7 research outputs found

    Norway spruce deploys tissue-specific responses during acclimation to cold

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    Climate change in the conifer-dominated boreal forest is expected to lead to warmer but more dynamic winter air temperatures, reducing the depth and duration of snow cover and lowering winter soil temperatures. To gain insight into the mechanisms that have enabled conifers to dominate extreme cold environments, we performed genome-wide RNA-Seq analysis from needles and roots of non-dormant two-year Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst), and contrasted these response to herbaceous model Arabidopsis We show that the main transcriptional response of Norway spruce needles exposed to cold was delayed relative to Arabidopsis, and this delay was associated with slower development of freezing tolerance. Despite this difference in timing, Norway spruce principally utilizes early response transcription factors (TFs) belonging to the same gene families as Arabidopsis, indicating broad evolutionary conservation of cold response networks. In keeping with their different metabolic and developmental states, needles and root of Norway spruce showed contrasting results. Regulatory network analysis identified both conserved TFs with known roles in cold acclimation (e.g. homologs of ICE1, AKS3, and of the NAC and AP2/ERF superfamilies), but also a root-specific bHLH101 homolog, providing functional insights into cold stress response strategies in Norway spruce

    Space and myth in poems of Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska

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    W artykule autorka analizuje mityzację przestrzeni w wierszach Marii Pawlikowskiej-Jasnorzewskiej. Zabiegowi temu poddane zostały dwa miasta szczególnie bliskie poetce - Kraków oraz Paryż.The present article deals with mythicism of space in the poetry of Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, whose works are characterized by specific kind of mythopoeia; the poet interprets and transforms traditional myths (Venus, Narcissus, the Moon) as well as creates and forms new ones. Mythicism of physical reality consists in perception and shaping of the world according to the laws of myth, which endows all its components with significance. In this way Pawlikowska describes her native Cracow with its surroundings and creates her own myth of Paris as a city of magic

    Short and long term low temperature responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    A unique aspect of plant biology is their ability to respond very rapidly to shifts in their ever-changing environment. To do this, plants need to have evolved mechanisms that enable them to sense their environment and to rapidly respond to different stresses and different combinations of stress. The main focus of my thesis has been on plant responses to low temperature. One way in which the plant cell is thought to sense low temperature is via the rigidification of the plasma membrane that occurs when the temperature falls rapidly. I showed that CRMK1, a leucine-rich-repeat-receptor-like kinase, located in the plasma membrane is a key component of the cold sensing machinery. I show that a T-DNA insertion mutant of CRMK1 attenuated the expression of marker cold genes in response to cold stress and decreased the plants ability to acquire freezing tolerance after 3 days of exposure to low temperature. I described a protective mechanism in the thylakoid membranes by which excess electrons, which can accumulate at low temperature and under high light in cold acclimated plants, can be dissipated. In order to properly respond to a changing surroundings cells not only have to sense the fluctuations but they need to communicate this changes to the nucleus and I showed that organelles such as the chloroplasts can act as a sensor of changing temperature and communicate this information to the nucleus to change the expression of cold regulated genes. I presented and identified factors in addition to low temperature that regulate the expression of genes for cold tolerance. I showed that a circadian signal, together with plastid and light signals, influence the expression of nuclear encoded cold tolerance genes (CBF3 and COR15). The response of plants to low temperature also depends on the duration of the cold stress. There are plants, such as over-wintering herbaceous and perennial woody plants, that have to survive and grow for prolonged periods at low temperature and there are those from extreme polar or alpine environments that spend entire life in cold. I provided a comprehensive overview of the biological processes and genes that enable plants to survive and develop the full cold acclimated state during long-term over wintering and growth in the low temperature

    Short and long term low temperature responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    A unique aspect of plant biology is their ability to respond very rapidly to shifts in their ever-changing environment. To do this, plants need to have evolved mechanisms that enable them to sense their environment and to rapidly respond to different stresses and different combinations of stress. The main focus of my thesis has been on plant responses to low temperature. One way in which the plant cell is thought to sense low temperature is via the rigidification of the plasma membrane that occurs when the temperature falls rapidly. I showed that CRMK1, a leucine-rich-repeat-receptor-like kinase, located in the plasma membrane is a key component of the cold sensing machinery. I show that a T-DNA insertion mutant of CRMK1 attenuated the expression of marker cold genes in response to cold stress and decreased the plants ability to acquire freezing tolerance after 3 days of exposure to low temperature. I described a protective mechanism in the thylakoid membranes by which excess electrons, which can accumulate at low temperature and under high light in cold acclimated plants, can be dissipated. In order to properly respond to a changing surroundings cells not only have to sense the fluctuations but they need to communicate this changes to the nucleus and I showed that organelles such as the chloroplasts can act as a sensor of changing temperature and communicate this information to the nucleus to change the expression of cold regulated genes. I presented and identified factors in addition to low temperature that regulate the expression of genes for cold tolerance. I showed that a circadian signal, together with plastid and light signals, influence the expression of nuclear encoded cold tolerance genes (CBF3 and COR15). The response of plants to low temperature also depends on the duration of the cold stress. There are plants, such as over-wintering herbaceous and perennial woody plants, that have to survive and grow for prolonged periods at low temperature and there are those from extreme polar or alpine environments that spend entire life in cold. I provided a comprehensive overview of the biological processes and genes that enable plants to survive and develop the full cold acclimated state during long-term over wintering and growth in the low temperature

    Performance of a rock concert

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    Niniejsza praca dotyczy zjawiska performansu koncertu rockowego. Na wybranych przykładach pokazałam jak przebiega koncert rockowy i jakie środki są wykorzystywane by uatrakcyjnić przekaz wydarzenia muzycznego. W pracy wykorzystałam teorię performansu Richarda Schechnera, teorie performatywności Eriki Fischer-Lichte, koncepcję Marvina Carlsona, teorię performansu kulturowego Jona McKenzie i poglądy Artura Dudy. W celu dokładniejszego zrozumienia zjawiska przytoczyłam również teorię teatru życia Ervina Goffmana i pojęcia liminalności i liminoidalności wypracowane przez Victora TurneraGłówną tezą pracy jest stwierdzenie, że koncert rockowy jest performansem. W celu potwierdzenia tej tezy, niezbędne było przybliżenie czym jest muzyka rockowa oraz pokazanie specyfiki koncertu rockowego. Rozdział drugi dotyka tychże kwestii. Rozdział trzeci dotyczy analizy konkretnych performansów koncertu rockoweg Metoda badawcza w swoich założeniach opierała się na obserwacji i obserwacji uczestniczącej. Skupiłam się na najważniejszej relacji obrazu-muzyki-słowa, by przejść do analizy koncertów.The following thesis aims at arranging theoretical thoughts about performance and describing the phenomenon of performance art rock concert. The methodology of the work is based on an analysis of performance theory and authorial analysis and interpretation. Theoretical part is written with references to few authors: Richard Schechner's: Performance Studies. An Introduction, Erika Fischer-Lichte's The Transformative Power of performance: A New Aesthetics, as a complementary material I used Marvin Carlson's Performance. A Critical Introduction. I used also a theory of cultural performance art by Jon McKenzie and views of Artur Duda. To better understand the phenomenon I also mentioned the theory of Ervin Goffman and Victor Turner. The main thesis of this work is to say that a rock concert is a performance art. In order to confirm this thesis, it was necessary to approximate what rock music, and show the specific rock concert.The third chapter concerns the analysis of a rock concert performances. Research method in was based on observation and participant observation. I focused on the most important approaches to image-music-words to access the analysis shows

    Increasing Jewishness - motive of postmemory in modern Polish Literature since 1989

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    W swojej pracy starałam się pokazać w jaki sposób w utworach Ewy Kuryluk, Agaty Tuszyńskiej i Bożeny Umińskiej – Keff została ukazana praca specyficznej formy pamięci jaką jest postpamięć. Każda z autorek w odmienny sposób ukazuje odziedziczoną pamięć o Zagładzie, jednak w ich utworach główne bohaterki muszą określić własną tożsamość opierając się na cudzym doświadczeniu. Tym doświadczeniem było przeżycie Zagłady przez ich matki. Każda z matek jest Żydówką, to właśnie kwestia pochodzenia jest zasadnicza w kształtowaniu tożsamości głównych bohaterek. Każda z nich w inny sposób odnosi się do pochodzenia matki, jednak cechą wspólną jest doświadczenie „narastającej żydowskości".In my thesis I raise the issue how in writing of Ewa Kuryluk, Agata Tuszyńska and Bozena Umińska - Keff has been shown to work a specific form of memory that is postmemory. Each of the authors in different ways shows the inherited memory of the Holocaust, but in their works the main character must define its own identity based on someone else's experience