594 research outputs found

    Urban Space: The Phenomena of Unfinished in the Cities of Montenegro

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    Throughout the history of civilisation and architecture, the phenomenon of unfinished has been constantly present. Many historical and sociopolitical developments have caused some buildings and urban areas never to be completed. Nevertheless, these “structures”, although “mistakes of the past”, have continued to live spontaneously, being integrated into the urban fabric of the city. They have often become parts of the public space, as “mutants”, and a constant inspiration for architects and artists. There are many such examples in the territory of Montenegro: Ulcinj, Risan, Budva, Pluzine, Niksic, etc. The Revolution Memorial Hall building in Niksic, an unfinished concrete and steel mega-structure – “mega-unfinishedness” (“a similar structure was not built in the former SFRY”), is a good example of it. Today, this unfinished “dead space” continues to “live” by generating new “events in space”, from “kiosk size businesses” to the idea of being simply “buried”, turning thus into a “live monument”

    Labeling connected components in binary images based on cellular automata

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015.This short paper introduce an algorithm for labeling connected components in n-dimensional binary images based on cellular automata, , n >= 2. Here is presented tree-dimensional binary images algorithm. The algorithm code was implemented in NetLogo programming environment. The algorithm is local and can be efficiently implemented on data-flow parallel platforms with an asymptotic complexity of O(L) on an L × L × L bynary image

    Kinetic energy release in electron-induced decay reactions of molecular ions: C3H8+ and C3H7+

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    We have measured the kinetic energy release (KER) distributions for electron-induced dissociation of mass-selected molecular parent and fragment ions of propane. They are compared with distributions determined for spontaneous (metastable) dissociation. The average KER for induced dissociation of C3H8+ into C3H7+ is 13.2 +/- 1.2 meV, about 42% larger than for the spontaneous reaction. This large difference is attributed to the dramatically reduced time at which the induced reaction can be sampled. In contrast, the KER for dissociation of C3H7+ into C3H5+, which is characterized by a large reverse activation energy, is hardly affected by the experimental time scale. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(00)00826-6]

    Data parallel algorithm in finding 2-D site percolation backbones

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    Proceedings of: First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014). Porto (Portugal), August 27-28, 2014.A data parallel solution approach formulated with cellular automata is proposed with a potential to become a part of future sustainable computers. It offers extreme parallelism on data-flow principles. If a problem can be formulated with a local and iterative methodology, so that data cell results always depend on neighbouring data items only, the cellular automata could be an efficient solution framework. We have demonstrated experimentally, on a graph-theoretical problem, that the performance of the proposed methodology has a potential to be for two orders of magnitude faster from known solutions

    High resolution measurements of kinetic energy release distributions of neon, argon, and krypton cluster ions using a three sector field mass spectrometer

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    Using a newly constructed three sector field mass spectrometer (resulting in a BE1E2 field configuration) we have measured the kinetic energy release distributions of neon, argon, and krypton cluster ions. In the present study we used the first two sectors, B and E1, constituting a high resolution mass spectrometer, to select the parent ions in terms of mass, charge, and energy, and studied the decay of those ions in the third field free region. Due to the improved mass resolution we were able to extend earlier studies carried out with a two sector field machine, where an upper size limit arose from the fact that several isotopomers contribute to a decaying parent ion beam when the cluster size exceeds a certain value. Furthermore we developed a new data analysis. It allows us to model also fragment ion peaks that are a superposition of different decay reactions and thus we can determine the average kinetic energy release for all decay reactions of a given cluster ion. In a further step we used these results to determine the binding energies of cluster ions Rg(n) (ngreater than or equal to10) by applying finite heat bath theory. The smaller sizes have not been included in this analysis, because the validity of finite heat bath theory becomes questionable below napproximate to10. The present average kinetic energy releases and binding energies are compared with other experiments and various calculations. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics

    Kinetic-energy release in Coulomb explosion of metastable C3H52+

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    C3H52+, formed by electron impact ionization of propane, undergoes metastable decay into C2H2++CH3+. We have monitored this reaction in a magnetic mass spectrometer of reversed geometry that is equipped with two electric sectors (BEE geometry). Three different techniques were applied to identify the fragment ions and determine the kinetic-energy release (KER) of spontaneous Coulomb explosion of C3H52+ in the second and third field free regions of the mass spectrometer. The KER distribution is very narrow, with a width of about 3% [root-mean square standard deviation]. An average KER of 4.58+/-0.15 eV is derived from the distribution. High level ab initio quantum-chemical calculations of the structure and energetics of C3H52+ are reported. The activation barrier of the reverse reaction, CH3++C2H2+ (vinylidene), is computed. The value closely agrees with the experimental average KER, thus indicating that essentially all energy available in the reaction is partitioned into kinetic energy. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics

    Contrastive Study of Lexical Profiles of International and U.S. Lectures Delivered in English

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    International academic contexts where English is used as a lingua franca (ELF) have become ubiquitous. ELF lectures have been studied from a number of perspectives, but they have not been lexically profiled. We depart from the assumption that the lexical profile of academic lectures delivered in international settings may differ from that of lectures delivered in Anglophone contexts, and that these differences have pedagogical implications for the teaching and learning of academic English from an ELF-perspective. We lexically profile a corpus of fifty university lectures delivered in English in five European countries and compare them against sixty-two lectures delivered in English in the U.S. We find that 3,000 words are needed for good listening comprehension in both sets of lectures, while ideal comprehension is reached at 11,000 words for international and 7,000 words for U.S. lectures, which suggests differences between the two in terms of variation in low-frequency vocabulary. Some function words are much more frequent in international than in U.S. lectures. International lectures also feature less high-frequency and more mid-frequency academic vocabulary than U.S. lectures. These differences mostly reflect the use of ELF-specific communicative strategies in international lectures. Focusing on them and potentially making academic ELF-specific word lists may ensure the more efficient teaching of academic English from an ELF-perspective


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    The development of sports medicine and rehabilitation with the great involvement of techniques and modern technology have increased the needs and possibilities for quick diagnosis and more adequate treatment. Regular companions of sports activities are sport injuries of various parts of the body, depending on the type and conditions in which sport activity is performed. In this paper, we analyzed knee injuries because they are the most dominant. The knee, which is the largest, the most complex and the most stressed joint, is most exposed to injuries. We analyzed 124 respondents who were treated in the Ribarska Banja, by physical and balneological treatment, during the period 2005-2006. Anamnestic data, as the most common cause of injury, include insufficient training, insufficient physical preparedness, rough start of an opponent or uneven terrain. The knee joint is the most commonly injured region in athletes, and because of the complexity of the joint itself, these injuries are very complicated. Balneal treatment showed positive effects on healing and accelerated return to the field. Balneo Climatic Treatment is always accompanied with certain methods of physical therapy and rehabilitation, and all of them together can accelerate healing. The successful return to the field depends on the applied therapeutic methods and on an early beginning  of therapeutic treatment