9 research outputs found


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    A study into the incidence of urinary calculi oier a 15-year periodfrom 1962-1976 in the states ojuiainland Malaysia is presented. Figures frail! the Ministry of Health Returns are the only source fill ' such information. The incidence from the various states over each five year period from 1962-/972 is tabulated and its significance especially, the pattern of incidence, and its relation to industrialisation is discussed. Malaysia is beginning to show the same pattern of incidence in the upper and lower urinary tract as that of other industrialised countries. A plea is made for the establishment of a central register at the Institute of Urology and Nephrology to carry out a national survey ofurinary calculi so that a study into the epidemiology, and ifpossible, preventive aspects ofurolithiasis can be undertaken

    Determinação do parâmetro de solubilidade de poliuretanos de PBLH Solubility parameter of HTPB polyurethanes determination

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    O parâmetro de solubilidade de poliuretanos segmentados foi determinado através de ensaios de inchamento no equilíbrio, tratando-se os dados pela teoria de Flory-Rehner. O segmento flexível dos poliuretanos foi constituído por blocos de oligobutadieno e o segmento rígido foi formado pela reação entre di-isocianato de tolileno e os extensores de cadeia 1,3-propanodiol; 1,4-butanodiol; 1,6-hexanodiol e 2, 2'-di-hidroxi-isopropil N, N'anilina. O teor em segmento rígido para os polímeros provenientes dos extensores alifáticos ficou na faixa de 25,1% a 28,3%, enquanto que, nos polímeros estendidos com o extensor aromático, foi de 32,6%.<br>The solubility parameter of a series of segmented polyurethanes was determined through equilibrium swelling experiments, using the Flory-Rehner theory. The soft segment of the polyurethanes was oligobutadiene and the hard block was formed through the reaction of tolylene diisocyanate with propanediol, butanediol, hexanediol or 2, 2' dihydroxy isopropyl N, N' aniline. The hard segment content in all polymers was about the same for the aliphatic extenders (25.1% to 28.3%) and 32.6% for the aromatic one