49 research outputs found


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    Assuring the health of the general public is a major objective of each country’s public health system. To insure this goal the public health system needs to offer good quality and prompt services according to the population’s needs The paper presents the main results of a two step sampling procedure applied within the medical institutions from Bucharest in July 2007. Using a representative sample of 407 persons the paper presents the main descriptive statistics calculated on the most important variables that were taken into account in order to quantify the impact of the reform measures applied in the public health care system on the quality of the medical services provided to the general public.Statistical sampling, Descriptive Statistics, Public Health Care System, Reform

    Applications of Decisions under Uncertainty in the Case of Omniasig-Life Insurance S.A.

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    Uncertainty is given because we don’t know the nature state event. The company can only estimate the demand of policies in order to estimate the received premiums. If the insurance company doesn’t choose correctly the alternative and the number and the damages will be greater then what it was estimated, then it will come to the point of not being able to pay all the damages. Because of the adverse selection, the insurer meets uncertainty in every day life. It is well known the fact that persons who have a higher risk of producing the insured event, they also have a higher inclination towards contracting insurance.decision, uncertainty, decision process, Bayes analysis, probabilities, adverse selection, moral hazard

    Econometric Methods Used to Study the Informal Economy and Regional Development

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    The study proposes to present some research directions in the field of informal economy and regional development found in economic literature. Are presented some results at the level of Romania and Hungary`s economy. At the Romanian economy level are submited results about the allocation of funds at local level on poltical criteria and the dynamics of some industry lines in territorial profile.informal economy, regional development, political criteria.

    Decisions under uncertainty using Bayesian analysis

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    The present paper makes a short presentation of the Bayesian decions method, where extrainformation brings a great support to decision making process, but also attract new costs. In this situation, getting new information, generally experimentaly based, contributes to diminushing the uncertainty degree that influences decision making process. As a conclusion, in a large number of decision problems, there is the possibility that the decision makers will renew some decisions already taken because of the facilities offered by obtainig extrainformation.decision, uncertainty, decision process, Bayesian analysis, extra-information.

    Econometric Methods Used to Study the Informal Economy and Regional Development

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    The study proposes to present some research directions in the field of informal economy and regional development found in economic literature. Are presented some results at the level of Romania and Hungary`s economy. At the Romanian economy level are submited results about the allocation of funds at local level on poltical criteria and the dynamics of some industry lines in territorial profile

    A Comparative Study of Some Features of Higher Education in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary

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    The transition from the centralized economy to the market economy has determined important changes in higher education in the countries of the former socialist bloc. In a relatively short period an impressive growth in the number of students has been recorded without taking into account the evolution of the number of pupils in high school and demographic phenomena, such as increased migration, reduced birth rate, and so on. In a medium and long time horizon the current increases in the number of students cannot be sustained. For the analysis of the data series we used a number of econometric techniques.regression models, cointegration, higher education statistics, education expenditures, ADF, unit roots

    Applications of Decisions under Uncertainty in the Case of Omniasig-Life Insurance S.A.

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    Uncertainty is given because we don’t know the nature state event. The company can only estimate the demand of policies in order to estimate the received premiums. If the insurance company doesn’t choose correctly the alternative and the number and the damages will be greater then what it was estimated, then it will come to the point of not being able to pay all the damages. Because of the adverse selection, the insurer meets uncertainty in every day life. It is well known the fact that persons who have a higher risk of producing the insured event, they also have a higher inclination towards contracting insurance

    Econometric Models used for the Corruption Analysis

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    The article conveys a series of features of the public administration by using some econometric models. In order to estimate the parameters, we used a series of data registered from a illustrative sample of civil servants. With the aim of analysing the corruption, there are used various regression and simultaneous equation models. The corruption level is analysed depending on a series of factors such as the political system pressure, the administration transparency, the quality of the civil servants’ job-related relationshipscorruption, public administration, regression models

    Quantitative Techniques used for the Informal Economy Analysis at National and Regional Level

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    The main issues in the informal economy domain are related to its definition, quantification, its position at the level of national economy and the application of econometric models to quantify its effects on economic and social development, at national and regional level. In order to evaluate the informal economy is presented the Ahumada’s model (2007). Using data series from the official statistics we made estimations of the informal economy for Romania for 2000-2009 time period. The obtained results for the ratio between cash transactions from the informal economy and the ones from the formal economy indicate that this one is situated between 24 and almost 41%. The parameter estimation for the applied regression models was realized using EViews software.Informal Economy, Econometric Models, Regional Economy

    Econometric Models Used in the Analysis of the Informal Economy at the Regional Level

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    The disintegration of planned economies and the first elements of the market economy have resulted in a new attitude from some companies to transfer their activities to the informal economy. Assessing the probability that a company decides to conduct an economic activity can be done based on the application of the logit and probit econometric models. A series of data for different latent variables should be known for their implementation. This paper presents a number of problems related to the application of these models at the level of economic regions. Binary models are recommended because of a number of variables such as: the size of the informal economy at the level of a company, the size of unpaid taxes and duties due to their activities in the informal economy, which are not known in official statistics. These variables can be substituted to some extent by the latent variables for which data series are known.informal economy, econometric models, logit, probit