5 research outputs found

    Possible Environmental Risks of Photocatalysis used for Water and Air Depollution - Case of Phosgene Generation

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    AbstractThis short review presents some deficiencies regarding photocatalysis used for water and air depollution, because the environmental risks have to be considered in order to minimize negative effects of the future applications. Since photocatalysis was discovered a couple of decades ago, it was intensively studied and many applications were developed. In the environmental engineering depollution ex-situ and in-situ of water and air, using photocatalysis, seems to be revolutionary. Deficiencies of these processes are concerning in formation of undesirable secondary products. Some of the processes involving photocatalysis could degrade efficient by-products, but there are situations when these products seem to be more toxic than initially pollutant. One of these cases, phosgene generation during air depollution, is detailed in a scenario, using related researches and simple calculus. The result proves the environmental risk of organochlorine compounds oxidation by photocatalytic processes


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    Patient with ENT cancer needs special care determined by the complexity of interventions; regarding the ENT surgery, collaboration between surgeon and anesthesiologist is a specific one where the two specialists must share the same approaching path and sometimes the same tools: their work is very often overlapped and they are forced to make decisions jointly. Optimizing patient health and choosing the best case management is the solution for decreasing morbidity and mortality rates, and also the costs. The anesthesiologist must elaborate a management plan for particular situations by consulting specialists involved or not in making surgery, especially for ENT tumors. Keywords: scientific evidence, clinical decision, ENT cancer, case management.Pacientul cu patologie tumorală în sfera ORL necesită îngrijire specială, dat fiind complexitatea intervențiilor necesare; colaborarea dintre chirurg și anestezist este una specifică, cei doi specialiști împărțind aceeași cale de abord, uneori aceleași instrumente, comunicând adesea și fiind nevoiți să ia decizii în comun. Optimizarea stării de sănătate a pacientului și alegerea celui mai bun management peroperator determină scăderea morbidității și mortalității peroperatorii, precum și scăderea costurilor. Anestezistul trebuie să își construiască, consultând specialiștii implicați în efectuarea intervenției chirurgicale, un plan managerial pentru situațiile particulare, speciale, iar controlul căilor aeriene este o situație specifică. tumorilor aparatului respirator și celor din sfera ORL

    Medicina bazată pe dovezi, suport pentru decizia clinică

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    Making Decision is a complex process based on solid and valid results of scientific activities.  As regards the clinical decision, it can be mentioned that it results from the junction of three components, derived from the concepts of Opinion Based Medicine, Evidence Based Medicine and patient-physician participative relationship. It requires three basic ingredients for making clinical decision: clinical skills (vary directly with the level of experience); strong and valid scientific evidence; patient preferences.Regardless of the approach or strategy chosen, the experience of the clinician to use certain tools provided by MBD or a particular approach will decide the choice of best practice, ultimately. The capacity to adapt the best evidence in a given context seems to be essential for putting the evidence into practice.  Key words: evidence based medicine, levels of evidence, clinical decision Evidence-based medicine can provide the necessary quality evidence that is needed particularly to the physician for solving a medical case, and act to complement the physician knowledge and experience and to provide informed choice of the best practices of the time respectively.Procesul de luare a deciziei este un process complex ce se bazează foarte mult pe evidențele solide și valide rezultate din activitatea științifică.  În ceea ce privește decizia clinică, se poate menționa că aceasta rezultă din intersecția a trei componente, derivate din conceptele de Opinion Based Medicine, Medicina Bazată pe Dovezi și relația participativă medic-pacient. Este nevoie de trei ingrediente de bază pentru luarea deciziei clinice: priceperea clinică (variază direct proporțional cu nivelul de experienta); evidențe științifice solide și valide; preferintele pacientului.Medicina bazată pe dovezi reprezintă subdomeniul care poate furniza evidențe de calitate necesare, în special, medicului curant în actul de soluționare a cazului medical, având rolul de a completa cunoștiințele și experiența medicului și de a oferi posibilitatea alegerii informate a celei mai bune practici din momentul respectiv.Indiferent de abordarea sau strategia aleasă, ceea ce decide, în ultimă instanță alegerea celei mai bune practici este experiența clinicianului de a utiliza anumite instrumente oferite de MBD sau o anumită abordare. Esențială pentru punerea în practică este capacitatea de adaptare a celei mai bune dovezi la contextul dat. Cuvinte cheie: medicina bazată pe dovezi, nivelele dovezilor, decizia clinic

    The Influence of the Preparation Method on the Physico-Chemical Properties and Catalytic Activities of Ce-Modified LDH Structures Used as Catalysts in Condensation Reactions

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    Mechanical activation and mechanochemical reactions are the subjects of mechanochemistry, a special branch of chemistry studied intensively since the 19th century. Herein, we comparably describe two synthesis methods used to obtain the following layered double hydroxide doped with cerium, Mg3Al0.75Ce0.25(OH)8(CO3)0.5·2H2O: the mechanochemical route and the co-precipitation method, respectively. The influence of the preparation method on the physico-chemical properties as determined by multiple techniques such as XRD, SEM, EDS, XPS, DRIFT, RAMAN, DR-UV-VIS, basicity, acidity, real/bulk densities, and BET measurements was also analyzed. The obtained samples, abbreviated HTCe-PP (prepared by co-precipitation) and HTCe-MC (prepared by mechanochemical method), and their corresponding mixed oxides, Ce-PP (resulting from HTCe-PP) and Ce-MC (resulting from HTCe-MC), were used as base catalysts in the self-condensation reaction of cyclohexanone and two Claisen–Schmidt condensations, which involve the reaction between an aromatic aldehyde and a ketone, at different molar ratios to synthesize compounds with significant biologic activity from the flavonoid family, namely chalcone (1,3-diphenyl-2-propen-1-one) and flavone (2-phenyl-4H-1benzoxiran-4-one). The mechanochemical route was shown to have indisputable advantages over the co-precipitation method for both the catalytic activity of the solids and the costs