14 research outputs found

    Geological conditions of origin of the Potočka zijalka cave

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    In the Potočka zijalka cave on Mt. Ol{eva in Southern Karavanke during excavation of cave sediments of Würm age that contain cultural remains of the Cromagnon Man also large amounts of gravel were before the Badenian transgression, from the Central Alps during Miocene

    Lower Jurassic beds with bivalves in south Slovenia

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    The Lower Jurassic beds of south Slovenia outcrop on a surface of several hundred km^ with their thickness in places exceeding 300 meters. They were deposited on the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. In them rich accumulations of characteristic bivalves occur that in Pliensbachian and Toarcian inhabited the wide interconnected shallow water regions of the western and southern margins of Tethysand the eastern Pacific. The most interesting are three large bivalve species:Lithiotis problematica, Cochlearites loppianus and Lithiopedalion scutatus.In addition, numerous other genera can be found: Gervilleiopema, Mytilus, Opisoma and Pachyrisma (with subgenera Pachymegalodon and Durga).The bivalves formed in the region of south Slovenia, in the prevailingly quiet environment of the restricted shelf, sea-bottom mats or biostromes. Their shells can be only rarely found in their growth position. The horizon with bivalves ("lithiotid horizon") in south Slovenia is attributed to Pliensbachian (Domerian). It isup to 75 metres thick and it almost does not pinch out. Within it individual lumachelles of bivalves occur which are from several centimetres to ten metres thick.They are almost exclusively associated with dark, micritic, in places marly limestone and bituminous dolomite. The biodiversity in lumachelles is very low. The intermediate beds that do not contain bivalves mostly consist of oolitic and biospariticlimestone. In this article some localities from various areas of the carbonate platform are described. Considered are paleogeographical and paleoecological conditions that permitted the existence of this typical bivalve fauna

    Dachstein Limestone from Krn in Julian Alps (Slovenia)

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    Biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous pelagic limestones from surroundigns of Bovec in the Julian Alps (Slovenia)

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    In the western part of Julian Alps in many places small erosion remains of Late Cretaceous pelagic, light grey and reddish limestones and marls (scaglia) are preserved. These limestones and marls that contain very numerous globotruncanas overlie southwest of Bovec after a hiatus the Lower Jurassic Pliensbachian oolitic and biospariotic limestone. Between the two limestones appears an angular disconformity. Total thickness of the Upper Cretaceous limestone and marl is 8.80 m. The lower 6.20 m of the column were sampled in detail. In the scarcely 6.20 m thick section three globotruncana zones were established: Helvetotruncana helvetica (3-5 cm), Dicarinella concavata (120 cm) and Dicarinella asymetrica (490 cm). The H. helvetica zone is not developed in its entire thickness owing to the hiatus below. Deposition of the Late Cretaceous pelagic limestones started in Turonian and lasted into Campanian. The considered beds in Bovec basin are overlain by Campanian-Maastrichtian flysch beds

    Geologic map of Slovenia 1:250.000

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    Based on data of the Basic Geologic Map 1:100,000 and the new reambulation a new Geologic map of Slovenia 1:250,000 has been prepared. On the map 114 lithostratigraphic units were individualized. Also important geologic structures and regional faults are shown. All data were imported into the GIS environment that enables simple utilization of these geologic data. During reambulation numerous new data were acquired. They appear for the first time on the geologic map

    Deep-water Triassic and Jurassic beds from Mt. Kobla (W Slovenia)

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    This contribution deals with geological setting of Mt. Kobla which is situated in the central part of the Bohinj ridge, and brings a review of the previous geological studies in the area.The first detailed studies are closely related to a 6334 m long Bohinjska Bistrica–Podbrdo railway tunnel which was opened in 1906. The tunnel is constructed just under the peak of Mt. Kobla and encompasses 8 lithological members. The second period of intensive geological studies is related to elaboration of the Basic Geological Map, scale 1:100.000, Sheet Tolmin that were carried out from 1969–1987. During this time, Middle Triassic to Late Cretaceous existence of Slovenian Basin and two platforms in western Slovenia was established. In the past decade geological studies in the area have been focused on detailed stratigraphy and lithology. The analysis of conodont assemblages and foraminifers indicates that a part of limestone classified in Basic Geological Map as Lower Jurassicare actually of the Upper Triassic age.Jurassic sediments in Mt. Kobla were settled in deep-marine environment of the Slovenian Basin. Limestone breccias and calcarenites were transported by gravitational currents from the shelf edge to the slope and to the basin. In Lower Jurassic calcarenite with abundant reworked ooids and crinoids occur

    Lithiotid Bivalves in Slovenia and Their Mode of Life

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    Lower Permian conodonts from the Karavanke Mts. (Slovenia)

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    The first conodont fauna (4 species) from the "Trogkofel Limestones" of the Karavanke Mts. (Dolžanova soteska) is described and correlated with the fusulinids(3 species) within the same sample. The occurrence of Streptognathodus cf. simplex, Streptognathodus cf. elongatus and Diplognathodus expansus? together with Dutkevitchia complicata indicates a higher age (Asselian) of theselimestones than previously thought, because even the Upper Pseudoschwagerina Limestone (Sakmarian) of the Garnie Alps already yields a Sweetognathus fauna.To avoid misunderstanding in correlations the name "Dolžanova soteska limestone member" is introduced for the white, pale red to red limestone unit, described as "Ttogkofel Limestone" in previous literature