52 research outputs found

    Response of arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) to inorganic, organic and metallurgical slag amendments to acid soil

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    The aim of this study was to determine an influence of Ca - containing metallurgical slag application, sampled from steel factory area, as well as the influence of commercial lime material and fertilizers, on macro and trace elements content in aerial biomass of arugula, grown on Eutric Cambisol (a soil with high acidity), through greenhouse semi-controlled pot experiments, in 2019. The influence of metallurgical slag was compared to those of commercial lime material (CaCO3) solely and in combination with inorganic and organic fertilizers. Content of N was determined using elemental CNS analyzer, P - by spectrophotometer, and K - by flame emission photometry. In the determination of Fe, Zn, Cu and Cd, ICP-AES was used. Used metallurgical slag, in combination with mineral and organic fertilizer, showed positive effects on the main chemical composition of arugula and its yield. The high and toxic concentrations of trace elements in plant comparing to plants from untreated soil were not significantly increased and were within the permissible levels in plants in all the treatments in spite of their high content in metallurgical slag. The evaluated results obtained in present study showed high potential in usage of the studied alkaline metallurgical slag when it is combined with inorganic and organic fertilizers, to acid soils toward amelioration their fertility without adverse effects

    Chemical composition and yield of white mustard as affected by inorganic, organic and metallurgical slag amendments in acid soil

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    White mustard (Sinapis alba L.), is a quick-growing long-day annual which prefers light welldrained soil with neutral pH, but the plant tolerates moderately acid and alkaline soils ranging from 5.5 to 8.3. Thus, highly acidic soil conditions could stunt its growth and a necessary lime should be applied. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Ca - containing metallurgical slag usage, sampled from steel factory area, as well as the effects of commercial lime material and fertilizers, on macro and trace elements content in aerial biomass of white mustard, grown on Stagnosol (a soil with high acidity), through greenhouse vegetative experiments, in 2019. The effects of metallurgical slag were compared to those of commercial lime material (CaCO3) in combination without and with standard inorganic NPK and organic (NPK nutrient of animal origin) fertilizers. P was determined by spectrophotometer, K - by flame emission photometry, and N - using elemental CNS analyzer. In the determination of Fe, Zn, Cu and Cd, ICP-AES was used. Used lime materials, along with metallurgical slag, particularly in combination with organic fertilizer, showed positive effects on elemental composition of white mustard and its yield. The high and toxic concentrations of trace elements in herb comparing to untreated soil were not significantly increased and were within the permissible levels in plants in all the variants in spite of their higher content in metallurgical slag. Based on the results obtained in present study, high potential has been estimated in the application of the studied alkaline metallurgical slag, particularly when combined with organic and inorganic fertilizers, to acid soils toward amelioration their fertility without adverse effects

    Dangerous and harmful materials in agricultural soil and cultivated crops in the municipality of Prokuplje

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    In the area of the Municipality of Prokuplje in the Republic of Serbia, in the period JulyNovember 2019, 26 samples of soil and aboveground part of plant material found at the research sites were sampled. In the laboratory of the Institute of Soil Science, Belgrade, a test of the content of hazardous and harmful substances in the sampled soil and plant material was conducted. The analyzed plant cultures are used partly for human consumption (fruits), one part is used for human and animal nutrition (cereals, corn), and one part belongs to animal feed (grass mixture). The study was aimed to examine the possibility that hazardous and harmful substances enter the food chain. The obtained values of the tested trace elements in the plant material are low at most of the examined localities, even on plots with increased content of total forms of tested elements in the soil, there are no increased contents in plant material, except at one locality where Pb content was found in wheat. In this specific sample, value was above (MPC) the maximum permitted concentrations (Pb=0.94 mg. kg-1 ), which is recommended to be excluded for human consumption

    Evaluation of the organic matter and clay content contribution to the corrected remediation values of the trace elements macimum allowed concentrations in the agricultural soils of Prokuplje municipality, Serbia

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    In the samples of Prokuplje Municipality agricultural soil, it was assessed the contribution of the organic matter and clay content influence on the corrected remediation values of the total forms of Cd, Cr, Pb and Ni maximum allowed concentrations (MAC). A total of 25 samples were analyzed, of which 8 samples were on Fluvisol type of soil, 3 samples were on Vertisol type of soil, 12 samples were on Eutric cambisol type of soil, and 2 samples were on Humofluvisol type of soil. In composite soil samples, taken from a depth of 0-30 cm, certain parameters of soil fertility (content of clay fraction and total forms of Cd, Cr, Pb and Ni), were determined.The interpretation of the obtained results was carried out in relation to the MAC of tested microelements defined in the Regulation on permitted levels of hazardous and harmful substances in the soil, and based on the formula for calculating threshold and remediation values according to Ordinance on the program of soil quality systematic monitoring, indicators for risk assessment from soil degradation, and methodology for developing remediation programs. A high correlative dependence related to the content of organic matter was determined for Vertisols and Humofluvisols, while it was low for Eutric cambisol and Fluvisol. The correlative dependence related to the content of clay fraction showed a strong correlation, for all examined soils

    The use of metallurgical slag as a by-product of the steel industry in chemical melioration of acid soils

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    The effect of metallurgical slag application on chemical properties of the soils with limited productive ability (Stagnosol), as well as on chemical composition of cultivated vegetables (spinach and cabbage) as experimental crops, through the vegetative experiments performed in semi-controlled conditions, was studied. The longterm investigations were aimed to define the main parameters for possible wider usage of this secondary raw material (by-product of the steel industry, respectively) for chemical melioration and fertilization of acid soils in Serbia, as well as to indicate the justification of its application in agricultural practice. Generally, it was concluded that the studied metallurgical slag of the standardized chemical composition can be added to the acid soils toward amelioration the fertility without adverse effects. Ā http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/metmateng1403191

    Akumulacija teŔkih metala i mikroelemenata u lucerki (Medicago sativa L.) gajenoj uz deonicu autoputa E75 Beograd-Leskovac

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    The contents of heavy metals and trace elements and their accumulation in Medicago sativa L., cultivated on Eutric cambisol along the E75 route section Belgrade-Leskovac, were examined in order to assess the health and safety of animal feed. The samples of soil and aerial parts of the plant material were collected from both sides of lanes at 10, 30, 50 and 400 m perpendicular to the direction of the highway. Soil and plant analyses of the metals content were done according to ICP methodology. The results showed that at the locality L 14, a distance of 30 and 50 meters away from the lanes, the content of total forms of Cr, Ni and Pb in soil was above the maximum permissible concentration. In the plant biomass it was determined the following: in a sample from the location L 14 at a distance of 50 meters from the lanes concentrations of Ni and Co were higher than normal values, and concentrations of Fe and Pb were above toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed; determined Fe content in the sample of alfalfa at location L 11, 400 m away from the lanes, and Ni in the sample from the site D 12 at a distance of 50 m from the lanes, was above the normal values, while in the sample from D12 location, at a distance of 30 m from the lanes, the content of Pb was above the toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed. The results suggest a caution in the use of alfalfa, grown near the highway route, for animal feed because of the potential entry of heavy metals into the food chain.U deset uzoraka zemljiÅ”nog i biljnog materijala duž trase autoputa E 75 kroz Republiku Srbiju, na deonici od Beograda do Leskovca, ispitan je sadržaj teÅ”kih metala i mikroelemenata i njihova akumulacija u Medicago sativa L. gajenoj na eutričnom kambisolu, radi ocene zdravstvene ispravnosti stočne hrane. Uzorci zemljiÅ”ta i nadzemnog dela biljnog materijala uzorkovani su sa obe strane kolovoznih traka i to na 10, 30, 50 i 400 m upravno na pravac autoputa. Analiza zemljiÅ”nih uzoraka pokazala je da je na lokalitetu L 14, na udaljenosti 30 i 50 metara od kolovoznih traka sadržaj ukupnih formi Cr, Ni i Pb bio iznad maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija. U biljnoj masi u uzorku sa lokacije L14 na udaljenosti 50 metara od kolovoznih traka koncentracije Ni i Co su bile viÅ”e od normalnih vrednosti, a koncentracije Fe i Pb bile su iznad toksičnih vrednosti odnosno maksimalno tolerantnog nivoa za ishranu životinja. Utvrđeni sadržaj Fe u uzorku lucerke na lokaciji L11 udaljenoj 400 m od kolovoznih traka, kao i Ni u uzorku sa lokacije D12 na udaljenosti 50 m od kolovoznih traka, bio je iznad normalnih vrednosti, dok je u uzorku D12 na udaljenosti 30 m od kolovoznih traka sadržaj Pb, bio iznad toksičnih vrednosti, odnosno maksimalno tolerantnih nivoa za ishranu životinja. Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na oprez pri koriŔćenju lucerke gajene pored trase autoputa za ishranu životinja zbog mogućeg ulaska teÅ”kih metala u lanac ishrane

    Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of streptococcus suis isolates to common antibiotics used in pig farms

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    The goal of this study was to determine antimicrobial susceptibility of 34 Streptococcus suis strains isolated from healthy and diseased pigs from two pig farms. Disk diffusion was the method used to asses antibacterial susceptibility of S. suis according to CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) and EUCAST standard protocols. Overnight cultures of S. suis grown on Colombia 5% blood agar (HIMEDIA, India) were suspended in Todd Hewitt broth (Oxoid Limited, England) and suspension was adjusted to 0,5 McFarland standard. Using sterile swabs suspension was spreaded to Mueller Hinton agar supplemented with 5% defibrinated sheep blood, after which standadized discs containing antimicrobial substances were placed on the agar surface. Plates were incubated at 37 Ā°C in aerobic conditions usually for 18 hours, but no more than 24 hours after which diameter of S. suis inhibition zones were measured. Among 34 isolated S. suis strains all were resistant to tetracycline (TET), lincomycin (L) and clindamycin (CC). Susceptibility was very low to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (SXT) combination (94,1% resistance), 94,1% of strains were sensitive to penicillin G (P), amoxicillin (AMX), erythromycin (E), enrofloxacin (ENR) and azithromycin (AZM) while sensitivity to cephalosporins of the first (cephalexin- CN), third (cefotaxime ā€“ CTX, ceftriaxone - CRO) and fourth ( cefepime-FEP) generation, as well as the sensitivity to florfenicol (FFC) and vancomycin (VAN) was absolute (100%). Therefore we can conclude that cephalosporins are very reasonable choice in treatment of human cases of S. suis meningitis but also as a treatment of choice for the S .suis pig septicemia

    Procena uticaja bakterijske i mineralne fertilizacije na hemijski sastav i prinos zelene biomase kukuruza

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of an application of different rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants (N-fixing Klebsiella planticola and Enterobacter spp.) on chemical composition and yield of the maize green biomass (without spikes) on acid Eutric Cambisol during the two growing seasons: 2006 and 2008. Unfertilized soil was used as a control. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in biomass samples were determined three times during the maize vegetation season, as follows: stage of intensive growth, milk-waxy maturity stage and full maturity stage. Measuring of the green biomass yield was carried out at the end of the vegetation. The results of the study showed that the use of high rates of composite mineral fertilizers and their combination with bacterial inoculants resulted in increased contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and crude proteins in the maize biomass during the both study years, which was noticeably observed in the stage of intensive growth. The highest increase in the biomass yield was obtained by the same mentioned treatments, although the combination of bacterial inoculants and lower rates of mineral fertilizers resulted in higher yields comparing to the application of lower rates of the pure mineral nutrients. The data suggest that the studied bacterial inoculants can be used in further investigations as the potential agents of new biofertilizers for improved maize production and other agriculture crops in animal nutrition.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni uticaj primene različitih doza kompleksnih mineralnih đubriva i njihovih kombinacija sa bakterijskim inokulantima (azotofiksirajuće bakterije Klebsiella planticola i Enterobacter spp.) na hemijski sastav i prinos zelene biomase kukuruza na kiselom eutričnom kambisolu tokom dve vegetacione sezone: 2006 i 2008. Neđubreno zemljiÅ”te je služilo kao kontrola. Sadržaj azota, fosfora, kalijuma i sirovih proteina u uzorcima biomase su određivani tri puta tokom vegetativne sezone kukuruze, i to: u fazi intenzivnog porasta, fazi mlečno-voÅ”tane zrelosti i fazi pune zrelosti. Merenje prinosa zelene biomase obavljeno je krajem vegetacije. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je primena visokih doza kompleksnih mineralnih đubriva i njihova kombinacija sa bakterijskim inokulantima uticala na povećanje sadržaja azota, fosfora, kalijuma i sirovih proteina u biomasi kukuruza tokom obe godine istraživanja, Å”to je naročito izraženo u fazi njegovog intenzivnog porasta. Najveći porast prinosa biomase je dobijen na istim navedenim varijantama, a isto tako je i primena kombinacije bakterijskih inokulanata i manjih doza mineralnih đubriva rezultirala većim prinosima u odnosu na primenu manjih doza čistih mineralnih hraniva. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da se ispitivani bakterijski inokulanti mogu koristiti u daljim istraživanjima kao potencijalni agenti novih biofertilizatora u cilju poboljÅ”anja proizvodnje kukuruza i drugih poljoprivrednih kultura u ishrani životinja

    Uticaj gustine useva na prinos zrna kukuruza

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    The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of crop density on the plant height (PH), ear height (EH), leaf number per plant (LN), ear length (EL), number of rows per ear (NRE), number of grain per row (NGR), number of grain per ear (NGE), grain weight per ear (GWE), cob weight (CW), 1000-grain weight (1000-GW), ear diameter (ED) and grain yield (GY) in staygreen maize hybrid Dijamant 6 (FAO maturity group 600). Three crop densities (51020 plants ha-1, 59524 plants ha-1 and 71429 plants ha-1) were tested. The field experiment was carried out during 2006 and 2007 at Srem region (Putinci: latitude 44Ā° 59' 19' N; longitude 19Ā° 58' 11' E). Plots were organized as completely randomized block system design in four replications. PH (284.3 cm), EH (119.9 cm), LN (13.9), EL (20.8 cm), GWE (232.5 g), CW (56.4 g), 1000-GW (378.4 g) and GY (13.56 t ha-1) were significantly higher in 2006 (favorable climatic conditions) than in 2007 (258.5 cm, 112.8 cm, 13.2, 17.9 cm, 192.9 g, 46.9 g, 232.7 g and 11.50 t ha-1, respectively). Increasing crop density significantly increased the PH, EH and GY, and significantly decreases the EL, NGR, NGE, GWE, CW and 100-GW. The crop density of 71429 plants ha-1 is the optimal for growing this hybrid in Srem region. On that crop density hybrid more efficiently used available resources and achieved the highest grain yield.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj gustine biljaka na visinu biljke (VB), visinu klipa (VK), broj listova po biljci (BL), dužinu klipa (DK), broj redova zrna na klipu (BRZ), broj zrna u redu (BZR), broj zrna po klipu (BZK), prinos zrna po klipu (PZK), masu kočanke (MK), masu 1000 zrna (MHZ), prečnik klipa (PK) i prinos zrna (PZ) u hibrida Dijamant 6 (FAO 600 grupa zrenja). Tretmani su bili: 51020 biljaka ha-1, 59524 biljaka ha-1 i 71429 biljaka ha-1. Poljski ogledi izvedeni su 2006. i 2007. godine u regionu Srema (Putinci 44Ā° 59' 19' SGÅ , 19Ā° 58' 11' IGD). Ogledi su postavljeni po slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. VB (284.3 cm), VK (119.9 cm), BL (13.9), DK (20.8 cm), PZK (232.5 g), MK (56.4 g), MHZ (378.4 g) i PZ (13.56 t ha-1) bili su značajno veći u 2006 godini (povoljni klimatsku uslovi) nego u 2007. (258.5 cm, 112.8 cm, 13.2, 17.9 cm, 192.9 g, 46.9 g, 232.7 g i 11.50 t ha-1). Povećanje gustine useva značajno je povećalo VB, VK i PZ, i značajno smanjilo DK, BZR, BZK, PZK, MK i MHZ. Gustina useva 71429 biljaka ha-1 je optimalna za gajenje ovog hibrida u regionu Srema. Na toj gustini hibrid najefikasnije koristi raspoložive resurse i postiže najveći prinos zrna

    Accumulation of heavy metals and trace elements in Medicago sativa L. grown along the E75 route section Belgrade-Leskovac

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    The contents of heavy metals and trace elements and their accumulation in Medicago sativa L., cultivated on Eutric cambisol along the E75 route section Belgrade-Leskovac, were examined in order to assess the health and safety of animal feed. The samples of soil and aerial parts of the plant material were collected from both sides of lanes at 10, 30, 50 and 400 m perpendicular to the direction of the highway. Soil and plant analyses of the metals content were done according to ICP methodology. The results showed that at the locality L 14, a distance of 30 and 50 meters away from the lanes, the content of total forms of Cr, Ni and Pb in soil was above the maximum permissible concentration. In the plant biomass it was determined the following: in a sample from the location L 14 at a distance of 50 meters from the lanes concentrations of Ni and Co were higher than normal values, and concentrations of Fe and Pb were above toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed; determined Fe content in the sample of alfalfa at location L 11, 400 m away from the lanes, and Ni in the sample from the site D 12 at a distance of 50 m from the lanes, was above the normal values, while in the sample from D12 location, at a distance of 30 m from the lanes, the content of Pb was above the toxic levels or maximum tolerance levels for animal feed. The results suggest a caution in the use of alfalfa, grown near the highway route, for animal feed because of the potential entry of heavy metals into the food chain
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