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    ABSTRACT The development of wound infection and selection of resistant microorganisms is a significant problem in the proces

    Agricultural Academy

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    Abstract Moneva, P., S. PoPova-Ralcheva, v. SRedkova, M. kRuSteva and d. Gudev, 2011. Reliability of some endocrine and behavioral indices of stress. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., this investigation accentuates on the reliability of some endocrine (cortisol and prolactin), behavioral (bleating frequency, prevalence of feed and defense response) and immune (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) indices of stress. our study comprised several experimental designs with laying hens, cows, does and kids. We found sizable stress response to blood sampling procedures that was registered as early as the first minutes after catching of the bird. there were pronounced individual differences in stress-sensitivity demonstrated by plasma cortisol levels which varied from low to high values. heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, unlike cortisol began to change after a latent period of 10-15 min. following the start of stress stimuli. When combined with cortisol this ratio allowed us to differentiate stress stimuli induced by the handling procedures from those induced by a certain environmental and technological factors. Plasma cortisol level turned out to be reliable stress indicator in does, previously habituated to blood sampling procedures. However, kid separation at the time of weaning caused significant plasma cortisol enhancement. there was no stress when the kids were prevented from suckling but remained to their mothers. the frequency of bleating did not correspond to plasma cortisol dynamics indicating that it is not reliable stress indicator in this particular case. exposure of cows to heat stress elicited short-term increase of plasma cortisol followed by a quick decline to values that were within the normal range in spite of the elevated rectal temperature. Plasma prolactin increased and remained high throughout the heat load period. these results demonstrate that plasma cortisol level can not be used as a universal stress-indicator

    Алтернативни, животоспасяващи и удължаващи живота хирургични методи за лечение на напреднали карциноми на млечната жлеза, усложнени с разязвяване, профузно кървене и инфекция на тумора

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    Адрес за кореспонденция: П. Червеняков, Хирургично отделение, МБАЛ „Сердиuа“, ул. „Дамян Груев № 6, 1303 София ***** Address for correspondence: P. Chervenyakov, Surgical Ward, MHAT „Serdika“, 6 „Damiyan Gruev“, str., 1303 SofiaРакът на млечната жлеза (РМЖ) заема между 20-25% от всички органни локализации при онкологичните заболявания. Докато в САЩ, например, ранна диагноза при РМЖ (в І и ІІ стадий) се поставя при 82% от болните, у нас ранното диагностициране е незадоволително при около 55% от случаите. През периода от 1997 г. до 2011 г. оперирахме 2316 болни с РМЖ, 49,3% от които с локализация в дясната млечна жлеза (МЖ), 46,6% – в лявата, 4.1% – двустранна. 24 лекувани от нас болни с\ud напреднал карцином на МЖ имаха разязвяване на кожата. При 18 болни кървенето беше интензивно и бе налице локална инфекция. С тежък анемичен синдром бяха 8 болни, а 16 бяха с лекостепенна анемия. Всички болни бяха оперирани (8 по спешност). Може да се направи изводът, че при болните с напреднал РМЖ, усложнен с ексулцерация на кожата, и при тумор с профузно кървене оперативното лечение е живо-тоспасяващо, макар че мастектомията не е радикална. Непосредствените оперативни резултати са обнадеждаващи. Дезинтоксикацията на болните рязко се подобрява, анемичният синдром бързо се компенсира чрез венозно приложение на Venofer, но понякога се налага и кръвопреливане. То обаче особено при иноперабилните болни с карцином води до тежки тромбоемболични усложнения и до по-бързото разрастване и развитие на метастази. При оперативни намеси с по-големи кожни дефекти след мастектомия е необходимо да се използва свободно кожно ламбо или кожно ламбо по съседство, взето на широка основа, за закриване на кожния дефект. Оперативните намеси трябва да се извършват от специализиран екип – мамолози и пластични хирурзи. Необходимо е организирането на кур-сове за подготовка на повече специалисти\ud по пластична хирургия, които да работят съвместно в съответните центрове и мамологични клиники. За целта следва да\ud се изготви програма за обучение на пластични хирурзи, съобразена със съвременните стандарти по мамология и хирургия. ***** Summary: Breast cancer (BC) is an extremely actual problem covering 20-25% of all organ localizations in oncological diseases. While in the USA, for example, the early diagnosis of BC (in stages I and II) is made in 82% of patients, in our country the early diagnosis is unsatisfactory in about 55% of cases. In the period 1997-2011, we performed surgery on 2316 patients with BC, 49.3% of which with localization in the right mammary\ud gland (MG), 46.6% – in the left MG, 4.1% – bilaterally. 24 of the patients with an advanced carcinoma of MG we treated had skin ulceration. In 18 patients, hemorrhage was intense and a local infection was present. 8 patients had severe anemic syndrome, 16 – mild-grade anemia. All the patients had surgery (8 due to emergency). The conclusion can be drawn that surgical treatment is lifesaving in the patients with advanced BC\ud complicated with skin exulceration and in tumor with a profuse hemorrhage, even though mastectomy is not radical. The direct operative results are encouraging. The detoxication of patients rapidly improves, anemic syndrome is quickly compensated by intravenous administration of Venofer,\ud however, also blood transfusion is required occasionally. Particularly in the inoperable patients with carcinoma, it leads to severe thromboembolic complications and the faster growth and development of metastases. With the surgical interventions involving larger skin defects, the usage of a free skin fl ap or the skin fl ap in neighborhood, which was taken over a large base, is required to cover the skin defect. Surgical interventions should be performed by a specialized team including mammologists and plastic surgeons. The organization of courses to train more plastic surgery specialists is needed, who should work together in the related centers and mammological clinics. To this purpose, an educational program for plastic surgeons should be prepared in accordance with the modern standards in mammology and surgery

    Clinical and genetic characteristics of a large international cohort of individuals with rare NR5A1/SF-1 variants of sex developmentResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1/NR5A1) is essential for human sex development. Heterozygous NR5A1/SF-1 variants manifest with a broad range of phenotypes of differences of sex development (DSD), which remain unexplained. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis on the so far largest international cohort of individuals with NR5A1/SF-1 variants, identified through the I-DSD registry and a research network. Findings: Among 197 individuals with NR5A1/SF-1 variants, we confirmed diverse phenotypes. Over 70% of 46, XY individuals had a severe DSD phenotype, while 90% of 46, XX individuals had female-typical sex development. Close to 100 different novel and known NR5A1/SF-1 variants were identified, without specific hot spots. Additionally, likely disease-associated variants in other genes were reported in 32 individuals out of 128 tested (25%), particularly in those with severe or opposite sex DSD phenotypes. Interestingly, 48% of these variants were found in known DSD or SF-1 interacting genes, but no frequent gene-clusters were identified. Sex registration at birth varied, with <10% undergoing reassignment. Gonadectomy was performed in 30% and genital surgery in 58%. Associated organ anomalies were observed in 27% of individuals with a DSD, mainly concerning the spleen. Intrafamilial phenotypes also varied considerably. Interpretation: The observed phenotypic variability in individuals and families with NR5A1/SF-1 variants is large and remains unpredictable. It may often not be solely explained by the monogenic pathogenicity of the NR5A1/SF-1 variants but is likely influenced by additional genetic variants and as-yet-unknown factors. Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation (320030-197725) and Boveri Foundation Zürich, Switzerland