12 research outputs found

    Dispersive optical nonlinearities in an EIT-Rydberg medium

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    We investigate dispersive optical nonlinearities that arise from Rydberg excitation blockade in cold Rydberg gases. We consider a two-photon transition scheme and study the non-linear response to a weak optical probe in presence of a strong control beam. For very low probe fields, the dominant nonlinearities are of the third order and they can be exactly evaluated in a steady state regime. In a more general case, the change in average atomic populations and coherences due to Rydberg interactions can be characterized by properly defined scaling parameters, which are generally complex numbers but in certain situations take the usual meaning of the number of atoms in a blockade sphere. They can be used in a simple "universal scaling" formula to determine the dispersive optical nonlinearity of the medium. We also develop a novel technique to account for the Rydberg interaction effects, by simplifying the treatment of nonlocal interaction terms, the so-called collisional integrals. We find algebraic relations that only involve two-body correlations, which can be solved numerically. All average populations and coherences are then obtained straightforwardly.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Generating non-Gaussian states using collisions between Rydberg polaritons

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    We investigate theoretically the deterministic generation of quantum states with negative Wigner functions, by using giant non-linearities due to collisional interactions between Rydberg polaritons. The state resulting from the polariton interactions may be transferred with high fidelity into a photonic state, which can be analyzed using homodyne detection followed by quantum tomography. Besides generating highly non-classical states of the light, this method can also provide a very sensitive probe for the physics of the collisions involving Rydberg states.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Controlling the quantum state of a single photon emitted from a single polariton

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    We investigate in detail the optimal conditions for a high fidelity transfer from a single-polariton state to a single-photon state and subsequent homodyne detection of the single photon. We assume that, using various possible techniques, the single polariton has initially been stored as a spin-wave grating in a cloud of cold atoms inside a low-finesse cavity. This state is then transferred to a single-photon optical pulse using an auxiliary beam. We optimize the retrieval efficiency and determine the mode of the local oscillator that maximizes the homodyne efficiency of such a photon. We find that both efficiencies can have values close to one in a large region of experimental parameters.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of strong interactions in ultracold Rydberg gases

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    In this thesis I present several theoretical methods to explore the excitation dynamics of Ultracold Rydberg systems in various regimes. For some applications the details of interactions between Rydberg atoms have to be carefully examined, while for others, the many-body aspect of Rydberg excitation may be crucial. In both cases, the basic prerequisite is to know the interactions sufficiently well. I will review the basic concepts how to evaluate molecular potentials in various Hund\u27s cases and approximations. Long-range Rydberg-Rydberg interactions between Rydberg atoms induce ℓ-mixing which in certain situations gives rise to molecular resonances. For these resonances, we calculate long-range potentials in Hund\u27s case (c) by diagonalization of an interaction matrix. The excitation dynamics of the resonances is always modeled as pair excitation. At high principal quantum number n, the interactions between Rydberg atoms can blockade the excitation of many surrounding atoms in the range of few μm. The atoms within this range are strongly correlated so that many-body treatments are, in general, needed. To describe this blockading effect and other manifestations of the collective behavior of Rydberg excitation, such as the many-body Rabi oscillations, spatial correlations between atoms and the fluctuations of the number of excited atoms, I have used three different approaches. In the mean-field approach the interactions between different atoms is modeled by a distribution of mean-field shifts for which a distribution of probabilities is calculated, A good agreement between the theoretical model and experimental measurements is found. To study the correlations between atoms the many-body wavefunction is numerically computed. The possibility of observing the many-body Rabi oscillations of Rydberg excitation and other aspects of many-body dynamics is analyzed. Although strong interactions cannot be treated perturbatively other expansions may be feasible. I will show that the expansion in powers of the single atom Rabi frequency can be evaluated in the interaction and Heisenberg picture. The expansion is expected to behave well for arbitrary strong interactions.

    Effects of strong interactions in ultracold Rydberg gases

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    In this thesis I present several theoretical methods to explore the excitation dynamics of Ultracold Rydberg systems in various regimes. For some applications the details of interactions between Rydberg atoms have to be carefully examined, while for others, the many-body aspect of Rydberg excitation may be crucial. In both cases, the basic prerequisite is to know the interactions sufficiently well. I will review the basic concepts how to evaluate molecular potentials in various Hund\u27s cases and approximations. Long-range Rydberg-Rydberg interactions between Rydberg atoms induce ℓ-mixing which in certain situations gives rise to molecular resonances. For these resonances, we calculate long-range potentials in Hund\u27s case (c) by diagonalization of an interaction matrix. The excitation dynamics of the resonances is always modeled as pair excitation. At high principal quantum number n, the interactions between Rydberg atoms can blockade the excitation of many surrounding atoms in the range of few μm. The atoms within this range are strongly correlated so that many-body treatments are, in general, needed. To describe this blockading effect and other manifestations of the collective behavior of Rydberg excitation, such as the many-body Rabi oscillations, spatial correlations between atoms and the fluctuations of the number of excited atoms, I have used three different approaches. In the mean-field approach the interactions between different atoms is modeled by a distribution of mean-field shifts for which a distribution of probabilities is calculated, A good agreement between the theoretical model and experimental measurements is found. To study the correlations between atoms the many-body wavefunction is numerically computed. The possibility of observing the many-body Rabi oscillations of Rydberg excitation and other aspects of many-body dynamics is analyzed. Although strong interactions cannot be treated perturbatively other expansions may be feasible. I will show that the expansion in powers of the single atom Rabi frequency can be evaluated in the interaction and Heisenberg picture. The expansion is expected to behave well for arbitrary strong interactions.