14 research outputs found

    The non-protein-nitrogen of pulses. II. Partitioning of the nitrogen and a determination of the essential amino-acids

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    Papyrographic studies on peptides

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    Dilatometric studies in the proteoclastic degradation of proteins.

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    Determination of maltose in plant extracts by maltase

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    Studies on inulinase

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    1. Highly active preparations of inulinase can be obtained from a species ofaspergillus which is grown on artichoke nutrient media. Comparative culture experiments have revealed that phosphates definitely stimulate the formation and enrich the inulinase content of the preparations. 2. The fungus preparation can be preserved for months in a dry and active condition after treatment of the crop with anhydrous acetone. The inulinase can be extracted from this powder by maceration with toluene saturated water at room temperature, and stable extracts are thus obtained which maintain their enzymic activity unimpaired for months. 3. It has been found that a definite relationship exists between the phosphorus content of the preparation and their inulinase activity both in the case of the powders and their maceration extracts, while the total and amino nitrogens of the extract bear no relation with its enzyme activity

    The disintegration of tobacco mosaic virus preparations with sodium dodecyl sulphate

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    Field studies in the spike-disease of sandal (Santalum album Linn)1. Observations on the natural dissemination of spike

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