138 research outputs found

    Applications of Stellar Population Synthesis in the Distant Universe

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    Comparison with artificial galaxy models is essential for translating the incomplete and low signal-to-noise data we can obtain on astrophysical stellar populations to physical interpretations which describe their composition, physical properties, histories and internal conditions. In particular, this is true for distant galaxies, whose unresolved light embeds clues to their formation and evolution as well as their impact on their wider environs. Stellar population synthesis models are now used as the foundation of analysis at all redshifts, but are not without their problems. Here we review the use of stellar population synthesis models, with a focus on applications in the distant Universe.Comment: 32 page review, published in Galaxies special issue, "Star Formation in the UV", ed. Jorick Vin

    Establishing an analogue population for the most distant galaxies

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    Lyman break analogues (LBAs) are local galaxies selected to match a more distant (usually z~3) galaxy population in luminosity, UV-spectral slope and physical characteristics, and so provide an accessible laboratory for exploring their properties. However, as the Lyman break technique is extended to higher redshifts, it has become clear that the Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z~3 are more massive, luminous, redder, more extended and at higher metallicities than their z~5 counterparts. Thus extrapolations from the existing LBA samples (which match z=3 properties) have limited value for characterising z>5 galaxies, or inferring properties unobservable at high redshift. We present a new pilot sample of twenty-one compact star forming galaxies in the local (0.05<z<0.25) Universe, which are tuned to match the luminosities and star formation volume densities observed in z>~5 LBGs. Analysis of optical emission line indices suggests that these sources have typical metallicities of a few tenths Solar (again, consistent with the distant population). We also present radio continuum observations of a subset of this sample (13 sources) and determine that their radio fluxes are consistent with those inferred from the ultraviolet, precluding the presence of a heavily obscured AGN or significant dusty star formation.Comment: 13 pages, MNRAS accepte

    High-redshift galaxies and low-mass stars

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    The sensitivity available to near-infrared surveys has recently allowed us to probe the galaxy population at z ≈ 7 and beyond. The existing Hubble Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) Infrared Camera (VIRCam) instruments allow deep surveys to be undertaken well beyond 1 μm – a capability that will be further extended with the launch and commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). As new regions of parameter space in both colour and depth are probed, new challenges for distant galaxy surveys are identified. In this paper, we present an analysis of the colours of L- and T-dwarf stars in widely used photometric systems. We also consider the implications of the newly identified Y-dwarf population – stars that are still cooler and less massive than T-dwarfs for both the photometric selection and spectroscopic follow-up of faint and distant galaxies. We highlight the dangers of working in the low-signal-to-noise regime, and the potential contamination of existing and future samples. We find that Hubble/WFC3 and VISTA/VIRCam Y-drop selections targeting galaxies at z ∼ 7.5 are vulnerable to contamination from T- and Y-class stars. Future observations using JWST, targeting the z ∼ 7 galaxy population, are also likely to prove difficult without deep medium-band observations. We demonstrate that single emission line detections in typical low-signal-to-noise spectroscopic observations may also be suspect, due to the unusual spectral characteristics of the cool dwarf star population

    Core-collapse supernovae ages and metallicities from emission-line diagnostics of nearby stellar populations

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    Massive stars are the main objects that illuminate H II regions and they evolve quickly to end their lives in core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe). Thus it is important to investigate the association between CCSNe and H II regions. In this paper, we present emission line diagnostics of the stellar populations around nearby CCSNe, that include their host H II regions, from the PMAS/PPAK Integral-field Supernova hosts COmpilation (PISCO). We then use BPASS stellar population models to determine the age, metallicity and gas parameters for H II regions associated with CCSNe, contrasting models that consider either single star evolution alone or incorporate interacting binaries. We find binary-star models, that allow for ionizing photon loss, provide a more realistic fit to the observed CCSN hosts with metallicities that are closer to those derived from the oxygen abundance in O3N2. We also find that type II and type Ibc SNe arise from progenitor stars of similar age, mostly from 7 to 45 Myr, which corresponds to stars with masses < 20 solar mass . However these two types SNe have little preference in their host environment metallicity measured by oxygen abundance or in progenitor initial mass. We note however that at lower metallicities supernovae are more likely to be of type II.Comment: 22 pages, 19 Figures, 6 Tables. Accepted by MNRAS. Comments welcom

    BPASS predictions for binary black hole mergers

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    Using the Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis code, BPASS, we have calculated the rates, time-scales and mass distributions for binary black hole (BH) mergers as a function of metallicity. We consider these in the context of the recently reported first Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) event detection. We find that the event has a very low probability of arising from a stellar population with initial metallicity mass fraction above Z = 0.010 (Z ≳ 0.5 Z⊙). Binary BH merger events with the reported masses are most likely in populations below 0.008 (Z ≲ 0.4 Z⊙). Events of this kind can occur at all stellar population ages from 3 Myr up to the age of the Universe, but constitute only 0.1–0.4 per cent of binary BH mergers between metallicities of Z = 0.001 and 0.008. However at metallicity Z = 10−4, 26 per cent of binary BH mergers would be expected to have the reported masses. At this metallicity, the progenitor merger times can be close to ≈10 Gyr and rotationally mixed stars evolving through quasi-homogeneous evolution, due to mass transfer in a binary, dominate the rate. The masses inferred for the BHs in the binary progenitor of GW 150914 are amongst the most massive expected at anything but the lowest metallicities in our models. We discuss the implications of our analysis for the electromagnetic follow-up of future LIGO event detections

    HST imaging and Keck Spectroscopy of z~6 I-band Drop-Out Galaxies in the ACS GOODS Fields

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    We measure the surface density of i'-band dropout galaxies at z~6 through wide field HST/ACS imaging and ultra-deep Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy. Using deep HST/ACS SDSS-i' (F775W) and SDSS-z' (F850LP) imaging from GOODS-N (200 arcmin^2), we identify 9 i'-drops satisfying an (i'-z')_AB>1.5 selection criterion to a depth of z'_AB=25.6 (corresponding to L*_UV at z~3-4). We use HK' imaging data to improve the fidelity of our sample, discriminating against lower redshift red galaxies and cool Galactic stars. Three i'-drops are consistent with M/L/T dwarf stars. We present ultra-deep Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy of 10 objects from our combined GOODS-N and GOODS-S i'-drop sample. We detect Lyman-alpha emission at z=5.83 from one object in the GOODS-S field, which lies only 8arcmin away (i.e. 3Mpc/h_70) from the z=5.78 object already confirmed by Bunker et al. (2003). One possible Lyman-alpha emitter at z=6.24 is found in the GOODS-N field (although identification of this spatially-offset emission line is ambiguous). Using the rest-frame UV continuum from our 6 candidate z~6 galaxies from the GOODS-N field, we determine a lower limit to the unobscured volume-averaged global star formation rate at z~6 of (5.4+/-2.2)x10^-4 h_70 M_sun/yr/Mpc^3. We find that the cosmic star formation density in galaxies with unobscured star formation rates 15M_sun/yr/h_70^2 falls by a factor of 8 between z~3 and z~6. Hence the luminosity function of LBGs must evolve in this redshift interval: a constant integrated star formation density at z>3z>3 requires a much steeper faint-end slope, or a brighter characteristic luminosity. This result is in agreement with our previous measurement from the Chandra Deep Field South (Stanway et al. 2003), indicating that cosmic variance is not a dominant source of uncertainty.Comment: to appear in ApJ; replaced with accepted versio

    Changing conceptions of solar system habitability in Dan Dare between the 1950s and the 2010s

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    In this article, I consider how Dan Dare has articulated our changing understanding of Solar System habitability, with particular reference to the first three Dan Dare audio dramas and the 1950s comic strips on which they were based: 'Voyage to Venus' (1950-51), 'The Red Moon Mystery' (1951-52) and 'Marooned on Mercury' (1952-53). Of special interest is the degree to which the adaptations have balanced the need for action with the original strip's pedagogical mission, and the extent to which that mediates the concerns of a changing demographic within their audience. By the time of the 2016 audio dramatization, an averagely science-literate audience was no longer willing to accept an Earth-like Venusian ecosystem. [...]the Treens are now described as colonizing Venus from elsewhere and, instead of living on the hostile surface, they inhabit platforms suspended in the cloud layer; the surface and other Venusian races no longer feature. With the still-debated discovery of phosphine, a potential chemical marker of biological activity or 'biosignature' in the Venusian cloud deck (Greaves et al 2020), the status of Venus as a habitable planet is once more the subject of intense scrutiny, and the audio updating of this key setting has never appeared more appropriate. [...]it condensed water on its surface
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