5 research outputs found

    Renormalized Poincar\'e algebra for effective particles in quantum field theory

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    Using an expansion in powers of an infinitesimally small coupling constant gg, all generators of the Poincar\'e group in local scalar quantum field theory with interaction term gϕ3g \phi^3 are expressed in terms of annihilation and creation operators aλa_\lambda and aλ†a^\dagger_\lambda that result from a boost-invariant renormalization group procedure for effective particles. The group parameter λ\lambda is equal to the momentum-space width of form factors that appear in vertices of the effective-particle Hamiltonians, HλH_\lambda. It is verified for terms order 1, gg, and g2g^2, that the calculated generators satisfy required commutation relations for arbitrary values of λ\lambda. One-particle eigenstates of HλH_\lambda are shown to properly transform under all Poincar\'e transformations. The transformations are obtained by exponentiating the calculated algebra. From a phenomenological point of view, this study is a prerequisite to construction of observables such as spin and angular momentum of hadrons in quantum chromodynamics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Boost-Invariant Running Couplings in Effective Hamiltonians

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    We apply a boost-invariant similarity renormalization group procedure to a light-front Hamiltonian of a scalar field phi of bare mass mu and interaction term g phi^3 in 6 dimensions using 3rd order perturbative expansion in powers of the coupling constant g. The initial Hamiltonian is regulated using momentum dependent factors that approach 1 when a cutoff parameter Delta tends to infinity. The similarity flow of corresponding effective Hamiltonians is integrated analytically and two counterterms depending on Delta are obtained in the initial Hamiltonian: a change in mu and a change of g. In addition, the interaction vertex requires a Delta-independent counterterm that contains a boost invariant function of momenta of particles participating in the interaction. The resulting effective Hamiltonians contain a running coupling constant that exhibits asymptotic freedom. The evolution of the coupling with changing width of effective Hamiltonians agrees with results obtained using Feynman diagrams and dimensional regularization when one identifies the renormalization scale with the width. The effective light-front Schroedinger equation is equally valid in a whole class of moving frames of reference including the infinite momentum frame. Therefore, the calculation described here provides an interesting pattern one can attempt to follow in the case of Hamiltonians applicable in particle physics.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, included discussion of finite x-dependent counterterm

    Special relativity constraints on the effective constituent theory of hybrids

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    We consider a simplified constituent model for relativistic strong-interaction decays of hybrid mesons. The model is constructed using rules of renormalization group procedure for effective particles in light-front quantum field theory, which enables us to introduce low-energy phenomenological parameters. Boost covariance is kinematical and special relativity constraints are reduced to the requirements of rotational symmetry. For a hybrid meson decaying into two mesons through dissociation of a constituent gluon into a quark-anti-quark pair, the simplified constituent model leads to a rotationally symmetric decay amplitude if the hybrid meson state is made of a constituent gluon and a quark-anti-quark pair of size several times smaller than the distance between the gluon and the pair, as if the pair originated from one gluon in a gluonium state in the same effective theory.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Similarity Renormalization, Hamiltonian Flow Equations, and Dyson's Intermediate Representation

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    A general framework is presented for the renormalization of Hamiltonians via a similarity transformation. Divergences in the similarity flow equations may be handled with dimensional regularization in this approach, and the resulting effective Hamiltonian is finite since states well-separated in energy are uncoupled. Specific schemes developed several years ago by Glazek and Wilson and contemporaneously by Wegner correspond to particular choices within this framework, and the relative merits of such choices are discussed from this vantage point. It is shown that a scheme for the transformation of Hamiltonians introduced by Dyson in the early 1950's also corresponds to a particular choice within the similarity renormalization framework, and it is argued that Dyson's scheme is preferable to the others for ease of computation. As an example, it is shown how a logarithmically confining potential arises simply at second order in light-front QCD within Dyson's scheme, a result found previously for other similarity renormalization schemes. Steps toward higher order and nonperturbative calculations are outlined. In particular, a set of equations analogous to Dyson-Schwinger equations is developed.Comment: REVTex, 32 pages, 7 figures (corrected references

    Deep Inelastic Structure Functions in Light-Front QCD: Radiative Corrections

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    Recently, we have introduced a unified theory to deal with perturbative and non-perturbative QCD contributions to hadronic structure functions in deep inelastic scattering. This formulation is realized by combining the coordinate space approach based on light-front current algebra techniques and the momentum space approach based on Fock space expansion methods in the Hamiltonian formalism of light-front field theory. In this work we show how a perturbative analysis in the light-front Hamiltonian formalism leads to the factorization scheme we have proposed recently. The analysis also shows that the scaling violations due to perturbative QCD corrections can be rather easily addressed in this framework by simply replacing the hadron target by dressed parton target and then carrying out a systematic expansion in the coupling constant αs\alpha_s based on the perturbative QCD expansion of the dressed parton target. The tools employed for this calculation are those available from light-front old-fashioned perturbation theory. We present the complete set of calculations of unpolarized and polarized deep inelastic structure functions to order αs\alpha_s. We extract the relevant splitting functions in all the cases. We explicitly verify all the sum rules to order αs\alpha_s. We demonstrate the validity of approximations made in the derivation of the new factorization scheme. This is achieved with the help of detailed calculations of the evolution of structure function of a composite system carried out using multi-parton wavefunctions.Comment: Revtex, 26 pages and no figur