4 research outputs found

    Ablacja atypowego trzepotania przedsionków u pacjenta po radioterapii gruczolakoraka płuca prawego z wykorzystaniem modułu Coherent CARTOPRIME™ systemu CARTO

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    Atrial flutter (AFl) is the second most frequent persistent supraventricular arrhythmia, after atrial fibrillation (AF). In the most common type of AFl the circuit is localized in the right atrium and it is cavotricuspid isthmus dependent, what is termed typical. In atypical AFl the wave front does not go around the tricuspid annulus. It is often associated with prior cardiac surgery or ablation for AF, including linear lesions or defragmentation, where iatrogenic scar serves as the electrophysiologic substrate for reentry. The number of cases, when the circuit is related to a spontaneous lowvoltage zone, in the absence of any previous atrial procedures is limited. The reasons behind it might be a significant heart disease, such as mitral valve dysfunction, impaired diastolic function or hypertension, which lead to fibrosis and functional regions of slow or no conduction (SNO, slow or no conduction zone. However, it is still not well understood how electrically silent areas occur in patients without risk factors mentioned above. We present a case report of a patient who suffered damage to the left atrial wall during radiotherapy treatment, and atypical AFl was induced on the basis of the resulting scar.Trzepotanie przedsionków (AFl) jest drugą po migotaniu przedsionków (AF) pod względem częstości występowania przetrwałą arytmią nadkomorową. W najczęstszym typie AFl obwód arytmii zlokalizowany jest w prawym przedsionku, jest zależny od cieśni trójdzielno-żylnej (CTI), a określa się go mianem typowego. W atypowym AFl obwód arytmii nie jest zależny od CTI. Atypowe AFl często związane z wcześniejszą operacją kardiochirurgiczną lub ablacją AF, w tym linijnymi zmianami lub defragmentacją, gdzie jatrogenna blizna służy jako elektrofizjologiczne podłoże do stworzenia obwodu arytmii. W praktyce klinicznej rzadko dochodzi samoistnego tworzenia stref nieskonapięciowych w ścianie przedsionków. W większości przypadków przyczyną może być choroba serca, taka jak dysfunkcja zastawki mitralnej, upośledzona funkcja rozkurczowa lub nadciśnienie tętnicze, które prowadzą do zwłóknienia i tworzenia obszarów czynnościowych o wolnym lub zerowym przewodzeniu potencjału elektrycznego. Jednakże nie jest jasne, w jaki sposób powstają strefy niskonapięciowe w ścianie przedsionków u pacjentów bez czynników ryzyka przedstawionych powyżej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek pacjenta, u którego doszło do uszkodzenia ściany lewego przedsionka podczas leczenia radioterapią, a na podłożu powstałej blizny doszło do indukcji atypowego AFl

    Retrospective evaluation of the effectiveness of radiotherapy in patients with plantar fascitis (heel spurs)

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    AimThe aim of the study was the evaluation of the effectiveness of radiotherapy in patients with the feet pain caused by heel spurs.BackgroundTreatment options for patients reporting these symptoms include use of suitable orthopedic footwear, the use of general or topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids, physiotherapy, manual therapy, shock wave or appropriate surgical procedures. Radiotherapy is one of the method used in patients with chronic pain syndrome.Materials and methodsThe material consisted of 47 patients treated in Radiotherapy Department at the Holycross Cancer Center. The time of follow-up ranged from 1 to 129 months. After treatment patients were observed.ResultsDuring the first follow-up visit a complete relief of symptoms was observed in 37 patients, and the pain was felt by 10 patients for 4 months after the treatment. One patient was re-irradiated 6 months after treatment because of persistent pain. At 16 and 17 months after the onset of treatment, pain was reported by two patients. These patients were re-irradiated. One patient had recurrence of pain 48 months after completion of radiation. After the second irradiation the pain was relieved. The remaining patients, with the exception of two, experienced remission of pain, which has been documented. Tolerance of the treatment was very good. No complications of radiation were observed.ConclusionsRadiotherapy remains an attractive treatment for patients with inflammation of the heel fascia

    Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Analysis of Clinical and Pathological Features of <i>PIK3CA</i>-Mutated Breast Cancer

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    Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA) is a well-known oncogene with a high prevalence of mutation in breast cancer patients. The effect of the mutation is a deregulation in phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related pathways, and, consequently, in unrestricted cell growth and differentiation. With the advent of precision oncology, PIK3CA has emerged as a pivotal treatment target, culminating in the recent approval of alpelisib. Despite years of research on this genetic alteration, certain aspects of its influence on the prognosis of breast cancer remain ambiguous. The purpose of this analysis is to characterize the clinical picture of breast cancer patients with PIK3CA mutation in comparison to the PIK3CA-wild-type group. We examined 103 tumor samples from 100 breast cancer patients using a next-generation sequencing panel. Presence of the mutation was linked to an older age at diagnosis, a lower expression of Ki67 protein, a greater percentage of tumors expressing progesterone receptors, and a notably higher incidence of metastatic disease at presentation. No significant differences were identified in overall and progression-free survival between the two groups. Our findings enhance the understanding of how PIK3CA mutations shape the clinical and prognostic landscape for breast cancer patients