303 research outputs found

    Logarithmic scaling in the near-dissipation range of turbulence

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    A logarithmic scaling for structure functions, in the form Sp∌[ln⁥(r/η)]ζpS_p \sim [\ln (r/\eta)]^{\zeta_p}, where η\eta is the Kolmogorov dissipation scale and ζp\zeta_p are the scaling exponents, is suggested for the statistical description of the near-dissipation range for which classical power-law scaling does not apply. From experimental data at moderate Reynolds numbers, it is shown that the logarithmic scaling, deduced from general considerations for the near-dissipation range, covers almost the entire range of scales (about two decades) of structure functions, for both velocity and passive scalar fields. This new scaling requires two empirical constants, just as the classical scaling does, and can be considered the basis for extended self-similarity

    Persistence of small-scale anisotropy of magnetic turbulence as observed in the solar wind

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    The anisotropy of magnetophydrodynamic turbulence is investigated by using solar wind data from the Helios 2 spacecraft. We investigate the behaviour of the complete high-order moment tensors of magnetic field increments and we compare the usual longitudinal structure functions which have both isotropic and anisotropic contributions, to the fully anisotropic contribution. Scaling exponents have been extracted by an interpolation scaling function. Unlike the usual turbulence in fluid flows, small-scale magnetic fluctuations remain anisotropic. We discuss the radial dependence of both anisotropy and intermittency and their relationship.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, in press on Europhys. Let

    The Viscous Lengths in Hydrodynamic Turbulence are Anomalous Scaling Functions

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    It is shown that the idea that scaling behavior in turbulence is limited by one outer length LL and one inner length η\eta is untenable. Every n'th order correlation function of velocity differences \bbox{\cal F}_n(\B.R_1,\B.R_2,\dots) exhibits its own cross-over length ηn\eta_{n} to dissipative behavior as a function of, say, R1R_1. This length depends on nn {and on the remaining separations} R2,R3,
R_2,R_3,\dots. One result of this Letter is that when all these separations are of the same order RR this length scales like ηn(R)∌η(R/L)xn\eta_n(R)\sim \eta (R/L)^{x_n} with xn=(ζn−ζn+1+ζ3−ζ2)/(2−ζ2)x_n=(\zeta_n-\zeta_{n+1}+\zeta_3-\zeta_2)/(2-\zeta_2), with ζn\zeta_n being the scaling exponent of the nn'th order structure function. We derive a class of scaling relations including the ``bridge relation" for the scaling exponent of dissipation fluctuations ÎŒ=2−ζ6\mu=2-\zeta_6.Comment: PRL, Submitted. REVTeX, 4 pages, I fig. (not included) PS Source of the paper with figure avalable at http://lvov.weizmann.ac.il/onlinelist.htm

    Dynamical equations for high-order structure functions, and a comparison of a mean field theory with experiments in three-dimensional turbulence

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    Two recent publications [V. Yakhot, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 026307, (2001) and R.J. Hill, J. Fluid Mech. {\bf 434}, 379, (2001)] derive, through two different approaches that have the Navier-Stokes equations as the common starting point, a set of steady-state dynamic equations for structure functions of arbitrary order in hydrodynamic turbulence. These equations are not closed. Yakhot proposed a "mean field theory" to close the equations for locally isotropic turbulence, and obtained scaling exponents of structure functions and an expression for the tails of the probability density function of transverse velocity increments. At high Reynolds numbers, we present some relevant experimental data on pressure and dissipation terms that are needed to provide closure, as well as on aspects predicted by the theory. Comparison between the theory and the data shows varying levels of agreement, and reveals gaps inherent to the implementation of the theory.Comment: 16 pages, 23 figure

    Protein deficiency in spaced-fed rats

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    1. Adult rats were trained to consume the entire day's ration in 2 h. They showed marked difference in food intake when a diet lacking in protein was given. Two broad stages were observed, the first phase did not show any drop in calorie intake whereas the second showed distinct severe calorie deficiency. 2. Definite changes were noted in the metabolic profiles of the protein-deficient group even though no evidence for a fall in calorie intake (stage 1) was provided by the measurements of body and organ weights, urinary end-products, liver constituents and liver enzymes. 3. The levels of urinary end-products and liver DNA and RNA decreased in the protein deficient and pair-fed control groups compared with the control group. 4. The liver glycogen content remained unchanged in the protein-deficient groups whereas the lipid content and the ratio of vitamin A alcohol to ester increased significantly. 5. The activity of xanthine oxidase in the liver was reduced by 75% in the pair-fed control group and by 95% in the protein-deficient group when compared with the control group. However, the activity of succinic dehydrogenase varied, depending on the unit of activity used to express it

    Anomalous exponents in the rapid-change model of the passive scalar advection in the order ϔ3\epsilon^{3}

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    Field theoretic renormalization group is applied to the Kraichnan model of a passive scalar advected by the Gaussian velocity field with the covariance −<v(t,x)v(tâ€Č,xâ€Č)>∝ή(t−tâ€Č)∣x−xâ€ČâˆŁÏ” - <{\bf v}(t,{\bf x}){\bf v}(t',{\bf x'})> \propto\delta(t-t')|{\bf x}-{\bf x'} |^{\epsilon}. Inertial-range anomalous exponents, related to the scaling dimensions of tensor composite operators built of the scalar gradients, are calculated to the order Ï”3\epsilon^{3} of the Ï”\epsilon expansion. The nature and the convergence of the Ï”\epsilon expansion in the models of turbulence is are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages; REVTeX source with 3 postscript figure

    Scaling law of the plasma turbulence with non conservative fluxes

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    It is shown that in the presence of anisotropic kinetic dissipation existence of scale invariant power law spectrum of plasma turbulence is possible. Obtained scale invariant spectrum is not associated with the constant flux of any physical quantity. Application of the model to the high frequency part of the solar wind turbulence is discussed.Comment: Phys Rev E, accepte

    The Scaling Structure of the Velocity Statistics in Atmospheric Boundary Layer

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    The statistical objects characterizing turbulence in real turbulent flows differ from those of the ideal homogeneous isotropic model.They containcontributions from various 2d and 3d aspects, and from the superposition ofinhomogeneous and anisotropic contributions. We employ the recently introduceddecomposition of statistical tensor objects into irreducible representations of theSO(3) symmetry group (characterized by jj and mm indices), to disentangle someof these contributions, separating the universal and the asymptotic from the specific aspects of the flow. The different jj contributions transform differently under rotations and so form a complete basis in which to represent the tensor objects under study. The experimental data arerecorded with hot-wire probes placed at various heights in the atmospheric surfacelayer. Time series data from single probes and from pairs of probes are analyzed to compute the amplitudes and exponents of different contributions to the second order statistical objects characterized by j=0j=0, j=1j=1 and j=2j=2. The analysis shows the need to make a careful distinction between long-lived quasi 2d turbulent motions (close to the ground) and relatively short-lived 3d motions. We demonstrate that the leading scaling exponents in the three leading sectors (j=0,1,2j = 0, 1, 2) appear to be different butuniversal, independent of the positions of the probe, and the large scaleproperties. The measured values of the exponent are ζ2(j=0)=0.68±0.01\zeta^{(j=0)}_2=0.68 \pm 0.01, ζ2(j=1)=1.0±0.15\zeta^{(j=1)}_2=1.0\pm 0.15 and ζ2(j=2)=1.38±0.10\zeta^{(j=2)}_2=1.38 \pm 0.10. We present theoretical arguments for the values of these exponents usingthe Clebsch representation of the Euler equations; neglecting anomalous corrections, the values obtained are 2/3, 1 and 4/3 respectively.Comment: PRE, submitted. RevTex, 38 pages, 8 figures included . Online (HTML) version of this paper is avaliable at http://lvov.weizmann.ac.il

    Opportunities for use of exact statistical equations

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    Exact structure function equations are an efficient means of obtaining asymptotic laws such as inertial range laws, as well as all measurable effects of inhomogeneity and anisotropy that cause deviations from such laws. "Exact" means that the equations are obtained from the Navier-Stokes equation or other hydrodynamic equations without any approximation. A pragmatic definition of local homogeneity lies within the exact equations because terms that explicitly depend on the rate of change of measurement location appear within the exact equations; an analogous statement is true for local stationarity. An exact definition of averaging operations is required for the exact equations. Careful derivations of several inertial range laws have appeared in the literature recently in the form of theorems. These theorems give the relationships of the energy dissipation rate to the structure function of acceleration increment multiplied by velocity increment and to both the trace of and the components of the third-order velocity structure functions. These laws are efficiently derived from the exact velocity structure function equations. In some respects, the results obtained herein differ from the previous theorems. The acceleration-velocity structure function is useful for obtaining the energy dissipation rate in particle tracking experiments provided that the effects of inhomogeneity are estimated by means of displacing the measurement location.Comment: accepted by Journal of Turbulenc

    Macroscopic effects of the spectral structure in turbulent flows

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    Two aspects of turbulent flows have been the subject of extensive, split research efforts: macroscopic properties, such as the frictional drag experienced by a flow past a wall, and the turbulent spectrum. The turbulent spectrum may be said to represent the fabric of a turbulent state; in practice it is a power law of exponent \alpha (the "spectral exponent") that gives the revolving velocity of a turbulent fluctuation (or "eddy") of size s as a function of s. The link, if any, between macroscopic properties and the turbulent spectrum remains missing. Might it be found by contrasting the frictional drag in flows with differing types of spectra? Here we perform unprecedented measurements of the frictional drag in soap-film flows, where the spectral exponent \alpha = 3 and compare the results with the frictional drag in pipe flows, where the spectral exponent \alpha = 5/3. For moderate values of the Reynolds number Re (a measure of the strength of the turbulence), we find that in soap-film flows the frictional drag scales as Re^{-1/2}, whereas in pipe flows the frictional drag scales as Re^{-1/4} . Each of these scalings may be predicted from the attendant value of \alpha by using a new theory, in which the frictional drag is explicitly linked to the turbulent spectrum. Our work indicates that in turbulence, as in continuous phase transitions, macroscopic properties are governed by the spectral structure of the fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
