2,945 research outputs found

    Examining Relationship Between Food Deserts and Health

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships that exist between food deserts, fruit and vegetable consumption and health on individuals. Using quantitative data collected through surveys that were distributed to students attending an urban higher education setting in Chicago, data was analyzed to determine relationships between the communities they live in, the amount of fresh produce they consume and their current health. The survey looked at factors such as race, income, community of residence, daily fruit and vegetable consumption, current health, diagnosis of diet-related illness for respondent and family along with the distance travelled to purchase fresh produce. The findings support the idea that the further one must travel to purchase fresh produce the more likely they are to consume less. The findings also show that those who consume less fruits and vegetables are more likely to report poorer health. The implications are to address communities who lack access to fresh fruits and vegetables in order to increase the over all health outcomes for individuals. Creating policies that encourage current storeowners or new stores that will sell fresh fruits and vegetables is one way to address the lack of access in these communities. This study shows those who must travel far to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables are less likely to consume the daily recommended amounts and also have poorer health

    GEMPAK: An arbitrary aircraft geometry generator

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    A computer program, GEMPAK, has been developed to aid in the generation of detailed configuration geometry. The program was written to allow the user as much flexibility as possible in his choices of configurations and the detail of description desired and at the same time keep input requirements and program turnaround and cost to a minimum. The program consists of routines that generate fuselage and planar-surface (winglike) geometry and a routine that will determine the true intersection of all components with the fuselage. This paper describes the methods by which the various geometries are generated and provides input description with sample input and output. Also included are descriptions of the primary program variables and functions performed by the various routines. The FORTRAN program GEMPAK has been used extensively in conjunction with interfaces to several aerodynamic and plotting computer programs and has proven to be an effective aid in the preliminary design phase of aircraft configurations

    A Derivation of the Wishart and Singular Wishart Distributions

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    Multivariate statistical analysis is the area of statistics that is concerned with observations made on many variables. Determining how variables are related is a main objective in multivariate analysis. The covariance matrix is an essential part of understanding the dependence between variables. The distribution of the sample covariance matrix for a sample from a multivariate normal distribution, known as the Wishart distribution, is fundamental to multivariate statistical analysis. An important assumption of the well-known Wishart distribution is that the number of variables is smaller than the number of observations. In high-dimensions when the number of variables exceeds the number of observations, the Wishart matrix is singular and has a singular Wishart distribution. The purpose of this research is to rederive the Wishart and singular Wishart distributions and understand the mathematics behind each derivation

    The Oyster River Culvert Analysis Project

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    Studies have already detected intensification of precipitation events consistent with climate change projections. Communities may have a window of opportunity to prepare, but information sufficiently quantified and localized to support adaptation programs is sparse: published literature is typically characterized by general resilience building or regional vulnerability studies. The Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC observed that adaptation can no longer be postponed pending the effective elimination of uncertainty. Methods must be developed that manage residual uncertainty, providing community leaders with decision-support information sufficient for implementing infrastructure adaptation programs. This study developed a local-scale and actionable protocol for maintaining historical risk levels for communities facing significant impacts from climate change and population growth. For a coastal watershed, the study assessed the capacity of the present stormwater infrastructure capacity for conveying expected peak flow resulting from climate change and population growth. The project transferred coupled-climate model projections to the culvert system, in a form understandable to planners, resource managers and decision-makers; applied standard civil engineering methods to reverse-engineer culverts to determine existing and required capacities; modeled the potential for LID methods to manage peak flow in lieu of, or combination with, drainage system upsizing; and estimated replacement costs using local and national construction cost data. The mid-21st century, most likely 25-year, 24-hour precipitation is estimated to be 35% greater than the TP-40 precipitation for the SRES A1b trajectory, and 64% greater than the TP-40 value for the SRES A1fi trajectory. 5% of culverts are already undersized for the TP-40 event to which they should have been designed. Under the most likely A1b trajectory, an additional 12% of culverts likely will be undersized, while under the most likely A1fi scenario, an additional 19% likely will be undersized. These conditions place people and property at greater risk than that historically acceptable from the TP-4025-year design storm. This risk level may be maintained by a long-term upgrade program, utilizing existing strategies to manage uncertainty and costs. At the upper-95% confidence limit for the A1fi 25-year event, 65% of culverts are adequately sized, and building the remaining 35%, and planned, culverts to thrice the cross-sectional area specified from TP-40 should provide adequate capacity through this event. Realizable LID methods can mitigate significant impacts from climate change and population growth, however effectiveness is limited for the more pessimistic climate change projections. Results indicate that uncertainty in coupled-climate model projections is not an impediment to adaptation. This study makes a significant contribution toward the generation of reliable and specific estimates of impacts from climate change, in support of programs to adapt civil infrastructures. This study promotes a solution to today\u27s arguably most significant challenge in civil infrastructure adaptation: translating the extensive corpus of adaptation theory and regional-scale impacts analyses into localscale action

    Intake and Milk Production of Lactating Dairy Cows Grazing Diverse Forage Mixtures Over Two Grazing Seasons

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    Voluntary intake and stocking rate are key determinants of animal performance on pasture. Greater plant diversity in grassland plant communities has been linked to increased primary production, greater stability in response to disturbance, and reduced weed pressure. Thus, increasing plant diversity may be one approach to improving animal productivity. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of forage diversity on intake and milk production of lactating dairy cows over two grazing seasons

    Vaccinia virus protein A46R targets multiple Toll-like-interleukin-1 receptor adaptors and contributes to virulence

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    Viral immune evasion strategies target key aspects of the host antiviral response. Recently, it has been recognized that Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have a role in innate defense against viruses. Here, we define the function of the vaccinia virus (VV) protein A46R and show it inhibits intracellular signalling by a range of TLRs. TLR signalling is triggered by homotypic interactions between the Toll-like-interleukin-1 resistance (TIR) domains of the receptors and adaptor molecules. A46R contains a TIR domain and is the only viral TIR domain-containing protein identified to date. We demonstrate that A46R targets the host TIR adaptors myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), MyD88 adaptor-like, TIR domain-containing adaptor inducing IFN-beta (TRIF), and the TRIF-related adaptor molecule and thereby interferes with downstream activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and nuclear factor kappaB. TRIF mediates activation of interferon (IFN) regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) and induction of IFN-beta by TLR3 and TLR4 and suppresses VV replication in macrophages. Here, A46R disrupted TRIF-induced IRF3 activation and induction of the TRIF-dependent gene regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted. Furthermore, we show that A46R is functionally distinct from another described VV TLR inhibitor, A52R. Importantly, VV lacking the A46R gene was attenuated in a murine intranasal model, demonstrating the importance of A46R for VV virulence
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