13,174 research outputs found

    Studying the Imaging Characteristics of Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) through Numerical Simulations

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    Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) is one of the five payloads aboard the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)'s ASTROSAT space mission. The science objectives of UVIT are broad, extending from individual hot stars, star-forming regions to active galactic nuclei. Imaging performance of UVIT would depend on several factors in addition to the optics, e.g. resolution of the detectors, Satellite Drift and Jitter, image frame acquisition rate, sky background, source intensity etc. The use of intensified CMOS-imager based photon counting detectors in UVIT put their own complexity over reconstruction of the images. All these factors could lead to several systematic effects in the reconstructed images. A study has been done through numerical simulations with artificial point sources and archival image of a galaxy from GALEX data archive, to explore the effects of all the above mentioned parameters on the reconstructed images. In particular the issues of angular resolution, photometric accuracy and photometric-nonlinearity associated with the intensified CMOS-imager based photon counting detectors have been investigated. The photon events in image frames are detected by three different centroid algorithms with some energy thresholds. Our results show that in presence of bright sources, reconstructed images from UVIT would suffer from photometric distortion in a complex way and the presence of overlapping photon events could lead to complex patterns near the bright sources. Further the angular resolution, photometric accuracy and distortion would depend on the values of various thresholds chosen to detect photon events.Comment: Submitted to PASP, 16 Pages, 9 figure

    Spectroscopic Observations and Modelling of Impulsive Alfv\'en Waves Along a Polar Coronal Jet

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    Using the Hinode/EIS 2"" spectroscopic observations, we study the intensity, velocity, and FWHM variations of the strongest Fe XII 195.12 \AA\ line along the jet to find the signature of Alfv\'en waves. We simulate numerically the impulsively generated Alfv\'en waves within the vertical Harris current-sheet, forming the jet plasma flows, and mimicking their observational signatures. Using the FLASH code and the atmospheric model with embedded weakly expanding magnetic field configuration within a vertical Harris current-sheet, we solve the two and half-dimensional (2.5-D) ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations to study the evolution of Alfv\'en waves and vertical flows forming the plasma jet. At a height of ∼5 Mm\sim 5~\mathrm{Mm} from the base of the jet, the red-shifted velocity component of Fe XII 195.12 \AA\ line attains its maximum (5 km s−15~\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}) which converts into a blue-shifted one between the altitude of 5−10 Mm5-10~\mathrm{Mm}. The spectral intensity continously increases up to 10 Mm10~\mathrm{Mm}, while FWHM still exhibits the low values with almost constant trend. This indicates that the reconnection point within the jet's magnetic field topology lies in the corona 5−10 Mm5-10~\mathrm{Mm} from its footpoint anchored in the Sun's surface. Beyond this height, FWHM shows a growing trend. This may be the signature of Alfv\'en waves that impulsively evolve due to reconnection and propagate along the jet. From our numerical data, we evaluate space- and time- averaged Alfv\'en waves velocity amplitudes at different heights in the jet's current-sheet, which contribute to the non-thermal motions and spectral line broadening. The synthetic width of Fe XII 195.12 A˚195.12~\mathrm{\AA} line exhibits similar trend of increment as in the observational data, possibly proving the existence of impulsively generated (by reconnection) Alfv\'en waves which propagate along the jet

    On Thermal-Pulse-Driven Plasma Flows in Coronal Funnels as Observed by Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)

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    Using one-arcsecond-slit scan observations from the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on 05 February 2007, we find the plasma outflows in the open and expanding coronal funnels at the eastern boundary of AR 10940. The Doppler velocity map of Fe XII 195.120 A shows that the diffuse close-loop system to be mostly red-shifted. The open arches (funnels) at the eastern boundary of AR exhibit blue-shifts with a maximum speed of about 10-15 km/s. This implies outflowing plasma through these magnetic structures. In support of these observations, we perform a 2D numerical simulation of the expanding coronal funnels by solving the set of ideal MHD equations in appropriate VAL-III C initial temperature conditions using the FLASH code. We implement a rarefied and hotter region at the footpoint of the model funnel, which results in the evolution of slow plasma perturbations propagating outward in the form of plasma flows. We conclude that the heating, which may result from magnetic reconnection, can trigger the observed plasma outflows in such coronal funnels. This can transport mass into the higher corona, giving rise to the formation of the nascent solar wind.Comment: 17 Pages; 7 Figure
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