3 research outputs found

    Perturbing the symmetric orbifold from the worldsheet

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    The symmetric orbifold of T4\mathbb{T}^4 is the analogue of free SYM in four dimensions, and its dual is described by a tensionless string propagating in AdS3×S3×T4{\rm AdS}_3\times {\rm S}^3 \times \mathbb{T}^4. In this paper we study the deformation of this exact AdS/CFT duality away from the free point. On the symmetric orbifold side this amounts to perturbing the theory by the exactly marginal operator from the 22-cycle twisted sector. We identify the corresponding perturbation in the dual worldsheet description, and show that the anomalous conformal dimensions of a number of symmetric orbifold currents are correctly reproduced from this worldsheet perspective.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    The free field realisation of the BVW string

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    The symmetric orbifold of T-4 was recently shown to be exactly dual to string theory on AdS(3) x S-3 x T-4 with minimal (k = 1) NS-NS flux. The worldsheet theory is best formulated in terms of the hybrid formalism of Berkovits, Vafa & Witten (BVW), in terms of which the AdS(3) x S-3 factor is described by a psu(1, 1 vertical bar 2)(k) WZW model. At level k = 1, psu(1, 1 vertical bar 2)(1) has a free field realisation that is obtained from that of u(1, 1 vertical bar 2)(1) upon setting a u(1) field, often called Z, to zero. We show that the free field version of the N = 2 generators of BVW (whose cohomology defines the physical states) does not give rise to an N = 2 algebra, but is rather contaminated by terms proportional to the Z-field. We also show how to overcome this problem by introducing additional ghost fields that implement the quotienting by Z.ISSN:1126-6708ISSN:1029-847