7 research outputs found

    Classification of link-breaking and link-creation updating rules in susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemics on adaptive networks

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    In the classical susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model, a disease or infection spreads over a given, mostly fixed graph. However, in many real complex networks, the topology of the underlying graph can change due to the influence of the dynamical process. In this paper, besides the spreading process, the network adaptively changes its topology based on the states of the nodes in the network. An entire class of link-breaking and link-creation mechanisms, which we name Generalized Adaptive SIS (G-ASIS), is presented and analyzed. For each instance of G-ASIS using the complete graph as initial network, the relation between the epidemic threshold and the effective link-breaking rate is determined to be linear, constant, or unknown. Additionally, we show that there exist link-breaking and link-creation mechanisms for which the metastable state does not exist. We confirm our theoretical results with several numerical simulations.Network Architectures and ServicesMathematical Physic

    Individualized epidemic spreading models predict epilepsy surgery outcomes: A pseudo-prospective study

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    Epilepsy surgery is the treatment of choice for drug-resistant epilepsy patients, but up to 50% of patients continue to have seizures one year after the resection. In order to aid presurgical planning and predict postsurgical outcome on a patient-by-patient basis, we developed a framework of individualized computational models that combines epidemic spreading with patient-specific connectivity and epileptogeneity maps: the Epidemic Spreading Seizure and Epilepsy Surgery framework (ESSES). ESSES parameters were fitted in a retrospective study (N = 15) to reproduce invasive electroencephalography (iEEG)-recorded seizures. ESSES reproduced the iEEG-recorded seizures, and significantly better so for patients with good (seizure-free, SF) than bad (nonseizure-free, NSF) outcome. We illustrate here the clinical applicability of ESSES with a pseudo-prospective study (N = 34) with a blind setting (to the resection strategy and surgical outcome) that emulated presurgical conditions. By setting the model parameters in the retrospective study, ESSES could be applied also to patients without iEEG data. ESSES could predict the chances of good outcome after any resection by finding patient-specific model-based optimal resection strategies, which we found to be smaller for SF than NSF patients, suggesting an intrinsic difference in the network organization or presurgical evaluation results of NSF patients. The actual surgical plan overlapped more with the model-based optimal resection, and had a larger effect in decreasing modeled seizure propagation, for SF patients than for NSF patients. Overall, ESSES could correctly predict 75% of NSF and 80.8% of SF cases pseudo-prospectively. Our results show that individualised computational models may inform surgical planning by suggesting alternative resections and providing information on the likelihood of a good outcome after a proposed resection. This is the first time that such a model is validated with a fully independent cohort and without the need for iEEG recordings.Network Architectures and Service

    Mapping functional brain networks from the structural connectome: Relating the series expansion and eigenmode approaches

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    Functional brain networks are shaped and constrained by the underlying structural network. However, functional networks are not merely a one-to-one reflection of the structural network. Several theories have been put forward to understand the relationship between structural and functional networks. However, it remains unclear how these theories can be unified. Two existing recent theories state that 1) functional networks can be explained by all possible walks in the structural network, which we will refer to as the series expansion approach, and 2) functional networks can be explained by a weighted combination of the eigenmodes of the structural network, the so-called eigenmode approach. To elucidate the unique or common explanatory power of these approaches to estimate functional networks from the structural network, we analysed the relationship between these two existing views. Using linear algebra, we first show that the eigenmode approach can be written in terms of the series expansion approach, i.e., walks on the structural network associated with different hop counts correspond to different weightings of the eigenvectors of this network. Second, we provide explicit expressions for the coefficients for both the eigenmode and series expansion approach. These theoretical results were verified by empirical data from Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), demonstrating a strong correlation between the mappings based on both approaches. Third, we analytically and empirically demonstrate that the fit of the eigenmode approach to measured functional data is always at least as good as the fit of the series expansion approach, and that errors in the structural data lead to large errors of the estimated coefficients for the series expansion approach. Therefore, we argue that the eigenmode approach should be preferred over the series expansion approach. Results hold for eigenmodes of the weighted adjacency matrices as well as eigenmodes of the graph Laplacian. ​Taken together, these results provide an important step towards unification of existing theories regarding the structure-function relationships in brain networks.Network Architectures and Service

    Predicting time-resolved electrophysiological brain networks from structural eigenmodes

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    How temporal modulations in functional interactions are shaped by the underlying anatomical connections remains an open question. Here, we analyse the role of structural eigenmodes, in the formation and dissolution of temporally evolving functional brain networks using resting-state magnetoencephalography and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data at the individual subject level. Our results show that even at short timescales, phase and amplitude connectivity can partly be expressed by structural eigenmodes, but hardly by direct structural connections. Albeit a stronger relationship was found between structural eigenmodes and time-resolved amplitude connectivity. Time-resolved connectivity for both phase and amplitude was mostly characterised by a stationary process, superimposed with very brief periods that showed deviations from this stationary process. For these brief periods, dynamic network states were extracted that showed different expressions of eigenmodes. Furthermore, the eigenmode expression was related to overall cognitive performance and co-occurred with fluctuations in community structure of functional networks. These results implicate that ongoing time-resolved resting-state networks, even at short timescales, can to some extent be understood in terms of activation and deactivation of structural eigenmodes and that these eigenmodes play a role in the dynamic integration and segregation of information across the cortex, subserving cognitive functions.Network Architectures and Service

    Epidemic models characterize seizure propagation and the effects of epilepsy surgery in individualized brain networks based on MEG and invasive EEG recordings

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    Epilepsy surgery is the treatment of choice for drug-resistant epilepsy patients. However, seizure-freedom is currently achieved in only 2/3 of the patients after surgery. In this study we have developed an individualized computational model based on MEG brain networks to explore seizure propagation and the efficacy of different virtual resections. Eventually, the goal is to obtain individualized models to optimize resection strategy and outcome. We have modelled seizure propagation as an epidemic process using the susceptible-infected (SI) model on individual brain networks derived from presurgical MEG. We included 10 patients who had received epilepsy surgery and for whom the surgery outcome at least one year after surgery was known. The model parameters were tuned in in order to reproduce the patient-specific seizure propagation patterns as recorded with invasive EEG. We defined a personalized search algorithm that combined structural and dynamical information to find resections that maximally decreased seizure propagation for a given resection size. The optimal resection for each patient was defined as the smallest resection leading to at least a 90% reduction in seizure propagation. The individualized model reproduced the basic aspects of seizure propagation for 9 out of 10 patients when using the resection area as the origin of epidemic spreading, and for 10 out of 10 patients with an alternative definition of the seed region. We found that, for 7 patients, the optimal resection was smaller than the resection area, and for 4 patients we also found that a resection smaller than the resection area could lead to a 100% decrease in propagation. Moreover, for two cases these alternative resections included nodes outside the resection area. Epidemic spreading models fitted with patient specific data can capture the fundamental aspects of clinically observed seizure propagation, and can be used to test virtual resections in silico. Combined with optimization algorithms, smaller or alternative resection strategies, that are individually targeted for each patient, can be determined with the ultimate goal to improve surgery outcome. MEG-based networks can provide a good approximation of structural connectivity for computational models of seizure propagation, and facilitate their clinical use.Network Architectures and Service

    Interlayer connectivity reconstruction for multilayer brain networks using phase oscillator models

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    Large-scale neurophysiological networks are often reconstructed from band-pass filtered time series derived from magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. Common practice is to reconstruct these networks separately for different frequency bands and to treat them independently. Recent evidence suggests that this separation may be inadequate, as there can be significant coupling between frequency bands (interlayer connectivity). A multilayer network approach offers a solution to analyze frequency-specific networks in one framework. We propose to use a recently developed network reconstruction method in conjunction with phase oscillator models to estimate interlayer connectivity that optimally fits the empirical data. This approach determines interlayer connectivity based on observed frequency-specific time series of the phase and a connectome derived from diffusion weighted imaging. The performance of this interlayer reconstruction method was evaluated in-silico. Our reconstruction of the underlying interlayer connectivity agreed to very high degree with the ground truth. Subsequently, we applied our method to empirical resting-state MEG data obtained from healthy subjects and reconstructed two-layered networks consisting of either alpha-to-beta or theta-to-gamma band connectivity. Our analysis revealed that interlayer connectivity is dominated by a multiplex structure, i.e. by one-to-one interactions for both alpha-to-beta band and theta-to-gamma band networks. For theta-gamma band networks, we also found a plenitude of interlayer connections between distant nodes, though weaker connectivity relative to the one-to-one connections. Our work is an stepping stone towards the identification of interdependencies across frequency-specific networks. Our results lay the ground for the use of the promising multilayer framework in this field with more-informed and justified interlayer connections. Network Architectures and Service

    Optimization of epilepsy surgery through virtual resections on individual structural brain networks

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    The success of epilepsy surgery in patients with refractory epilepsy depends upon correct identification of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) and an optimal choice of the resection area. In this study we developed individualized computational models based upon structural brain networks to explore the impact of different virtual resections on the propagation of seizures. The propagation of seizures was modelled as an epidemic process [susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model] on individual structural networks derived from presurgical diffusion tensor imaging in 19 patients. The candidate connections for the virtual resection were all connections from the clinically hypothesized EZ, from which the seizures were modelled to start, to other brain areas. As a computationally feasible surrogate for the SIR model, we also removed the connections that maximally reduced the eigenvector centrality (EC) (large values indicate network hubs) of the hypothesized EZ, with a large reduction meaning a large effect. The optimal combination of connections to be removed for a maximal effect were found using simulated annealing. For comparison, the same number of connections were removed randomly, or based on measures that quantify the importance of a node or connection within the network. We found that 90% of the effect (defined as reduction of EC of the hypothesized EZ) could already be obtained by removing substantially less than 90% of the connections. Thus, a smaller, optimized, virtual resection achieved almost the same effect as the actual surgery yet at a considerably smaller cost, sparing on average 27.49% (standard deviation: 4.65%) of the connections. Furthermore, the maximally effective connections linked the hypothesized EZ to hubs. Finally, the optimized resection was equally or more effective than removal based on structural network characteristics both regarding reducing the EC of the hypothesized EZ and seizure spreading. The approach of using reduced EC as a surrogate for simulating seizure propagation can suggest more restrictive resection strategies, whilst obtaining an almost optimal effect on reducing seizure propagation, by taking into account the unique topology of individual structural brain networks of patients.Network Architectures and Service