67 research outputs found

    Knowledge Transfer with Jacobian Matching

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    Classical distillation methods transfer representations from a "teacher" neural network to a "student" network by matching their output activations. Recent methods also match the Jacobians, or the gradient of output activations with the input. However, this involves making some ad hoc decisions, in particular, the choice of the loss function. In this paper, we first establish an equivalence between Jacobian matching and distillation with input noise, from which we derive appropriate loss functions for Jacobian matching. We then rely on this analysis to apply Jacobian matching to transfer learning by establishing equivalence of a recent transfer learning procedure to distillation. We then show experimentally on standard image datasets that Jacobian-based penalties improve distillation, robustness to noisy inputs, and transfer learning

    Data-free parameter pruning for Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep Neural nets (NNs) with millions of parameters are at the heart of many state-of-the-art computer vision systems today. However, recent works have shown that much smaller models can achieve similar levels of performance. In this work, we address the problem of pruning parameters in a trained NN model. Instead of removing individual weights one at a time as done in previous works, we remove one neuron at a time. We show how similar neurons are redundant, and propose a systematic way to remove them. Our experiments in pruning the densely connected layers show that we can remove upto 85\% of the total parameters in an MNIST-trained network, and about 35\% for AlexNet without significantly affecting performance. Our method can be applied on top of most networks with a fully connected layer to give a smaller network.Comment: BMVC 201

    Compensating for Large In-Plane Rotations in Natural Images

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    Rotation invariance has been studied in the computer vision community primarily in the context of small in-plane rotations. This is usually achieved by building invariant image features. However, the problem of achieving invariance for large rotation angles remains largely unexplored. In this work, we tackle this problem by directly compensating for large rotations, as opposed to building invariant features. This is inspired by the neuro-scientific concept of mental rotation, which humans use to compare pairs of rotated objects. Our contributions here are three-fold. First, we train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect image rotations. We find that generic CNN architectures are not suitable for this purpose. To this end, we introduce a convolutional template layer, which learns representations for canonical 'unrotated' images. Second, we use Bayesian Optimization to quickly sift through a large number of candidate images to find the canonical 'unrotated' image. Third, we use this method to achieve robustness to large angles in an image retrieval scenario. Our method is task-agnostic, and can be used as a pre-processing step in any computer vision system.Comment: Accepted at Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 201

    Efficient Estimation of the Local Robustness of Machine Learning Models

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    Machine learning models often need to be robust to noisy input data. Real-world noise (such as measurement noise) is often random and the effect of such noise on model predictions is captured by a model's local robustness, i.e., the consistency of model predictions in a local region around an input. Local robustness is therefore an important characterization of real-world model behavior and can be useful for debugging models and establishing user trust. However, the na\"ive approach to computing local robustness based on Monte-Carlo sampling is statistically inefficient, especially for high-dimensional data, leading to prohibitive computational costs for large-scale applications. In this work, we develop the first analytical estimators to efficiently compute local robustness of multi-class discriminative models. These estimators linearize models in the local region around an input and compute the model's local robustness using the multivariate Normal cumulative distribution function. Through the derivation of these estimators, we show how local robustness is connected to such concepts as randomized smoothing and softmax probability. In addition, we show empirically that these estimators efficiently compute the local robustness of standard deep learning models and demonstrate these estimators' usefulness for various tasks involving local robustness, such as measuring robustness bias and identifying examples that are vulnerable to noise perturbation in a dataset. To our knowledge, this work is the first to investigate local robustness in a multi-class setting and develop efficient analytical estimators for local robustness. In doing so, this work not only advances the conceptual understanding of local robustness, but also makes its computation practical, enabling the use of local robustness in critical downstream applications

    A Taxonomy of Deep Convolutional Neural Nets for Computer Vision

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    Traditional architectures for solving computer vision problems and the degree of success they enjoyed have been heavily reliant on hand-crafted features. However, of late, deep learning techniques have offered a compelling alternative -- that of automatically learning problem-specific features. With this new paradigm, every problem in computer vision is now being re-examined from a deep learning perspective. Therefore, it has become important to understand what kind of deep networks are suitable for a given problem. Although general surveys of this fast-moving paradigm (i.e. deep-networks) exist, a survey specific to computer vision is missing. We specifically consider one form of deep networks widely used in computer vision - convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We start with "AlexNet" as our base CNN and then examine the broad variations proposed over time to suit different applications. We hope that our recipe-style survey will serve as a guide, particularly for novice practitioners intending to use deep-learning techniques for computer vision.Comment: Published in Frontiers in Robotics and AI (http://goo.gl/6691Bm

    Discriminative Feature Attributions: Bridging Post Hoc Explainability and Inherent Interpretability

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    With the increased deployment of machine learning models in various real-world applications, researchers and practitioners alike have emphasized the need for explanations of model behaviour. To this end, two broad strategies have been outlined in prior literature to explain models. Post hoc explanation methods explain the behaviour of complex black-box models by identifying features critical to model predictions; however, prior work has shown that these explanations may not be faithful, in that they incorrectly attribute high importance to features that are unimportant or non-discriminative for the underlying task. Inherently interpretable models, on the other hand, circumvent these issues by explicitly encoding explanations into model architecture, meaning their explanations are naturally faithful, but they often exhibit poor predictive performance due to their limited expressive power. In this work, we identify a key reason for the lack of faithfulness of feature attributions: the lack of robustness of the underlying black-box models, especially to the erasure of unimportant distractor features in the input. To address this issue, we propose Distractor Erasure Tuning (DiET), a method that adapts black-box models to be robust to distractor erasure, thus providing discriminative and faithful attributions. This strategy naturally combines the ease of use of post hoc explanations with the faithfulness of inherently interpretable models. We perform extensive experiments on semi-synthetic and real-world datasets and show that DiET produces models that (1) closely approximate the original black-box models they are intended to explain, and (2) yield explanations that match approximate ground truths available by construction. Our code is made public at https://github.com/AI4LIFE-GROUP/DiET