2 research outputs found
Fouling Of Nuclear Steam Generators: Fundamental Studies, Operating Experience and Remedial Measures Using Chemical Additives
- Author
- Asakura Y.
- Asakura Y.
- Basset M.
- Beck T.R.
- Cleaver J.W.
- Cleaver J.W.
- Cleaver J.W.
- Efimov A.A.
- Epstein N.
- Friedlander S.K.
- Guha A.
- Iwahori I.
- Kern D.Q.
- Kuo R.J.
- Mankina N.N.
- Mankina N.N.
- McNab G.S.
- Metzner A.B.
- Newson I.H.
- Nicholson F.D.
- O'Neill M.E
- Papavergos P.G.
- Parks G.A.
- Reeks M.W.
- Reynolds A.M.
- Ruckenstein E.
- Rummens H.E.C.
- Saffman P.G.
- Sawicki J.A.
- Schoonen M.A.A.
- Schuck J.J.
- Sehmel G.A.
- Srisukvatananan P.
- Taborek J.
- Tapping R.L.
- Thomas D.
- Turner C.W.
- Turner C.W.
- Turner C.W.
- Vitols V.
- Wen L.
- Williamson R.
- Yung B.P.K.
- Publication venue
- 'Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Science teacher education in Thailand: a challenging journey
- Author
- Association of the council of university presidents of Thailand
- B Bell
- Bureau of Academic Affairs and Educational Standards
- C Faikhamta
- C Faikhamta
- C Faikhamta
- C Faikhamta
- C Faikhamta
- C Kosnik
- C Rakpolamaung
- C Zembal-Saul
- DA Breault
- E Jantarakantee
- Institutes for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST)
- Institutes for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST)
- Institutes for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST)
- Institutes for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) & OECD
- J Ketsing
- J Ketsing
- K Buaraphan
- K Wattananarong
- KK Chan
- L Darling-Hammond
- M Evagorou
- Ministry of Education
- National Education Development Center of Thailand
- Office of the National Education Commission
- Office of the National Education Commission
- Office of the National Education Commission
- Office of the National Education Commission [ONEC]
- OS Tan
- P Pongsophon
- P Siribanpitak
- P Siribanpitak
- P Srisukvatananan
- P Sydhurum
- PD John
- R Atagi
- R Bybee
- RF Gunstone
- RM Ingersoll
- RM Sperandeo-Mineo
- S Mattavarat
- SK Abell
- Teachers’ Council of Thailand
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study