263 research outputs found

    Spontaneously modulated spin textures in a dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Helical spin textures in a 87^{87}Rb F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate are found to decay spontaneously toward a spatially modulated structure of spin domains. This evolution is ascribed to magnetic dipolar interactions that energetically favor the short-wavelength domains over the long-wavelength spin helix. This is confirmed by eliminating the dipolar interactions by a sequence of rf pulses and observing a suppression of the formation of the short-range domains. This study confirms the significance of magnetic dipole interactions in degenerate 87^{87}Rb F=1 spinor gases

    Mean field ground state of a spin-1 condensate in a magnetic field

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    We revisit the topic of the mean field ground state of a spin-1 atomic condensate inside a uniform magnetic field (BB) under the constraints that both the total number of atoms (NN) and the magnetization (M\cal M) are conserved. In the presence of an internal state (spin component) independent trap, we also investigate the dependence of the so-called single spatial mode approximation (SMA) on the magnitude of the magnetic field and M{\cal M}. Our result indicate that the quadratic Zeeman effect is an important factor in balancing the mean field energy from elastic atom-atom collisions that are known to conserve both NN and M\cal M.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in New J. Phys. (http://www.njp.org/

    Topological Excitations in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We investigate the properties of skyrmion in the ferromagnetic state of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates by means of the mean-field theory and show that the size of skyrmion is fixed to the order of the healing length. It is shown that the interaction between two skyrmions with oppositely rotating spin textures is attractive when their separation is large, following a unique power-law behavior with a power of -7/2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Evolution of a spinor condensate: coherent dynamics, dephasing and revivals

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    We present measurements and a theoretical model for the interplay of spin dependent interactions and external magnetic fields in atomic spinor condensates. We highlight general features like quadratic Zeeman dephasing and its influence on coherent spin mixing processes by focusing on a specific coherent superposition state in a F=1 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate. In particular, we observe the transition from coherent spinor oscillations to thermal equilibration

    Generalized spin squeezing inequalities in NN qubit systems: theory and experiment

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    We present detailed derivations, various improvements and application to concrete experimental data of spin squeezing inequalities formulated recently by some of us [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 120502 (2005)]. These inequalities generalize the concept of the spin squeezing parameter, and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for genuine 2-, or 3- qubit entanglement for symmetric states, and sufficient entanglement condition for general NN-qubit states. We apply our method to theoretical study of Dicke states, and, in particular, to WW-states of NN qubits. Then, we analyze the recently experimentally generated 7- and 8-ion WW-states [Nature {\bf 438}, 643 (2005)]. We also present some novel details concerning this experiment. Finally, we improve criteria for detection of genuine tripartite entanglement based on entanglement witnesses.Comment: Final versio

    Spin squeezing of high-spin, spatially extended quantum fields

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    Investigations of spin squeezing in ensembles of quantum particles have been limited primarily to a subspace of spin fluctuations and a single spatial mode in high-spin and spatially extended ensembles. Here, we show that a wider range of spin-squeezing is attainable in ensembles of high-spin atoms, characterized by sub-quantum-limited fluctuations in several independent planes of spin-fluctuation observables. Further, considering the quantum dynamics of an f=1f=1 ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, we demonstrate theoretically that a high degree of spin squeezing is attained in multiple spatial modes of a spatially extended quantum field, and that such squeezing can be extracted from spatially resolved measurements of magnetization and nematicity, i.e.\ the vector and quadrupole magnetic moments, of the quantum gas. Taking into account several experimental limitations, we predict that the variance of the atomic magnetization and nematicity may be reduced as far as 20 dB below the standard quantum limits.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Atomic Interactions in Precision Interferometry Using Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We present theoretical tools for predicting and reducing the effects of atomic interactions in Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) interferometry experiments. To address mean-field shifts during free propagation, we derive a robust scaling solution that reduces the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation to a set of three simple differential equations valid for any interaction strength. To model the other common components of a BEC interferometer---condensate splitting, manipulation, and recombination---we generalize the slowly-varying envelope reduction, providing both analytic handles and dramatically improved simulations. Applying these tools to a BEC interferometer to measure the fine structure constant (Gupta, et al., 2002), we find agreement with the results of the original experiment and demonstrate that atomic interactions do not preclude measurement to better than part-per-billion accuracy, even for atomic species with relatively large scattering lengths. These tools help make BEC interferometry a viable choice for a broad class of precision measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, revised based on reviewer comment

    Tunable Cavity Optomechanics with Ultracold Atoms

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    We present an atom-chip-based realization of quantum cavity optomechanics with cold atoms localized within a Fabry-Perot cavity. Effective sub-wavelength positioning of the atomic ensemble allows for tuning the linear and quadratic optomechanical coupling parameters, varying the sensitivity to the displacement and strain of a compressible gaseous cantilever. We observe effects of such tuning on cavity optical nonlinearity and optomechanical frequency shifts, providing their first characterization in the quadratic-coupling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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