderen werden ausgehend von einem integrativen Forschungsparadigma Forschungsaktivitäten beschrieben, die die empirische Basis zur Weiterentwicklung der Lernumgebung bereitstellen. Die Lernumgebung besteht aus hoch strukturierten, komplexen Texten, in welchen der Prozess empirischer Forschung auf detaillierte Weise veranschaulicht wird. Diese Texte wurden mit anderen instruktionalen Maßnahmen kombiniert, wodurch die Lernumgebung eine flexible, hypertextartige Struktur bekam. Die Effektivität der gesamten Lernumgebung wurde im Rahmen dreier empirischer Studien untersucht, von denen zwei als Evaluationsstudien im Feld durchgeführt wurden; die dritte war eine experimentelle Laborstudie. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die zusätzlichen instruktionalen Maßnahmen (z. B. eine spezifische Feedback-Anleitung und eine Zeitmanagement-Maßnahme) nicht wirksam waren. Die Bedeutung kognitiver, motivationaler und emotionaler Lernvoraussetzungen für die erfolgreiche Nutzung der Lernumgebung konnte nachgewiesen werden. Um die Passung zwischen den Eingangsvoraussetzungen der Studierenden und der Lernumgebung zu verbessern, wurde die Implementation eines speziellen Trainings und eines zusätzlichen vorbereitenden Moduls vorgeschlag

    Conceptual Change: kognitivistisch oder kontextualistisch?

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    Two cognitivistic conceptual-change-approaches are presented in a detailled manner: the "framework theory"-approach of Vosniadou (Vosniadou & Brewer, 1992) and the "categorization approach" of Chi (1992). Vosniadou describes conceptual change as a gradual revision of mental models, and Chi conceptualizes it as an overcoming of of ontological categorization errors. Both deficit-oriented approaches are criticized from a contextualistic perspective. The problem of reification, the neglected context-problem, the problem of knowledge diagnosis, the problem of focusing on initial learning in well-structured domains and finally the cognitive bias-problem are discussed. A context modell of Caravita und Halldén (1994) is provided as an example of a situated approach. This model will be employed and critically discussed in the context of a study of our research group on learning with a computer-based scenario in the domain of economics; it differentiates between everyday and scientific context. The additional differentiation between situational and cognitive context is supplemented by the cultural context which plays an eminent role in the "radical" position of Säljö (1999). Finally the conceptual pluralism by which the current research landscape is dominated as well as possibilities of integrating competing perspectives are discussedEs werden zwei kognitivistische Ansätze zu Conceptual Change ausführlich dargestellt: der "Rahmentheorieansatz" von Vosniadou (Vosniadou & Brewer, 1992) und der "Kategorisierungsansatz" von Chi (1992). Vosniadou beschreibt Conceptual Change als graduelle Revision mentaler Modelle, bei Chi wird Conceptual Change als Überwindung von ontologischen Kategorisierungsfehlern konzipiert. Beide "Defizit orientierten" Ansätze werden aus einer situationistischen Perspektive kritisiert. Hierbei werden das Verdinglichungsproblem sowie Probleme des vernachlässigten Kontexts, der Wissensdiagnostik, der Fokussierung auf initiales Lernen in wohl strukturierten Domänen und schließlich das Problem des kognitiven Bias diskutiert. Als Beispiel für einen situationistischen Ansatz wird ein Kontextmodell von Caravita und Halldén (1994) vorgestellt. Dieses Modell wird auf eine Studie unserer Forschergruppe zum Lernen mit einem computerbasierten Planspiel in der Ökonomie angewandt und kritisch diskutiert. Im Rahmen dieses Modells wird zwischen Alltags- und wissenschaftlichem Kontext unterschieden; die darüber hinaus getroffene Unterscheidung zwischen situationalem und kognitivem Kontext wird ergänzt durch den kulturellen Kontext, der in der "radikalen" Position von Säljö (1999) eine maßgebliche Rolle spielt. Abschließend werden die konzeptuelle Pluralität, die die aktuelle Forschungslandschaft bestimmt, sowie Möglichkeiten einer Integration konkurrierender Perspektiven diskutier

    Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Überwindung von Transferproblemen in der kaufmännischen Erstausbildung

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    Im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Schwerpunktprogramms wurden mehrere experimentelle Studien und eine Feldstudie durchgeführt. Das Ziel der experimentellen Studien bestand darin, einen beispielbasierten Instruktionsansatz zur Förderung transferwirksamen Lernens in Inhaltsgebieten der kaufmännischen Erstausbildung systematisch zu überprüfen und zu optimieren. Hierbei kam eine integrative Forschungsstrategie zum Einsatz. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß ausgearbeitete Lösungsbeispiele vor allem dann transferwirksames Lernen ermöglichen, wenn sie mit bestimmten Instruktionsmaßnahmen verknüpft werden. Als besonders effektiv erwies sich eine Anleitung zur Beispielbearbeitung ( Beispielelaboratorion) und die Kombination von Lösungsbeispielen und Problemlöseaufgaben. Die Effektivität multipler Perspektiven war abhängig vom untersuchten Inhaltsgebiet. Im Rahmen der Feldstudie wurde überprüft, inwieweit die experimentell gewonnenen Erkenntnisse auf "reale" Unterrichtssituationen übertragen werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)Within the framework of a research program subsidized by the DFG (German Research Association), several experimental studies and one field study were carried out. The aim of the experimental studies was to systematically test and optimize a concept of instruction based on examples and meant to promote transfer-effective learning in different fields of primary commercial training. In this context, an integrative research strategy was applied. It could be shown that elaborate examples for solutions allow for transfer-effective learning above all if they are linked with specific teaching measures. The investigation to work out examples (examples elaboration) and the combination of examples for solutions and problem-solving tasks proved to be most effective. The effectiveness of multiple perspectives was dependent on the specific content analyzed. Within the framework of the field study, it was examined to what extent the results gamed in the experimental studies can be transferred to "real" classroom situations. The instruction approach proved valuable in practice, too. The findings and experiences gamed in the course of this program speak for the practicability and effectiveness of an application-oriented, experimental research strategy. (DIPF/Orig.

    The pulse of change : E-education and other reforming influences on vocational education and training

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    Reform has been a feature of the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system for more than a decade. The Portfolio tracks the theme of reform through the sub-themes of e-education and globalisation, considering each as a set of changing hegemonic discourses that have redefined VET over the intervening years. Into this mix it is speculated a third sub-theme, that of social capital development, is now emerging. The new social paradigm however is likely to create new uncertainties and expectations in a system that struggles to cope with existing reforms

    Entwicklung, Implementation und Evaluation eines beispielbasierten Instruktionsansatzes zur Förderung von Handlungskompetenz im Bereich empirischer Forschungsmethoden

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    Starting from problems of knowledge acquisition and transfer in the domain of empirical research methods, an example-based instructional approach to foster domain-specific action competence was developed. The heart of the approach are two worked-out examples which include most contents of a two-semester-lecture on empirical research methods. The examples were presented in an incomplete form and had to be completed by the students. The instructional approach was implemented in the context of a virtual tutorial which accompanied the regular lectures. It was evaluated in the context of a field study in which the feedback-condition was varied experimentally. 25 students were given special questions to guide feedback-processing (experimental group 1), 25 students were given no guidance (experimental group 2). 30 students who attended the lectures but did not participate in the virtual tutorial were used as control group. The feedback-condition did not influence the acquisition of action competence. Even though the learners did not use the examples in an optimal manner, the experimental group was more successful than the control group both in an exercise test and in the regular written exam. In order to further increase the effectiveness of the instructional approach, the students´ competence of self-regulated learning should be fostered.Ausgehend von Problemen der Wissensanwendung und des Transfers im Bereich empirischer Forschungsmethoden wurde ein beispielbasierter Instruktionsansatz zur Förderung von Handlungskompetenz entwickelt. Im Zentrum dieses Ansatzes stehen zwei ausgearbeitete Lösungsbeispiele, die die meisten Inhalte einer zweisemestrigen Methodenvorlesung enthalten. Die Lösungsbeispiele werden in unvollständiger Form vorgegeben und müssen von den Studierenden ergänzt werden. Die Implementation des Instruktionsansatzes erfolgte im Rahmen eines vorlesungsbegleitenden virtuellen Tutoriums, die Evaluation im Rahmen einer Feldstudie, in der die Feedback-Bedingung experimentell variiert wurde. 25 Studierende bekamen Leitfragen zur Unterstützung der Feedback-Verarbeitung (Experimentalgruppe 1), 25 Studierende bekamen keine Leitfragen (Experimentalgruppe 2). 30 Studierende, die zwar die Vorlesung besuchten, aber nicht am virtuellen Tutorium teilnahmen, bildeten die Kontrollgruppe. Die Feedback-Bedingung hatte keinen Einfluss auf den Erwerb von Handlungskompetenz. Obwohl die Studierenden die Lösungsbeispiele nicht optimal nutzten, schnitt die Experimentalgruppe in einer Übungsklausur und in der regulären Klausur besser ab als die Kontrollgruppe. Um die Effektivität des Instruktionsansatzes zu steigern, sollte die Kompetenz der Studierenden zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen verbessert werden

    "Unauffällige", "Vorwissensschwache", "Unmotivierte" und "Musterschüler": homogene Untergruppen beim Lernen mit einem komplexen Lösungsbeispiel im Bereich empirischer Forschungsmethoden

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    In the present study data of an experimental study on the effectiveness of a complex worked-out example in the domain of empirical research methods and statistics were re-analysed from a new perspective. On the basis of cognitive, motivational and emotional prerequisites and associated characteristics four homogeneous sub-groups were identified by running a cluster analysis. It could be shown that learners with different profiles differed in some process-variables which were recorded during the learning phase; moreover differences in the learning outcomes and in dependent motivation variables appeared. Starting from these findings which show that even under experimental conditions quantitative and qualitative aspects of the learning process are influenced to a high degree by specific constellations of learner characteristics, possibilities of increasing the effectiveness of the learning environment by integrating adaptive elements were discussedIn der vorliegenden Studie wurden Daten einer experimentellen Studie zur Effektivität eines komplexen Lösungsbeispiels im Bereich empirischer Forschungsmethoden und Statistik aus einer neuen Perspektive re-analysiert. Auf der Basis kognitiver, motivationaler und emotionaler Eingangsvoraussetzungen und damit assoziierten Merkmalen wurden auf clusteranalytischem Wege vier homogene Untergruppen identifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich Lernende mit unterschiedlichen Merkmals-Profilen in verschiedenen Prozessvariablen unterschieden, die während der Lernphase erhoben wurden; des Weiteren zeigten sich Unterschiede im Lernerfolg und in abhängigen Motivationsvariablen. Ausgehend von diesen Befunden, die deutlich machen, dass das Lerngeschehen sowie kognitive und motivationale Konsequenzen selbst unter experimentellen Bedingungen in quantitativer und qualitativer Hinsicht in hohem Maße von bestimmten Merkmals-Konstellationen der Lernenden beeinflusst werden, wurden Möglichkeiten diskutiert, die Effektiviät der Lernumgebung durch Integration adaptiver Elemente zu steiger

    Scientific Controversies and Epistemological Sensitization - Effects of an Intervention on Psychology Students’ Epistemological Beliefs and Argumentation Skills

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    The present study investigates the effects of an intervention presenting resolvable, scientific controversies and an epistemological sensitization measure on the changes in psychology students’ epistemological beliefs. Drawing on the notion that the presentation of resolvable scientific controversies induces epistemological doubt and the notion that inducing epistemological doubt is eased in the presence of an epistemological sensitization, we used an epistemological beliefs intervention consisting of five resolvable controversies that were applied in a sample consisting of psychology students. We hypothesized that the intervention would reduce absolutist and multiplist epistemological beliefs while, at the same time, increasing evaluativist beliefs. We also assumed that the epistemological sensitization would enhance the effect of the intervention. For a domain-specific questionnaire, the results indicated a reduction of absolutist epistemological beliefs regardless of the presence of the epistemological sensitization. Unexpectedly, there was a backfire effect indicated by a rise of multiplist beliefs. For a domain- and topic-specific questionnaire, there was no significant reduction of absolutist and multiplist beliefs but a significant increase in evaluativist beliefs when the epistemological sensitization was present. A measure assessing argumentation skills revealed an increase in argumentation skills only when the epistemological sensitization is present. Finally, we discuss limitations, educational implications, and directions for future research

    How to Change Epistemological Beliefs? Effects of Scientific Controversies, Epistemological Sensitization, and Critical Thinking Instructions on Epistemological Change

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    The present study investigates the combination of an epistemological sensitization and two different critical thinking instructions, i.e., the general and infusion approach, in the context of epistemological change induced by the presentation of resolvable scientific controversies. In a ran domized study, we tested the hypothesis that the presentation of resolvable controversies generally reduces absolutism and multiplicism and increases evaluativism. We assume that these effects are strongest when the controversies are presented with an epistemological sensitization and the infusion approach. The results indicate an increase in absolutism when the general approach is employed without an epistemological sensitization. Combined with an epistemological sensitization, the in crease in absolutism is only detected when the infusion approach is used. Concerning multiplicism, there is a reduction in all conditions, but the reduction is more effective without an epistemological sensitization. The general approach yields a larger increase in evaluativism without an epistemo logical sensitization, while the infusion approach fosters evaluativism only in combination with the sensitization. However, an argumentation task revealed that the desired level of an evaluativist argumentation only seems to emerge without an epistemological sensitization in combination with the infusion approach. In sum, the results show that there is no general way to reduce absolutism and multiplicism and increase evaluativism

    Learning to Argue From Others’ Erroneous Arguments – Fostering Argumentation Competence Through Learning From Advocatory Errors

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    Argumentation competence is an essential skill to be acquired in university education. However, there is a lack of advanced argumentation competence even for graduate students. To foster argumentation competence, typical interventions focus on examplebased learning. Another approach is learning from advocatory errors. The combination of both approaches is presenting examples of erroneous arguments. Drawing on the concept of case-based learning, we developed a learning intervention that presents examples of argumentation errors in story-based designs, i.e., the erroneous examples are embedded in a story featuring the argumentation between two persons in an authentic setting. In this contribution, we report the results of two studies. In a first study, we compared an experimental condition receiving a story-based learning intervention with a control condition without a learning intervention. We found that learning from advocatory errors in a story-based design fosters students’ argumentation competence. In a second study, we compared two forms of instructional support (elaboration vs. testing prompts) against a control condition without instructional support. There was a significant increase in argumentation competence in both conditions with instructional support but not in the control condition. The results also support the cautious conclusion that elaboration prompts seem to be more effective than testing prompts. Overall, the results from both studies indicate that the story-based design is apt to foster students’ argumentation competence. We also considered the impact of prior argumentation competence and found in both studies that the present level of argumentation competence is a factor determining the argumentation competence after learning

    Contrastive Video Examples in Teacher Education : A Matter of Sequence and Prompts

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    Everyday teaching requires teachers to deal with a variety of pedagogical issues, such as classroom disruptions. Against the background of on-going calls for an evidence-informed practice, teachers should ground their pedagogical decisions not only on subjective theories or experience-based knowledge but also on educational theories and empirical findings. However, research suggests that pre- and in-service teachers rather refer to experiential knowledge than to educational knowledge when addressing practical, pedagogical issues. One reason for the infrequent use of educational knowledge is that acquired knowledge has remained inert and cannot be applied to complex situations in practice. Therefore, implementing learning with contrastive (i.e., functional and dysfunctional) video examples in teacher education seems promising to promote pre-service teachers’ acquisition of educational knowledge. The 2×2-intervention study (N = 220) investigated the effects of the video sequence (dysfunctional-functional/functional-dysfunctional) and of video analysis prompts (with/without) on learning outcomes (concept knowledge, application knowledge) and on learning processes (written video analyses). Results revealed that the sequence dysfunctional-functional led to higher application knowledge in the post-test. There was no sequencing effect on concept knowledge. Prompted groups showed higher concept knowledge and application knowledge in the post-test. Furthermore, both experimental factors affected learning processes, which resulted in higher learning outcomes. In conclusion, learning with contrastive video examples in teacher education seems to be more effective if the video examples are presented in the sequence dysfunctional-functional and if instructional prompts guide the video analysis. The results substantiate the relevance of instructional guidance in learning with video examples and broaden the scope of validity of the concept of learning from errors
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