3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Autofluorescence Technology in the Identification of Tissue Types in Anterior Neck Surgery

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    Background Iatrogenic parathyroidectomy and hypocalcemia are potential risks of central neck surgery1 Resected parathyroid tissue may be reimplanted if identified quickly, mitigating risk of hypocalcemia2 Current practices of identifying and preserving parathyroids, such as frozen specimens, may incur significant costs in time and expense Autofluorescence (AF) technology takes baseline AF readings from healthy thyroid tissue and compares to other tissues in the neck There is limited data on AF profiles of all tissue types in the central neck (thyroid, thymus, benign vs. malignant lymph nodes, adipose tissue) Preliminary Outcomes (1) Investigate the impact of AF on iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism (2) Assess new AF profiles for different tissue types in the anterior neckhttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/aoa_research_symposium_posters/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Efficacy of Articulate Module: Tracheostomy and Laryngectomy Pearls for the Health Care Providers

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    Purpose: Anatomy, general care and emergency management knowledge of tracheostomies and laryngectomies is crucial in preventing significant morbidity and mortality within the surgical airway population. An Articulate module was made to address and refresh learners on pertinent surgical airway knowledge. Our goal was to assess the efficacy of the new Articulate module, measuring airway knowledge and attitude treating the surgical airway population. Methods: Residents in anesthesia, emergency medicine, and internal medicine were eligible and consented to participate. Half of participants were given the Articulate module and half were not. All participants were asked to take a follow-up test. The test consisted of questions on anatomy, general care, emergency management, and individual attitude treating surgical airways. Participants self-reported residency specialty and year of training. A T-test was used to identify improvement within learners using the Articulate module. Differences were recorded by specialty type and year in training. Results and Conclusions (data in progress