466 research outputs found

    A New Characterization of Fine Scale Diffusion on the Cell Membrane

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    We use a large single particle tracking data set to analyze the short time and small spatial scale motion of quantum dots labeling proteins in cell membranes. Our analysis focuses on the jumps which are the changes in the position of the quantum dots between frames in a movie of their motion. Previously we have shown that the directions of the jumps are uniformly distributed and the jump lengths can be characterized by a double power law distribution. Here we show that the jumps over a small number of time steps can be described by scalings of a {\em single} double power law distribution. This provides additional strong evidence that the double power law provides an accurate description of the fine scale motion. This more extensive analysis provides strong evidence that the double power law is a novel stable distribution for the motion. This analysis provides strong evidence that an earlier result that the motion can be modeled as diffusion in a space of fractional dimension roughly 3/2 is correct. The form of the power law distribution quantifies the excess of short jumps in the data and provides an accurate characterization of the fine scale diffusion and, in fact, this distribution gives an accurate description of the jump lengths up to a few hundred nanometers. Our results complement of the usual mean squared displacement analysis used to study diffusion at larger scales where the proteins are more likely to strongly interact with larger membrane structures.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbedaan dan persamaan verba kausatif antara bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Indonesia. Di sini dikontraskan pembentuk verba kausatif (shieki) yang ditinjau dari segi makna dan bentuk, serta aspek-aspek yang terkait yang terdapat dalam model-model kalimat berverba kausatif tersebut. Dalam bahasa jepang verba shieki ditandai dengan perubahan verba transitif maupun intransitif menjadi –seru(~せるatau -saseru(~させる), sedangkan dalam bahasa Indonesia verba kausatif ini biasanya terjadi melalui 1afiksasi bentuk dasar dengan melekatkan me-kan, memper-kan atau -kan. Data penelitian ini adalah model-model kalimat yang diperoleh dari korpus data novel berbahasa Jepang dan kumpulan cerpen berbahasa Indonesia, serta sumber acuan lain berupa buku-buku yang memuat tentang kausatif baik dalam bahasa Jepang maupun bahasa Indonesia. Data yang diambil dari novel diperlakukan sebagai data utama, data lainnya diperlakukan  sebagai data pelengkap.______________________________________________________________________Kata kunci: kontrastif, kausatif , bahasa Jepang


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    Mencari perbedaan dan persamaan makna antara bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Melayu Manado menjadi pokok pembicaraan dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini yang menitik beratkan pada penggunaan unkapan “no” dalam bahasa Jepang dengan ungkapan “pe” dalam bahasa Melayu Manado. Di sini dikontraskan pembentukan kalimat pada kedua bahasa tersebut yang menggunakan ungkapan “no” dan “pe” dalam suatu kalaimat yang dapat ditinjau dari segi makna dan bentuk, serta aspek-aspek yang terkait yang terdapat dalam model-model kalimat dari kedua bahasa tersebut tersebut. Dalam bahasa jepang penggunaan ungkapan “no” dapat mengandung makna kepunyaan, atau untuk mengapit dua bua benda ataupun dipakai pada akhir kalimat yang menyatakan kalimat tanya juga makna-makna yang lainnya. Demikian juga penggunaan ungkapan “pe” dalam bahasa Melayu Manado yang diharapkan akan didapati peerbedaan dan persamaan makna-nya yang nantinya akan diuraikan pada pembahasan di bawah beserta contoh-contoh kalimat kedua bahasa tersebut. Untuk memperjelas penulisan karya ilmiah ini, disini penulis menggunakan teori analisis kontrastif dengan tujuan mencari perbedaan juga persamaan makna kedua bahasa tersebut. Data kalimat-kalimat yang digunakan penulis dalam hal ini adalah model kalimat yang diperoleh dari korpus data berupa buku-buku berbahasa Jepang dan percakapan-percakapan orang Manado, juga artikel-artikel berbahasa Melayu serta sumber acuan lain yang dapat mendukung penulisan karya ilmiah ini.______________________________________________________________________Kata kunci: makna, kontrastif, ungkapa

    An Exvivo Comparative study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Three Root Canal Irrigation Systems in Reduction of Enterococcus Faecalis

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    The purpose of this an ex-vivo study is to evaluate the efficacy of three irrigation techniques in reduction of E. faecalis in root canal. 55 intact maxillary anteriors were used in this study. Root length was standardized to 20mm. Teeth were mounted in self cure resin and autoclaved . Teeth were contaminated with E. faecalis and stored for 7 days. After contamination, teeth were randomly distributed into 3 experimental groups of 20 teeth each and control group of 10 each. Group I: irrigated with NaviTip FX; Group II: irrigated with Max-i-probe, Group III, irrigated with the Endovac system. Group IV (Control group) irrigated with 20 ml syringe and using 27 gauge needle. 3% NaOCl and17% (EDTA) were the irrigants used in all experimental groups and control group was irrigated with saline solution. 20ml syringe was used to deliver irrigant for all the groups. Root canal were instrumented by Protaper rotary instrument till size F5. After chemo-mechanical procedures bacterial samples taken from the root canal were cultured, and incubated for 2 days in Brain heart infusion agar and the colony-forming units (CFUs) were counted. All the experimental groups showed significant bacterial reduction when compared to group IV (control group). Among experimental groups, Group III (Endovac) showed less number of bacterial colonies. There was no statistical significance between the Group I (Navitip FX) and Group II (Max I probe). CONCLUSION: Under the limitations of the present study it can be concluded that: 1. All three newer irrigation delivery system (Navitip FX, Maxi-i-probe, Endovac) have been found to be effective in the reduction of E. faecalis. 2. Among the three irrigation systems Endovac showed maximum reduction of colony forming units. 3. Between Navitip FX and Max-i-probe delivery systems which were used under positive pressure, showed no statistical significance in reduction of E. faecalis population. 4. The results of this study confirmed that apical negative pressure technique has high potential to achieve better antimicrobial effect compared to the traditional irrigation delivery system

    Generalization of symmetric α\alpha-stable L\'evy distributions for q>1q>1

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    The α\alpha-stable distributions introduced by L\'evy play an important role in probabilistic theoretical studies and their various applications, e.g., in statistical physics, life sciences, and economics. In the present paper we study sequences of long-range dependent random variables whose distributions have asymptotic power law decay, and which are called (q,α)(q,\alpha)-stable distributions. These sequences are generalizations of i.i.d. α\alpha-stable distributions, and have not been previously studied. Long-range dependent (q,α)(q,\alpha)-stable distributions might arise in the description of anomalous processes in nonextensive statistical mechanics, cell biology, finance. The parameter qq controls dependence. If q=1q=1 then they are classical i.i.d. with α\alpha-stable L\'evy distributions. In the present paper we establish basic properties of (q,α)(q,\alpha)-stable distributions, and generalize the result of Umarov, Tsallis and Steinberg (2008), where the particular case α=2,q[1,3),\alpha=2, q\in [1,3), was considered, to the whole range of stability and nonextensivity parameters α(0,2]\alpha \in (0,2] and q[1,3),q \in [1,3), respectively. We also discuss possible further extensions of the results that we obtain, and formulate some conjectures.Comment: 15 pages including 1 figure. In the new version some new references have been included. To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physics (scheduled for February 2010

    From the Student Bar Association:Solidarity Day: Where Were The Lawyers?

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