4 research outputs found

    Giant left ureteric stone

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    A 24 year old male presented with acute pain in left loin with burning micturition, investigation revealed minimal functioning of left kidney with left hydronephrosis and hydroureter and a giant ureteric calculus. He underwent open ureterolithotomy. A giant ureteric calculus measuring 10.5 cm and weighing 49 gm was retrieved from the left ureter post-operative recovery was eventful and was discharged after 10 days

    Squamous cell carcinoma in left flank due to saree: Largest reported case

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    Saree is a female costume unique for Indian ladies. This includes a superficial cloth and a skirt underneath which is fastened securely to the waist by a cord. Persistent and long term wearing of this costume has resulted in waist dermatoses. Waist dermatoses theoretically may present with malignant transformation. Here we present a case of 60 year old female who presented with left flank ulcer following chronic irritation from saree, biopsy was taken and it showed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). We decided to do wide excision with tension free suturing. Post operatively the patient followed up for 12 week and has shown to be disease free. This turns out to be the third case being reported and the largest ever to be reported in the literature

    A rare case of Bochdalek diaphragmatic hernia with concomitant partial situs inversus

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    Congenital diaphragmatic hernias clinically presenting in adulthood are exceedingly rare lesions, mainly left-sided defect (Bochdalek). Bochdalek hernias most commonly manifest during the patient’s first few weeks of life. Diagnosis beyond the first 8 weeks of life is estimated to represent 5-25% of all Bochdalek hernias. Here we have a 32 year old female patient who presented with 10x10 cm diaphragmatic hernia with dextrocardia who was asymptomatic for years