9 research outputs found

    Adequate cefazolin therapy for critically ill patients: can we predict active concentrations from given protein-binding data?

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    Therapeutic drug monitoring of ÎČ-lactam antibiotics has become an important tool for treatment of severe infections, especially for critically ill patients who often exhibit altered PK/PD. Therapeutic targets are based on MIC, which refers to the active concentration of the drug. Cefazolin, a ÎČ-lactam agent used for treating of MSSA bacteraemia, has a protein binding of approximately 80 %. Therefore, a reliable determination of the active, non-protein-bound concentration is required to ensure optimal therapeutic outcome

    Multimarker Gene Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells in Pancreatic Cancer Patients: A Feasibility Study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to develop an immunomagnetic/real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay and assess its clinical value for the molecular detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in peripheral blood of pancreatic cancer patients. Methods: The presence of CTCs was evaluated in 34 pancreatic cancer patients before systemic therapy and in 40 healthy controls, through immunomagnetic enrichment, using the antibodies BM7 and VU1D9 [targeting mucin 1 and epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), respectively], followed by real-time RT-PCR analysis of the genes KRT19, MUC1, EPCAM, CEACAM5 and BIRC5. Results: The developed assay showed high specificity, as none of the healthy controls were found to be positive for the multimarker gene panel. CTCs were detected in 47.1% of the pancreatic cancer patients before the beginning of systemic treatment. Shorter median progression-free survival (PFS) was observed for patients who had at least one detectable tumor-associated transcript, compared with patients who were CTC negative. Median PFS time was 66.0 days [95% confidence interval (CI) 44.8–87.2] for patients with baseline CTC positivity and 138.0 days (95% CI 124.1–151.9) for CTC-negative patients (p = 0.01, log-rank test). Conclusion: Our results suggest that in addition to the current prognostic methods, CTC analysis represents a potential complementary tool for prediction of outcome in pancreatic cancer patients.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich

    Prognostic and predictive value of circulating tumor cell analysis in colorectal cancer patients

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    Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic and predictive values of circulating tumor cell (CTC) analysis in colorectal cancer patients. Patients and methods Presence of CTCs was evaluated in 60 colorectal cancer patients before systemic therapy - from which 33 patients were also evaluable for CTC analysis during the first 3 months of treatment - through immunomagnetic enrichment, using the antibodies BM7 and VU1D9 (targeting mucin 1 and EpCAM, respectively), followed by real-time RT-PCR analysis of the tumor-associated genes KRT19, MUC1, EPCAM, CEACAM5 and BIRC5. Results Patients were stratified into groups according to CTC detection (CTC negative, when all marker genes were negative; and CTC positive when at least one of the marker genes was positive). Patients with CTC positivity at baseline had a significant shorter median progression-free survival (median PFS 181.0 days; 95% CI 146.9-215.1) compared with patients with no CTCs (median PFS 329.0 days; 95% CI 299.6-358.4; Log-rank P Conclusion The present study provides evidence of a strong correlation between CTC detection and radiographic disease progression in patients receiving chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Our results suggest that in addition to the current prognostic factors, CTC analysis represent a potential complementary tool for prediction of colorectal cancer patients’ outcome. Moreover, the present test allows for molecular characterization of CTCs, which may be of relevance to the creation of personalized therapies.</p

    Multicentric Determination of Reference Ranges for Automated Blood Counts

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    Zusammenfassung Das kleine bzw. große Blutbild sind die am hĂ€ufigsten durchgefĂŒhrten Laboruntersuchungen und sind immer noch wesentlicher Bestandteil in der Einordnung von primĂ€ren oder sekundĂ€ren Störungen des blutbildenden Systems. Die Interpretation der Befunde basiert auf dem Vergleich mit altersentsprechenden Referenzbereichen, wenngleich in vielen FĂ€llen ein Vergleich mit patienteneigenen Vorwerten genauere Aussagen erlaubt. Mit dem Ziel der Ermittlung von Alters-, Geschlechts- und GerĂ€te-spezifischen Referenzbereichen wurden in der vorliegenden multizentrischen Studie bei 1158 gesunden MĂ€nnern und Frauen im Alter von 16 bis 75 Jahren große Blutbilder mit aktuell in der Routinediagnostik eingesetzten HĂ€matologiesystemen analysiert. Die Probandenrekrutierung erfolgte im Rahmen von personalĂ€rztlichen Untersuchungen oder Blutspenden, wobei neben der routinemĂ€ĂŸig durchgefĂŒhrten Untersuchung eine zusĂ€tzliche Selbstauskunft mittels standardisiertem Fragebogen erfolgte. Es wurden Referenzwertbereiche fĂŒr das kleine Blutbild, das Differenzialblutbild sowie die Retikulozytenzahl erhoben. FĂŒr eine Reihe von MessgrĂ¶ĂŸen ergaben sich Alters-, Geschlechts- und GerĂ€te-spezifische Unterschiede, beispielsweise konnten wir eine Reduktion der Erythrozytenkonzentration, eine Zunahme von MCH und MCV sowie der Basophilenzahl mit zunehmendem Lebensalter zeigen. Dieser Befund könnte fĂŒr die Einordnung von hĂ€matologischen Erkrankungen des Ă€lteren Menschen wie den myeloproliferativen Neoplasien (MPN/CMPE) und Myelodysplasien (MDS) von Bedeutung sein. GeschlechtsabhĂ€ngigkeiten konnten wir fĂŒr die Erythrozyten- und HĂ€moglobinkonzentration, den HĂ€matokrit, den MCHC, die Retikulozytenzahl, die Thrombozytenzahl sowie die Leukozyten zeigen. FĂŒr die Thrombozytenzahl, die Leukozytenzahl sowie der neutrophilen und lymphatischen Subpopulation ergaben sich signifikant höhere Werte, fĂŒr die anderen genannten niedrigere Werte bei weiblichen Probanden. Bei Rauchern ergaben sich höhere Leukozytenzahlen, die insbesondere auf höheren Neutrophilen- bzw. Lymphozytenzahlen beruhen. GegenĂŒber Angaben in Vorarbeiten war dieser Effekt jedoch deutlich geringer ausgeprĂ€gt. Der multizentrische Ansatz in dieser Studie ist erwartungsgemĂ€ĂŸ mit einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Streuung der Blutbildbefunde assoziiert, sollte die Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse auf verschiedene Zentren jedoch erleichtern.  </jats:p

    High antibody levels and reduced cellular response in children up to one year after SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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    The COVID-19 course and immunity differ in children and adults. We analyzed immune response dynamics in 28 families up to 12 months after mild or asymptomatic infection. Unlike adults, the initial response is plasmablast-driven in children. Four months after infection, children show an enhanced specific antibody response and lower but detectable spike 1 protein (S1)-specific B and T cell responses than their parents. While specific antibodies decline, neutralizing antibody activity and breadth increase in both groups. The frequencies of S1-specific B and T cell responses remain stable. However, in children, one year after infection, an increase in the S1-specific IgA class switch and the expression of CD27 on S1-specific B cells and T cell maturation are observed. These results, together with the enhanced neutralizing potential and breadth of the specific antibodies, suggest a progressive maturation of the S1-specific immune response. Hence, the immune response in children persists over 12 months but dynamically changes in quality, with progressive neutralizing, breadth, and memory maturation. This implies a benefit for booster vaccination in children to consolidate memory formation