8 research outputs found

    Alternative and Natural Therapies for Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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    Introduction. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a complex clinical syndrome characterized by acute inflammation, microvascular damage, and increased pulmonary vascular and epithelial permeability, frequently resulting in acute respiratory failure and death. Current best practice for ARDS involves “lung-protective ventilation,” which entails low tidal volumes and limiting the plateau pressures in mechanically ventilated patients. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the pathogenesis of ARDS, little progress has been made in the development of specific therapies to combat injury and inflammation. Areas Covered. In recent years, several natural products have been studied in experimental models and have been shown to inhibit multiple inflammatory pathways associated with acute lung injury and ARDS at a molecular level. Because of the pleiotropic effects of these agents, many of them also activate antioxidant pathways through nuclear factor erythroid-related factor 2, thereby targeting multiple pathways. Several of these agents are prescribed for treatment of inflammatory conditions in the Asian subcontinent and have shown to be relatively safe. Expert Commentary. Here we review natural remedies shown to attenuate lung injury and inflammation in experimental models. Translational human studies in patients with ARDS may facilitate treatment of this devastating disease

    Primary Nocardia Infection Causing a Fluorodeoxyglucose-Avid Right Renal Mass in a Redo Lung Transplant Recipient

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    Immunosuppression after lung transplantation may increase susceptibility to opportunistic infection and is associated with early and delayed deaths in lung transplant recipients. Factors that may predispose lung transplant recipients to opportunistic bacterial and fungal infections include prolonged corticosteroid use, renal impairment, treatment of acute rejection, and post-transplant diabetes mellitus. We present a unique case of a 63-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus who underwent redo lung transplantation. Three years after her right-sided single redo lung transplant, she presented with right-sided abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Upon examination, computed tomography showed a 4.5 × 3.3 cm heterogeneous, enhancing right renal mass with a patent renal vein. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a T1/T2 hypointense, diffusion-restricting, right mid-renal mass that was fluorodeoxyglucose-avid on positron emission tomography. We initially suspected primary renal cell carcinoma. However, after a right nephrectomy, no evidence of neoplasia was observed; instead, a renal abscess containing filamentous bacteria was noted, raising suspicion for infection of the Nocardia species. Special stains confirmed a diagnosis of Nocardia renal abscess. Computed tomography of the chest and brain revealed no lesions consistent with infection. We initiated a long-term therapeutic regimen of anti-Nocardia therapy with imipenem and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

    Pulmonary Artery Pseudoaneurysm: A Rare Cause of Fatal Massive Hemoptysis

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    Pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm (PAPA), an uncommon complication of pyogenic bacterial and fungal infections and related septic emboli, is associated with high mortality. The pulmonary artery (PA) lacks an adventitial wall; therefore, repeated endovascular seeding of the PA with septic emboli creates saccular dilations that are more likely to rupture than systemic arterial aneurysms. The most common clinical presentation of PAPA is massive hemoptysis and resultant worsening hypoxemia. Computed tomography angiography is the preferred diagnostic modality for PAPA; typical imaging patterns include focal outpouchings of contrast adjacent to a branch of the PA following the same contrast density as the PA in all phases of the study. In mycotic PAPAs, multiple synchronous lesions are often seen in segmental and subsegmental PAs due to ongoing embolic phenomena. The recommended approach for a mycotic PAPA is prolonged antimicrobial therapy; for massive hemoptysis, endovascular treatment (e.g., coil embolization, stenting, or embolization of the feeding vessel) is preferred. PAPA resection and lobectomy are a last resort, generally reserved for patients with uncontrolled hemoptysis or pleural hemorrhage. We present a case of a 28-year-old woman with necrotizing pneumonia from intravenous drug use who ultimately died from massive hemoptysis and shock after a ruptured PAPA

    Coexistent Non–Small Cell Carcinoma and Small Cell Carcinoma in a Patient Presenting with Hyponatremia

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    Despite recent advances in screening methods, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. By the time lung cancer becomes symptomatic and patients seek treatment, it is often too advanced for curative measures. Low-dose computed tomography (CT) screening has been shown to reduce mortality in patients at high risk of lung cancer. We present a 66-year-old man with a 50-pack-year smoking history who had a right upper lobe (RUL) pulmonary nodule and left lower lobe (LLL) consolidation on a screening CT. He reported a weight loss of 45 pounds over 3 months, had recently been hospitalized for hyponatremia, and was notably cachectic. A CT of the chest showed a stable LLL mass-like consolidation and a 9×21 mm subsolid lesion in the RUL. Navigational bronchoscopy biopsy of the RUL lesion revealed squamous non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration of the LLL lesion revealed small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The final diagnosis was a right-sided Stage I NSCLC (squamous) and a left-sided limited SCLC. The RUL NSCLC was treated with stereotactic radiation; the LLL SCLC was treated with concurrent chemotherapy and radiation. In patients with multiple lung nodules, a diagnosis of synchronous multiple primary lung cancers (MPLCs) is crucial, as inadvertent upstaging of patients with MPLC (to T3 and/or T4 tumors) can lead to erroneous staging, inaccurate prognosis, and improper treatment. Recent advances in the diagnosis of small pulmonary nodules via navigational bronchoscopy and management of these lesions dramatically affect a patient’s overall prognosis

    Aspirated Almond Masquerading as an Obstructing Endobronchial Mass Suspicious for Lung Cancer

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    Foreign body aspiration is relatively rare in adults compared to children. In adults with delayed presentation, a history of choking is often absent, resulting in delayed diagnosis and significant morbidity. Common presenting features in adults include nonresolving cough with or without fever, hemoptysis, or wheezing and may mimic infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic disorders. We present a case of a 64-year-old man with 80-pack-year smoking history who had a nonresolving left lower lobe infiltrate on chest radiograph after treatment for community-acquired pneumonia. His insidious-onset symptoms included cough, decreased exercise tolerance, and localized wheezing. Computed tomography of the chest showed a left lower lobe consolidation, with narrowing of the bronchus. Flexible bronchoscopy revealed a fleshy endobronchial mass, prompting endobronchial needle aspiration and biopsies, all of which revealed acute inflammation on rapid onsite evaluation. After multiple biopsies, a white pearly object with a detached brown cover was revealed; the object was found to be an aspirated almond. The almond and its peel were retrieved. The patient acknowledged that he had frequently eaten almonds in the supine position while recovering from a previous injury. His symptoms completely resolved at 3-month follow up, and he has ceased smoking and no longer consumes food while supine

    Incidental extensive adenocarcinoma in lungs explanted from a transplant recipient with an idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis flare-up: A clinical dilemma

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    Patients under consideration for lung transplantation as treatment for end-stage lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) often have risk factors such as a history of smoking or concomitant emphysema, both of which can predispose the patient to lung cancer. In fact, IPF itself increases the risk of lung cancer development by 6.8% to 20%. Solid organ malignancy (non-skin) is an established contraindication for lung transplantation. We encountered a clinical dilemma in a patient who presented with an IPF flare-up and underwent urgent evaluation for lung transplantation. After transplant, the patient's explanted lungs showed extensive adenocarcinoma in situ, with the foci of invasion and metastatic adenocarcinoma in N1-level lymph nodes, as well as usual interstitial pneumonia. Retrospectively, we saw no evidence to suggest malignancy in addition to the IPF flare-up. Clinical diagnostic dilemmas such as this emphasize the need for new noninvasive testing that would facilitate malignancy diagnosis in patients too sick to undergo invasive tissue biopsy for diagnosis. Careful pathological examination of explanted lungs in patients with IPF is critical, as it can majorly influence immunosuppressive regimens, surveillance imaging, and overall prognosis after lung transplant. Keywords: Adenocarcinoma in situ, Lung transplant, Lung allocation score, Incidental tumors in lung explants, Lung explant pathology, Lung cancer in lung transplant recipient

    Biotechnological Approaches to Medicinal Plants of Aravalli Hills: Conservation and Scientific Validation of Biological Activities

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