103 research outputs found

    Existence of multiple solutions of pp-fractional Laplace operator with sign-changing weight function

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    In this article, we study the following pp-fractional Laplacian equation \begin{equation*} (P_{\la}) \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} - 2\int_{\mb R^n}\frac{|u(y)-u(x)|^{p-2}(u(y)-u(x))}{|x-y|^{n+p\al}} dy = \la |u(x)|^{p-2}u(x) + b(x)|u(x)|^{\ba-2}u(x)\; \text{in}\; \Om \quad \quad\quad\quad \quad\quad\quad\quad\quad \quad u = 0 \; \mbox{in}\; \mb R^n \setminus\Om,\quad u\in W^{\al,p}(\mb R^n).\\ \end{array} \quad \right. \end{equation*} where \Om is a bounded domain in \mb R^n with smooth boundary, n> p\al, pβ‰₯2p\geq 2, \al\in(0,1), \la>0 and b:\Om\subset\mb R^n \ra \mb R is a sign-changing continuous function. We show the existence and multiplicity of non-negative solutions of (P_{\la}) with respect to the parameter \la, which changes according to whether 1<\ba or p< \ba< p^{*}=\frac{np}{n-p\al} respectively. We discuss both the cases separately. Non-existence results are also obtained

    Critical growth elliptic problems with Choquard type nonlinearity:A survey

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    This article deals with a survey of recent developments and results on Choquard equations where we focus on the existence and multiplicity of solutions of the partial differential equations which involve the nonlinearity of convolution type. Because of its nature, these equations are categorized under the nonlocal problems. We give a brief survey on the work already done in this regard following which we illustrate the problems we have addressed. Seeking the help of variational methods and asymptotic estimates, we prove our main results.Comment: 28 page

    On the Second Eigenvalue of Combination Between Local and Nonlocal pp-Laplacian

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    In this paper, we study Mountain Pass Characterization of the second eigenvalue of the operator -\De_p u -\De_{J,p}u and study shape optimization problems related to these eigenvalues.Comment: 15 page

    On doubly nonlocal pp-fractional coupled elliptic system

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    \noi We study the following nonlinear system with perturbations involving p-fractional Laplacian \begin{equation*} (P)\left\{ \begin{split} (-\De)^s_p u+ a_1(x)u|u|^{p-2} &= \alpha(|x|^{-\mu}*|u|^q)|u|^{q-2}u+ \beta (|x|^{-\mu}*|v|^q)|u|^{q-2}u+ f_1(x)\; \text{in}\; \mb R^n,\\ (-\De)^s_p v+ a_2(x)v|v|^{p-2} &= \gamma(|x|^{-\mu}*|v|^q)|v|^{q-2}v+ \beta (|x|^{-\mu}*|u|^q)|v|^{q-2}v+ f_2(x)\; \text{in}\; \mb R^n, \end{split} \right. \end{equation*} where n>spn>sp, 0<s<10<s<1, pβ‰₯2p\geq2, μ∈(0,n)\mu \in (0,n), p2(2βˆ’ΞΌn)<q<psβˆ—2(2βˆ’ΞΌn)\frac{p}{2}\left( 2-\frac{\mu}{n}\right) < q <\frac{p^*_s}{2}\left( 2-\frac{\mu}{n}\right), Ξ±,Ξ²,Ξ³>0\alpha,\beta,\gamma >0, 0< a_i \in C^1(\mb R^n, \mb R), i=1,2i=1,2 and f_1,f_2: \mb R^n \to \mb R are perturbations. We show existence of atleast two nontrivial solutions for (P)(P) using Nehari manifold and minimax methods.Comment: 26 page

    On Dirichlet problem for fractional pp-Laplacian with singular nonlinearity

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    In this article, we study the following fractional pp-Laplacian equation with critical growth singular nonlinearity \begin{equation*} \quad (-\De_{p})^s u = \la u^{-q} + u^{\alpha}, u>0 \; \text{in}\; \Om,\quad u = 0 \; \mbox{in}\; \mb R^n \setminus\Om. \end{equation*} where \Om is a bounded domain in \mb{R}^n with smooth boundary \partial \Om, n > sp, s \in (0,1), \la >0, 0 < q \leq 1 and α≀psβˆ—βˆ’1\alpha\le p^*_s-1. We use variational methods to show the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions of above problem with respect to parameter \la.Comment: 26 page

    A Nehari manifold for non-local elliptic operator with concave-convex non-linearities and sign-changing weight function

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    In this article, we study the existence and multiplicity of non-negative solutions of following pp-fractional equation: \quad \left\{\begin{array}{lr}\ds \quad - 2\int_{\mb R^n}\frac{|u(y)-u(x)|^{p-2}(u(y)-u(x))}{|x-y|^{n+p\al}} dxdy = \la h(x)|u|^{q-1}u+ b(x)|u|^{r-1} u \; \text{in}\; \Om \quad \quad \quad \quad u \geq 0 \; \mbox{in}\; \Om,\quad u\in W^{\al,p}(\mb R^n), \quad \quad\quad \quad\quad u =0\quad\quad \text{on} \quad \mb R^n\setminus \Om \end{array} \right. where \Om is a bounded domain in \mb R^n, pβ‰₯2p\geq 2, n> p\al, \al\in(0,1), 0000 and hh, bb are sign changing smooth functions. We show the existence of solutions by minimization on the suitable subset of Nehari manifold using the fibering maps. We find that there exists \la_0 such that for \la\in (0,\la_0), it has at least two solutions.Comment: 14 page

    On The Fu\v{c}ik Spectrum Of Non-Local Elliptic Operators

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    In this article, we study the Fu\v{c}ik spectrum of fractional Laplace operator which is defined as the set of all (\al,\ba)\in \mb R^2 such that \begin{equation*} \quad \left. \begin{array}{lr} \quad (-\De)^s u = \al u^{+} - \ba u^{-} \; \text{in}\; \Om \quad \quad \quad \quad u = 0 \; \mbox{in}\; \mb R^n \setminus\Om.\\ \end{array} \quad \right\} \end{equation*} has a non-trivial solution uu, where \Om is a bounded domain in \mb R^n with Lipschitz boundary, n>2sn>2s, s∈(0,1)s\in(0,1). The existence of a first nontrivial curve \mc C of this spectrum, some properties of this curve \mc C, e.g. Lipschitz continuous, strictly decreasing and asymptotic behavior are studied in this article. A variational characterization of second eigenvalue of the fractional eigenvalue problem is also obtained. At the end, we study a nonresonance problem with respect to Fu\v{c}ik spectrum.Comment: 22 pages in NoDEA: Nonlinear differential equations and applications, 201

    Fractional Choquard Equation with Critical Nonlinearities

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    In this article, we study the Brezis-Nirenberg type problem of nonlinear Choquard equation involving a fractional Laplacian (-\De)^s u = \left( \int_{\Om}\frac{|u|^{2^*_{\mu,s}}}{|x-y|^{\mu}}\mathrm{d}y \right)|u|^{2^*_{\mu,s}-2}u +\la u \; \text{in } \Om, where \Om is a bounded domain in Rn\mathbb R^n with Lipschitz boundary, \la is a real parameter, s∈(0,1)s \in (0,1), n>2sn >2s and 2ΞΌ,sβˆ—=(2nβˆ’ΞΌ)/(nβˆ’2s)2^*_{\mu,s}= (2n-\mu)/(n-2s) is the critical exponent in the sense of Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality. We obtain some existence, multiplicity, regularity and nonexistence results for solution of the above equation using variational methods.Comment: 32 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1604.00826 by other author

    Existence and multiplicity results for fractional pp-Kirchhoff equation with sign changing nonlinearities

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    In this paper, we show the existence and multiplicity of nontrivial, non-negative solutions of the fractional pp-Kirchhoff problem \begin{equation*} \begin{array}{rllll} M\left(\displaystyle\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}\frac{|u(x)-u(y)|^p}{\left|x-y\right|^{n+ps}}dx\,dy\right)(-\Delta)^{s}_p u &=\lambda f(x)|u|^{q-2}u+ g(x)\left|u\right|^{r-2}u\, \text{in} \Omega,\\ u&=0 \;\mbox{in} \mathbb{R}^{n}\setminus \Omega, \end{array} \end{equation*} where (βˆ’Ξ”)ps(-\Delta)^{s}_p is the fractional pp-Laplace operator, Ξ©\Omega is a bounded domain in Rn\mathbb{R}^n with smooth boundary, f∈Lrrβˆ’q(Ξ©)f \in L^{\frac{r}{r-q}}(\Omega) and g∈L∞(Ξ©)g\in L^\infty(\Omega) are sign changing, MM is continuous function, ps<n<2psps<n<2ps and 1<q<p<r≀psβˆ—=npnβˆ’ps1<q<p<r\leq p_s^*=\frac{np}{n-ps}.Comment: Advances in pure and applied Mathematics 201

    Critical growth fractional elliptic problem with singular nonlinearities

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    In this article, we study the following fractional Laplacian equation with critical growth and singular nonlinearity \quad (-\Delta)^s u = \lambda a(x) u^{-q} + u^{2^*_s-1}, \quad u>0 \; \text{in}\; \Omega,\quad u = 0 \; \mbox{in}\; \mathbb{R}^n \setminus\Omega, where Ξ©\Omega is a bounded domain in Rn\mathbb{R}^n with smooth boundary βˆ‚Ξ©\partial \Omega, n>2s,β€…β€Šs∈(0,1),β€…β€ŠΞ»>0,β€…β€Š0<q≀1n > 2s,\; s \in (0,1),\; \lambda >0,\; 0 < q \leq 1 , θ≀a(x)∈L∞(Ξ©)\theta \leq a(x) \in L^\infty(\Omega), for some ΞΈ>0\theta>0 and 2sβˆ—=2nnβˆ’2s2^*_s=\frac{2n}{n-2s}. We use variational methods to show the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions of the above problem with respect to the parameter Ξ»\lambda.Comment: 25 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1602.0087
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