78 research outputs found

    Database Structure for the Indonesian Food Crop Monitoring System

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    The development of the Indonesian Food Crop Monitoring System (FCMS) database required the compilation of general information on the principal food crops, as well as supportive data on climate, land use, prices, trade, and various macroeconomic conditions. The purpose for the collection and management of these data was twofold: (1) to support several specific food-crop policy analyses to be conducted by the FCMS project team, and (2) to provide a simple capability for monitoring and describing for the food crop sector over time

    Demographic and Expenditure Profiles of Zambian Households: Evidence from the June 1991 Zambian Household Expenditure and Income Survey

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    The HEIS\u27s linkage of household-level demographic and expenditure data for Zambia provides the foundation for an analysis of household expenditure patterns. For this report, total household expenditure was composed of two broad expenditure classifications, food and nonfood. An analytical emphasis was placed on developing the food expenditure patterns of household groups identified by various socioeconomic characteristics. In general, within the various household classifications, there were three important economic variables: the availability of food items within specific markets, household income, and relative prices that appeared to contribute to the development of the observed food group expenditure patterns. Directly observable, absolute differences in total expenditure, shares of total expenditure, and shares of total food expenditure were used to distinguish groups of households

    Income Distribution in Jamaica

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    Since independence in 1962, Jamaica has witnessed changes in the physical and human capital stocks, taxation policies, production technology, household structure and even the general economic system. The percentage of illiterate population declined from 16 percent in 1960 to less than 5 percent by the late 70\u27s and per capita disposable income (nominal) has more than doubled (The Statistical Institute, 1982). Bauxite and sugar, both major sources of foreign exchange, are in economic difficulty caused by declining world prices of aluminum and sugar. These and many other factors, including changes in political institutions in Jamaica, may have resulted in a redistribution of income among households since 1960

    Food Consumption Patterns in Haiti: Evidence from the Haiti Household Expenditure and Consumption Survey

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    Effective evaluation of food pricing policies and other food policy issues requires accurate information on food consumption patterns and expenditures. This report documents food consumption patterns based on the 1986-87 Haitian Household Expenditure and Consumption Survey (HECS) conducted by the Institut Haitian de Statistique et d\u27Informatique (IHSI) with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID/Haiti). The report investigates food consumption patterns including total food expenditures and food budget shares, sources of food, food expenditures by major food group, expenditures for food consumed outside of the household, use of food inventories, and frequently consumed food items

    Nutrition in Haiti: Evidence from the Haiti Household Expenditure and Consumption Survey

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    The conditions of widespread hunger and continuing food deficits dominate Haiti\u27s food and agricultural situation. A 1986-87 nationwide survey of household expenditure and food consumption provides new evidence on food sources of energy and protein, and the adequacy of diets in Haiti. The survey data document the importance of cereals and vegetables in supplying food energy and protein. Starchy roots were relatively more important to energy intake in rural areas than urban areas. Rice, bread, oil, and green and dried peas were important food items in contributing to food energy and protein (except for oil). Nearly 50 percent of household members had less than 75 percent of recommended levels of food energy intake; 36 percent had less than 75 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for protein. The most severe nutritional problems appear in rural areas and in the northern region

    Analysis and Formulation of Food Crop Policy for Indonesia

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    This study of Indonesia\u27s food policy formulation was initiated in February 1989. The study, conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Junior Minister Sjarifuddin Baharsjah of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Faisal Kasryno, director of the Bureau of Planning, were on the study\u27s steering committee and helped to plan, organize, and implement the study and associated workshops. Their support of efforts to enhance the Ministry\u27s capabilities for policy analysis greatly benefited the course of study activities

    Influence of endotoxin induced fever on the pharmacokinetics of intramuscularly administered cefepime in rabbits

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    This study examined the effect of experimentally induced fever on the pharmacokinetics of cefepime (75 mg/kg BW) administered intramuscularly to six rabbits. The study was carried out in two consecutive phases separated by a two-week washout period. An infection was induced by an intravenous inoculation of 5 × 108 colony-forming units of Escherichia coli 24 h before the pharmacokinetic investigation. A quantitative microbiological assay was employed to measure the plasma cefepime concentrations using an agar-gel diffusion method with Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 as the test organism. Twenty-four hour after the injection, the rectal temperature in the infected animals increased by 1–. There was a significant reduction in the elimination half-life by 21.8% in the febrile rabbits compared to healthy animals. In addition, the infection significantly increased the peak plasma concentrations by 11.9%, the mean residence time by 19.9%, the area under the plasma-concentration-time curve by 53.6% and the area under the moment curve by 62.3%. In conclusion, the endotoxin-induced febrile state produced significant changes in the plasma levels as well as some of the pharmacokinetic variables of cefepime in rabbits