14 research outputs found

    Improved Calibration Procedure for Wireless Inertial Measurement Units without Precision Equipment

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    Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are used in medical applications for many different purposes. However, an IMU's measurement accuracy can degrade over time, entailing re-calibration. In their 2014 paper, Tedaldi et al. presented an IMU calibration method that does not require external precision equipment or complex procedures. This allows end-users or personnel without expert knowledge of inertial measurement to re-calibrate the sensors by placing them in several suitable but not precisely defined orientations. In this work, we present several improvements to Tedaldi's method, both on the algorithmic level and the calibration procedure: adaptions for low noise accelerometers, a calibration helper object, and packet loss compensation for wireless calibration. We applied the modified calibration procedure to our custom-built IMU platform and verified the consistency of results across multiple calibration runs. In order to minimize the time needed for re-calibration, we analyzed how the calibration result accuracy degrades when fewer calibration orientations are used. We found that N=12 different orientations are sufficient to achieve a very good calibration, and more orientations yielded only marginal improvements. This is a significant improvement compared to the 37 to 50 orientations recommended by Tedaldi. Thus, we were reduced the time required to calibrate a single IMU from ca. 5 minutes to less than 2 minutes without sacrificing any meaningful calibration accuracy

    Technische Aspekte des Tissue Engineerings : Wie Bioreaktoren und 3D-Biodrucker in der Gefäßkultivierung eingesetzt werden

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    Bei der Behandlung verengter oder verstopfter Gefäße müssen diese häufig ersetzt werden. Bisher eingesetzte Implantate beinhalten eine Reihe von Risiken für die Patient*innen. Daher forschen Wissenschaftler am Institut für Mikroelektronische Systeme (IMS) an Systemen zur Kultivierung bioartifizieller Gefäßprothesen, die aus Gefäßzellen in vitro gezüchtet werden sollen

    Menschliche Bewegungen drahtlos und genau messen : Sensoren und Algorithmen fĂźr die Heimanwendung sensomotorischer Tests

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    Balance, Sprungkraft und KÜrpergefßhl sind im Sport, aber auch bei der Rehabilitation wichtige Indikatoren. Wissenschaftler*innen am Institut fßr Mikroelektronische Systeme entwickeln in Kooperation mit externen Partnern aus den Sportwissenschaften und der Industrie ein mobiles Diagnosesystem zur Beurteilung der sensomotorischen Regulationsfähigkeit mithilfe standardisierter Sporttests

    Vascular implants – new aspects for in situ tissue engineering

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    Conventional synthetic vascular grafts require ongoing anticoagulation, and autologous venous grafts are often not available in elderly patients. This review highlights the development of bioartificial vessels replacing brain-dead donor- or animal-deriving vessels with ongoing immune reactivity. The vision for such bio-hybrids exists in a combination of biodegradable scaffolds and seeding with immune-neutral cells, and here different cells sources such as autologous progenitor cells or stem cells are relevant. This kind of in situ tissue engineering depends on a suitable bioreactor system with elaborate monitoring systems, three-dimensional (3D) visualization and a potential of cell conditioning into the direction of the targeted vascular cell phenotype. Necessary bioreactor tools for dynamic and pulsatile cultivation are described. In addition, a concept for design of vasa vasorum is outlined, that is needed for sustainable nutrition of the wall structure in large caliber vessels. For scaffold design and cell adhesion additives, different materials and technologies are discussed. 3D printing is introduced as a relatively new field with promising prospects, for example, to create complex geometries or micro-structured surfaces for optimal cell adhesion and ingrowth in a standardized and custom designed procedure. Summarizing, a bio-hybrid vascular prosthesis from a controlled biotechnological process is thus coming more and more into view. It has the potential to withstand strict approval requirements applied for advanced therapy medicinal products

    A promising protocol for the endothelialization of vascular grafts in an instrumented rotating bioreactor towards clinical application

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    Pre-endothelialization of a tissue-engineered vascular graft before implantation aims to prevent thrombosis and immunoreactions. This work demonstrates a standardized cultivation process to build a confluent monolayer with human aortal endothelial cells on xenogenous scaffolds. Pre-tested dynamic cultivation conditions in flow slides with pulsatile flow (1 Hz) representing arterial wall conditions were transferred to a newly designed multi-featured rotational bioreactor system. The medium was thickened with 1% methyl cellulose simulating a non-Newtonian fluid comparable to blood. Computational fluid dynamics was used to estimate the optimal volume flow and medium distribution inside the bioreactor chamber for defined wall-near shear stress levels. Flow measurements were performed during cultivation for constant monitoring of the process. Three decellularized porcine arteries were seeded and cultivated in the bioreactor over six days. 1% MC turned out to be the optimal percentage to achieve shear stress values ranging up to 10 dyn/cm2. Vascular endothelial cells formed a continuous monolayer with significant cell alignment in the direction of flow. The presented cultivation protocol in the bioreactor system thus displays a promising template for graft endothelialization and cultivation. Therefore, establishing a key step for future tissue-engineered vascular graft development with a view towards clinical application

    Mobile Corona-Analytik made in Hannover : Universitäre Forschungslabore im Einsatz zur Pandemiebekämpfung

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    An der Leibniz Universität Hannover wurden in enger Kooperation mit dem NIFE und der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover mobile SARS-CoV-2 Teststationen entwickelt und betrieben. Dank dieses Projekts konnten wichtige Bereiche Üffentlicher Institutionen, medizinischer Einrichtungen und kritischer Infrastruktur im sßdlichen Niedersachsen ihren Betrieb fortfßhren und Forschungsfragen unter anderem zur Verbreitung des Corona-Virus untersucht werden

    Low impact of regular PCR testing on presence at work site during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences during an open observational study in Lower Saxony 2020-21

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    Background: Since social distancing during the COVID-19-pandemic had a profound impact on professional life, this study investigated the effect of PCR testing on on-site work. Methods: PCR screening, antibody testing, and questionnaires offered to 4,890 working adults in Lower Saxony were accompanied by data collection on demographics, family status, comorbidities, social situation, health-related behavior, and the number of work-related contacts. Relative risks (RR) with 95 % confidence intervals were estimated for the associations between regular PCR testing and other work and health-related variables, respectively, and working on-site. Analyses were stratified by the suitability of work tasks for mobile office. Results: Between April 2020 and February 2021, 1,643 employees underwent PCR testing. Whether mobile working was possible strongly influenced the work behavior. Persons whose work was suitable for mobile office (mobile workers) had a lower probability of working on-site than persons whose work was not suitable for mobile office (RR = 0.09 (95 % CI: 0.07 – 0.12)). In mobile workers, regular PCR-testing was slightly associated with working on-site (RR = 1.19 (0.66; 2.14)). In those whose working place was unsuitable for mobile office, the corresponding RR was 0.94 (0.80; 1.09). Compared to persons without chronic diseases, chronically ill persons worked less often on-site if their workplace was suitable for mobile office (RR = 0.73 (0.40; 1.33)), but even more often if their workplace was not suitable for mobile office (RR = 1.17 (1.04; 1.33)). Conclusion: If work was suitable for mobile office, regular PCR-testing did not have a strong effect on presence at the work site. Trial registration: An ethics vote of the responsible medical association (Lower Saxony, Germany) retrospectively approved the evaluation of the collected subject data in a pseudonymized form in the context of medical studies (No. Bo/30/2020; Bo/31/2020; Bo/32/2020)

    Students’ age and parental level of education influence COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy

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    Widespread vaccination in pursuit of herd immunity has been recognized as the most promising approach to ending the global pandemic of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). The vaccination of children and adolescents has been extensively debated and the first COVID-19 vaccine is now approved in European countries for children aged > 12 years of age. Our study investigates vaccination hesitancy in a cohort of German secondary school students. We assessed 903 students between age 9 and 20 in the period between 17 May 2021 and 30 June 2021. 68.3% (n = 617) reported intention to undergo COVID-19 vaccination, while 7% (n = 62) did not want to receive the vaccine and 15% (n = 135) were not yet certain. Age and parental level of education influenced COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Children under the age of 16 as well as students whose parents had lower education levels showed significantly higher vaccine hesitancy. Conclusion: Identifying subsets with higher vaccination hesitancy is important for targeting public information campaigns in support of immunization.What is Known:• The willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccination among adults in Europe is about 70%, but data for children and adolescents is lacking.• The lack of immunization in younger cohorts represents a significant barrier to achieving herd immunity, and also leaves children and adolescents vulnerable to acute and long-term morbidity from natural COVID-19 infections.What is New:• Intention-to-vaccinate among children and adolescents is high (~ 70%); conversely, vaccination hesitancy is low.• Age and parental level of education influenced COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among children and adolescents. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Mobile SARS‑CoV‑2 screening facilities for rapid deployment and university-based diagnostic laboratory

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has created a public crisis. Many medical and public institutions and businesses went into isolation in response to the pandemic. Because SARS-CoV-2 can spread irrespective of a patient's course of disease, these institutions’ continued operation or reopening based on the assessment and control of virus spread can be supported by targeted population screening. For this purpose, virus testing in the form of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis and antibody detection in blood can be central. Mobile SARS-CoV-2 screening facilities with a built-in biosafety level (BSL)-2 laboratory were set up to allow the testing offer to be brought close to the subject group's workplace. University staff members, their expertise, and already available equipment were used to implement and operate the screening facilities and a certified diagnostic laboratory. This operation also included specimen collection, transport, PCR and antibody analysis, and informing subjects as well as public health departments. Screening facilities were established at different locations such as educational institutions, nursing homes, and companies providing critical supply chains for health care. Less than 4 weeks after the first imposed lockdown in Germany, a first mobile testing station was established featuring a build-in laboratory with two similar stations commencing operation until June 2020. During the 15-month project period, approximately 33,000 PCR tests and close to 7000 antibody detection tests were collected and analyzed. The presented approach describes the required procedures that enabled the screening facilities and laboratories to collect and process several hundred specimens each day under difficult conditions. This report can assist others in establishing similar setups for pandemic scenarios