11 research outputs found
The pharmaceutical science is closely related with life science. Knowledge of pharmaceutics is an essential element in medical practice and is the basis for the discovery of new medicines. Before going through preparations of any drug, one has to concentrate on all the matters related to that particular drug like, collection of raw drugs, tests about genuineness of it, different process of prevention and purification, special methods of mixing and so on. Thus pharmaceutical standardization of Ayurvedic medicines is necessary to ensure quality, safety and efficacy of drugs.
Among different preparation of formulations, Khalviya rasayana is a basic procedure applicable to all Rasaoushadis before they are subjected to any specific procedure. It converts crude drugs macro to micro level by trituration and also gives specific Samskara to a drug.
Panchavaktra Ras is a rational combination of Rasadravyas and Kasthaushadhis. Panchavaktra rasa has been taken for its Pharmaceutical standardization through Standard Operative procedures.
The raw drugs Parada, Gandhaka, Tankana are taken and subjected to purification as per Rasatarangini 5/34-35, 8/13-17 and 13/77-78 respectively. Parada, Gandhaka, Tankana, Pippali, Maricha and Krishna Dhattura Swarasa is added in sufficient quantity.
In pharmaceutical study the drug has been prepared in 3 batches adopting Khalviya Rasayana method. The final drug prepared in the pharmacy at the weight of 150 mg. The final product of the drug and all the raw drugs were analyzed before and after the purifications with modern analytical methods viz. XRD, ICP-OES, AAS, SEM with EDX, HPTLC, Physico-Chemical Standards, Pharmaceutical Standards, Preliminary Organic Analysis, and Estimation of Microbial Contamination
Rasa Shastra (science of alchemy) deals with Parada (mercury) and it is considered to be the heart of Rasa Shastra. In fact, the whole science is under the influence of physical and chemical properties of Parada. Rasa Shastra, one of the Pharmaco-therapeutic branches of Ayurved, incorporates many of the Herbo-mineral-metallic pharmaceutical preparations prepared out of the Parada namely Khalviya Rasayana [medicine is prepared grinding the ingredients in a Khalva Yantra (comparable with mortar and pestle)], Parpati Rasayana (thin flake like medicines), Pottali Rasayana (medicines prepared in cloth) and Kupipakwa Rasayana (Medicines prepared in bottle) respectively. The Historical evidences of Parpati Kalpana ways back in the 11th Century having references from Chakradatta written by Acharya Chakrapani. The term Parpati (thin flake like medicine) has been used in many context of Rasa Shastra. Parpati is a thin Flake like preparation consisting of Parada, Gandhaka (sulphur) and other drugs which are developed from Parada. This Preparation of Parada consist therapeutically effective minerals and metallic formulations which includes both Sagandha (with sulphur) and Nirgandha (without sulphur) Parada Murchita Yoga (medicines prepared out of mercury). Parpati Rasayanas have high therapeutic value, potency, less toxicity and cost effective preparations. Many works have been done on Parpati related to its pharmaceutical, clinical and literary part but so far, there is no work on Parpati Kalpana. Considering detailed review on Pharmaceutical and Analytical Parameters applicable for Parpati preparations. So, in this paper an honest attempt has been made to have a systematic overview of Parpati Kalpanas
Ayurveda gives utmost importance to personalized therapy. It upholds individual physiology, pathology, treatment methods and lifestyle adaptations by means of Prakriti (body constitution), Prakriti is the unique psychosomatic temperament of an individual, encompassing the persons physical, functional and behavioural characteristics. Like genetic coding, every individual has a different combination and is therefore a distinct entity. Each and every person is different and their physiological (Agni, Koshta) and pathological manifestations vary accordingly. Each person responds differently though exposed to same stimuli. Lot of research works has been carried out to establish the role of Prakriti in different diseases. In the present study, an attempt is made to evaluate the role of Prakriti in the manifestation of hypothyroidism in different individuals. 100 hypothyroid patients are selected and grouped according to their Prakriti and their clinical features were studied. The group of patients belonging to the same Prakriti have showed similarity in their clinical features. This approach will help in assessing the susceptible clinical features of each Prakriti type and also helpful to take preventive measure in arresting the progression of disease
Haritaki (Chebulic myrobalan-Terminalia chebula Retz (Combretaceae Family) denotes a fruit having dark greenish yellow colour, which drives away diseases. The widely acclaimed Ayurvedic drug is the best wholesome substance and safe for bodily passages (haritaki pathyanam). Haritaki enjoys wide patronage in Tibetan medicine also which is known as A-ru-ra and praised with the adjective Sman-mchog-rgyal-pa (the king of best medicines). Haritaki in day to day life by judicious combinations of different adjuvants will be a boon for the person who consumes it. Though the Ayurvedic texts provide decent options such as Rituharitaki (Seasonal use of Haritaki with selective adjuvant), specific indications and contra indications, may practitioners as well as others do not pay much attention to them. This has lead to the underutilization of this wonderful fruit drug. It is the time to take fresh look at the Ayurvedic perspective of pragmatic usage of Haritaki in the light of current therapeutic evidence, pharmaceutical practices
Diabetes mellitus is a well-known clinical syndrome since antiquity. Ayurveda mainly focuses on the role of diet in Prameha and Madhumeha, which is akin to Diabetes. Nutraceuticals are food or food products that provide health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Traditional Indian diets are functional and used both as food and medicine. Although in recent scientific studies these diets are evaluated for rich source of dietary fiber (whole grains and vegetables), antioxidants and other active principles suitable for diabetes. Primarily, they have been selected and used based on fundamental principles of Ayurveda, such as their Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka, Prabhava, and so on. Reviewing the characteristic properties along with important antidiabetic properties of conventional system of medicine, accentuates the role of these diets in Diabetes. The correlation further emphasizes the way to include or to evaluate more Nutraceuticals for the benefit of Diabetic population.
Diabetes is a complex disease with multiple variations. Nutraceuticals too have variant properties and belong to various dietetic groups, such as Kodrava (grain variety: Paspolum scrobiculatum Linn.), Adhaki (red gram: Cajamus indicus Spreng.), Yava (Barley: Hordeum vulgare Linn.), Mudga (green gram: Phaseolus radiatus Linn.), Kuluttha (horse gram: Dolichos biflorus Linn.), Amalaki (Indian goose berry: Emblica officinalis Gaertn.), Meti (fenugreek: Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn.), Karavellaka (bitter gourd: Momordica charantia Linn.), Jambu (java plum: Syzygium cumini (Linn.) Skeels.), Navapatola (young: Tricosanthes dioica Roxb.), Matsyakshi (Alternanthera sessiles Linn.) R. Br. etc
HPTLC Fingerprinting in the Standardization of Panchavaktra Ras: A Herbo-Mineral Preparation
High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is an enhanced form of thin layer chromatography (TLC). A number of enhancements can be made to the basic method of thin layer chromatography to automate the different steps, to increase the resolution achieved and to allow more accurate quantitative measurements. Automation is useful to overcome the uncertainty in droplet size and position when the sample is applied to the TLC plate by hand. One recent approach to automation has been the use of piezoelectric devices and inkjet printers for applying the sample. The assay combines the separation and quantification of the analyses on silica gel HPTLC plates with visualization under UV and scanning. Using this technique, the alkaloid content of different parts of the drug Panchavaktra ras finger print profile has been determined for the 3 experiments in the different times. HPTLC of Panchavaktra ras is the preliminary quantitative analysis which shows the number of components present in the sample accurately and precisely on the basis of mild variations in Rf values, that can acceptable in this drug and it indicates the purity of drugs. The UV spectrum of the common peaks with large abundance appeared at Rf 0.46, 0.33, 0.28, 0.30, 0.41, 0.49, 0.56, 0.57, 0.59, 0.99 were found to be super imposable revealing the presence of the same constituents in all the 3 samples. 
Clinical Evaluation of Panchavaktra Ras in the Management of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Panchavaktra Ras in the Management of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis). Materials and Methods: A single blind clinical trial was conducted at Dr. Achanta Lakshmipati Govt. Ayurvedic Hospital, M.G. Road, Vijayawada. 50 patients were selected and trial drug was advocated in a dose of 300 mg. (2 tablets) twice a day with Trikatu and Arka moola twak kashaya as anupana. Treatment was given for 45 days with the result assessment recorded at every 15 days. Subjective and objective parameters were analyzed before and after the treatment. In subjective parameters Sandhi Shula, Jadya, Angamarda, Alasya, Agnimandhya and Vidvibandha are taken, while Sandhi Shotha, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and R.A. Factor are considered as objective parameters. Results: It was observed that 48% were in mild relief group, while 50% were of moderate relief and there was Good relief in 2% of patients. Both Subjective and Objective parameters have been analyzed statistically. The relief of Sandhi Shula, Stabdata, Angimandya, Angamarda, Alasya and Vidvibandha found highly significant (P < 0.001) and same results in reduction Sandhi Shotha, ESR levels and RA Factor. Conclusion: Panchavaktra Ras prepared as per the textual standards is highly effective in Amavata and showing a way out to the individual suffering from this chronic disease. The study confirmed the effect of trial drug in Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) in improving the quality of life of patients without any untoward effect
A concept of Sodhana (Purification) w.s.r. to Parada (Mercury)
Sodhana (Purification) is an important and principal pharmaceutical procedure for removing the impurities before the conversion of metals and minerals into Bhasma. There are different procedures like Svedana (vapouring), Mardana (grinding), Prakshalana (performing frequent ablutions), Galana (straining fluids), Avapa (substances are added into the liquefied metals), Nirvapa (metals are burnt to red hot and dipped in liquids), Bhavana (maceration), Bharjana (frying in pan) etc. specific process are described for the Sodhana of different metals and minerals. Sodhana of Parada (Mercury) was done in the specific mediums i.e. equal quantity of Nagavalli svarasa, Ardraka svarasa and Trikshara (Sarja, Yava, Tankana). Atomic Absorption Spectrometry study reveals that the higher levels of various elements and heavy metals are found in the Parada after the purification when compared with the Sodhana process. The raw Parada contains of Iron (4.7800), Copper (4.5840), Zinc (1.2280), Silver (0.304), Tin (3.7560), Cadmium (2.0534), Lead (2.3400), Arsenic (2.6500) elements in ppm levels before the purification. After the purification the analysis with AAS the results of elememts are Iron (2.5760), Copper (2.6520), Zinc (0.2800), Silver (0.044), Tin (1.6090), Cadmium (0.1330), Lead (0.9036), Arsenic (1.0146) ppm levels. This process adopted by the thesis work of Pharmaceutical Standardization of Panchavaktra Ras And Clinical Study In Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) done by dr. B. Srinivasulu, Post Graduate Department of Rasashastra, Dr. Nori Rama Shastry Government Ayurvedic College, Vijayawada-2, Andhra Pradesh  
Classification of Morbidity (Nosology) - Understanding and interpretations from Ayurveda and Biomedicine
The term Nosology refers to the science of classification of disease. Developments in area represent heterogeneous process spanning across long timelines and geographical areas. Descriptions of Classification of disease are well documented in Ayurveda codified texts and presents compact classification methodology from the very division of medical specialties in to 8 types (Ashtangas) which include kayacikitsa (general medicine), Shalya (surgery), Shalakya (ear, nose, throat, dental and diseases of head), Balaroga (Pediatrics), etc., The same is followed for the categorization of diseases too. Apart from this the basis of understanding diseases is pathophysiological (dosha-dhatu-mala) and the analysis is based up on Triskandha (three arms) 1. Hetu (cause), 2. Linga (presentation) and 3. Aushadha (suitable regimen). This is a distinct feature which carves out a niche for Ayurveda in terms of Nosological advantage. Greeco roman medicine started documenting classification of diseases from 16th century The events showcae a transition from Magical remedies to Biographical approach and finally to the Nosological approach which has finally lead to the development of current Biomedicine. Now we are heading for a major revision of ICD-10, which is going to be functional from the year 2014, which is likely to be followed by another major revision ICD-11 (to include standard terminology of some of the alternative medical systems like Chinese and Korean medicine.) An attempt is made in this article to document the chronicle of developments which has led to current International Classification of Diseases (ICD)