2 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja i karakteristike “Banatskog Sira”

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    Autohtonous cheeses are products produced in a specific geographical areas as a result of development of tarditional production for many years. „Banatski cheese“ has been producing in Vojvodina, in the Middle Banat in a tarditional mannerat farms (salaš) and inividual households,as well.The aim of this article was to describe the production of "Banastskog cheese, which is produced in tardicionalan manner at househols of Hungarian nationality in the area of Zrenjanin. The cheese samples were examined for the presence of L. monocytogenes, coagulase-positive staphylococci, the number of lactic acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, and physicochemical parameters (total, fat in total solids, fat in total solids, weight of moisture in cheese, moisture on a free fat basis, acidity, pH value,NaCl content. The observation of autohtonous technology was carried out by the survey consisting of questions, which combined the basic elements and technological operations of an autohtonous production.Lactic acid bacteria were the dominant microbiota.The mean value for the number of Lactococcus spp. was 7.45 log CFU / g andLactobacillus spp. 7.20 log cfu/g.In the examined samples were not detected L. monocytogenes and coagulase-positive staphylococci, while the number of Enterobacteriaceae ranged from130 to 2500 cfu/g. The value of total solids in cheese ranged from 67,90 to 73,71% for fat in total solids from 16,96 to 27,98%,for moisture on a free fat basis from 30,84 to 39,63%, total proteins ranged from 23, 92 to 35.95%, the acidity from 15 to 20.75 ° SH, pH value from 4.24 to 5.37 and NaCl content from 4.45 to 13.95%.Autohtoni sirevi su proizvodi nastali u određenom podneblju kao rezultat dugogodišnjeg razvoja tradicionalne proizvodnje. U Vojvodini, u Srednjem Banatu se na tradicionalan način proizvodi “Banatski sir” na salašima i u individualnim domaćinstvima. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se opiše proizvodnja “Banastskog sira“, koji se proizvodi na tardicionalan način u domaćinstvima mađarske nacionalnosti u okolini Zrenjanina. Sirevi su ispitani na prisustvo L. monocytogenes, koagulaza pozitivnih stafilokoka, određivan je broj bakterija mlečne kiseline,enterobakterija, kao ifizičkohemijski parametri (suva materija, mast, mast u suvoj materiji, voda, voda u bezmasnoj materiji, kiselost, pH vrednost i sadržaj NaCl). Snimanje autohtone tehnologije je izvedeno pomoću ankete sastavljene od pitanja, koja objedinjuju osnovne elemente i tehnološke postupke autohtone proizvodnje.Dominantnu mikrofloru su činile bakterije mlečne kiseline. Srednja vrednost broja Lactococcus spp.je bila 7,45 log cfu/g i Lactobacillus spp. 7,20 log cfu/g. U ispitanim uzorcima nisu dokazane L. monocytogenes i koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke, dok je broj Enterobacteriaceaebio od 130 do 2500 cfu/g. Vrednost za suvu materiju sira se kretala 67,90 do 73,71%, za mast u suvoj materiji sira 16,96 do 27,98%, za vodu u bezmasnoj materiji 30,84 do 39,63%, za ukupne proteine 23,92 do 35,95%, za kiselost 15 do 20,75°SH, pH 4,24 do 5,37 i za sadržaj NaCl 4,45 do 13,95 %

    Analysis of the beef meat quality in a slaughterhouse in Raska district

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    The quality of slaughtered animals is a subject of interest, of both primary production and the meat industry. Classification of the carcasses is performed in slaughterhouses immediately after a veterinary examination and measurement of the carcasses weight. Present study examines the quality of young cattle carcasses in a slaughterhouse in the Raska district, according to the standard applied in the EU but not in Republic of Serbia. Examination has been conducted on 100 cattle carcasses (young bulls). For the meat quality evaluation and grading the following parameters according to the European standard for the classification of cattle carcasses SEUROP were used: carcass weight, carcass weight and carcass yield, i.e. the carcass conformation, development of the muscles of the carcass as well as the development of basic parts (round, back and shoulder) and the degree of carcass fat tissue coverage