15,081 research outputs found

    The Goldman-Rota identity and the Grassmann scheme

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    We inductively construct an explicit (common) orthogonal eigenbasis for the elements of the Bose-Mesner algebra of the Grassmann scheme. The main step is a constructive, linear algebraic interpretation of the Goldman-Rota recurrence for the number of subspaces of a finite vector space. This interpretation shows that the up operator on subspaces has an explicitly given recursive structure. Using this we inductively construct an explicit orthogonal symmetric Jordan basis with respect to the up operator and write down the singular values, i.e., the ratio of the lengths of the successive vectors in the Jordan chains. The collection of all vectors in this basis of a fixed rank forms a (common) orthogonal eigenbasis for the elements of the Bose-Mesner algebra of the Grassmann scheme. We also pose a bijective proof problem on the spanning trees of the Grassmann graphs.Comment: 19 Page

    Web Services and IT Management in Healthcare and Grid Computing

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    Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care defines , health as not just absence of disease but fitness at all levels i.e.Physically, mentally, Psychologically, spirtually, socially, and so on. RCH emphasizes fitness at all level along with health education and medical education. For the last one decade IT has contributed substantially in the healthcare domain. Tele-Medicine, Health informatics, using IT for Health for Prevention, curing, rehabilitation, Medical Education and accessing resources are the some of them.Web Services, IT Management, IT in healthcare, Health Informatics

    Assessing the effectiveness of Communication Media in Health

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    This is a strategy paper for developing effective communication strategies in health in the state of Rajasthan, India. Rajasthan is one among the poor performing states in Health and Family Welfare. The author first presents the current stains of communication strategies, which have been developed by the called Information Education and Communication (IEC) Bureau. Further, few indicators and methods are suggested to develop a strategy for effective communication on Health. The author would like to probe few research questions for developing strategies. What are the various reasons for the poor performance of the IEC Bureau ' Is it due to poor co-ordination among various levels of health functionaries? Or due to less involvement of health personnel in IEC activities? Is it because the Media selected are not appropriate? etc. The present paper is an attempt to answer a few of them.IEC, Health Communication, effectiveness, output outcome
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