9 research outputs found

    An Outline of a Progressive Resolution to the Euro-area Sovereign Debt Overhang: How a Five year Suspension of the Debt Burden Could Overthrow Austerity

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    The present study puts forward a plan for solving the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area (EA) in line with the interests of the working classes and the social majority. Our main strategy is for the European Central Bank (ECB) to acquire a significant part of the outstanding sovereign debt (at market prices) of the countries in the EA and convert it to zero-coupon bonds. No transfers will take place between individual states; taxpayers in any EA country will not be involved in the debt restructuring of any foreign eurozone country. Debt will not be forgiven: individual states will agree to buy it back from the ECB in the future when the ratio of sovereign debt to GDP has fallen to 20 percent. The sterilization costs for the ECB are manageable. This model of an unconventional monetary intervention would give progressive governments in the EA the necessary basis for developing social and welfare policies to the benefit of the working classes. It would reverse present-day policy priorities and replace the neoliberal agenda with a program of social and economic reconstruction, with the elites paying for the crisis. The perspective taken here favors social justice and coherence, having as its priority the social needs and the interests of the working majority

    Financialization and Marx: some reflections on Bryan's, Martin's and Rafferty's argumentation

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    The recent theoretical works of the authors provide thorough insights into the workings of contemporary capitalism. Derivatives are the key issue involved here. They comprehend financialization as a development within, rather than a distortion of, capitalist production. They nevertheless underestimate the ability of Marx's analytical categories to capture the essence of contemporary organization of capitalism. A return to Marx is not only helpful but is also indispensable for clarification of some unformed aspects in their analysis. What is actually involved in financialization is not just the emergence of a structure enabling more effective valuation of financial assets; it is also the development of a technology of power that is superimposed on existing power relations for the purpose of organizing their functioning

    Le capital humain et physique dans l'économie

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    L'objet de ce papier concerne l'estimation du capital humain et physique dans l'économie grecque au cours de la période 1988-1998. Pour y parvenir nous avons appliqué le modèle de Solow (1957) et le modèle de Mankiw, Romer et Weil (1992), qui constitue une extension du modèle de Solow en comprenant le capital humain. A partir du modèle de Solow on a estimé le capital physique et sur la base de Mankiw, Romer et Weil, le capital humain. Les données statistiques pour la recherche proviennent du Service Statistique National de Grèce. Au vu des résultats économétriques, les deux modèles ap¬pliqués sont très satisfaisants. En effet, les modèles peuvent décrire, de manière satisfaisante, la technologie de production en Grèce, pendant la période examinée. Néanmoins avec la procédure appropriée nous avons constaté l'existence d'une multicollinearité. Cela signifie que les relations entre le capital physique et humain, au cours de la période 1988-98, sont linéaires. Il semble allors que l'économie grecque trouve devant un carrefour, où elle doit abandonner les relations linéaires entre le capital et le travail et entrer dans le processus de l'accroissement diachronique de la proportion du capital par rapport au travail. Cette condition est essentielle pour 1' acroissement du produit en long terme. Autrement, les relations entre le capital et le travail, à moyen et à long terme ne seraient pas favorables au développement du pays

    Heterodox influences on Schumpeter

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    Purpose – Joseph Alois Schumpeter's ideas are in the discussion agenda of various economists working in different theoretical traditions. However, several aspects of his work remain unexplored. In particular, the origin of his ideas in the context of the then prevalent economic theories of the German-speaking camp, have not been widely discussed. The purpose of this paper is claim that the elaborations of certain German-speaking heterodox economists and/or schools of economic thought may be traced in Schumpeter's oeuvre. Design/methodology/approach – The influence of the German Historical School and specifically of Gustav von Schmoller, Max Weber and Werner Sombart on typical Schumpeterian themes is examined. In a similar vein, it is argued that Schumpeter's analysis presents striking similarities with the works of the Austro-Marxist Economist Rudolf-Hilferding and the Austrian Social Democrat Emil Lederer. Findings – In this context, certain Schumpeterian insights appear less original. Originality/value – Conclusively, it may be inferred that a deeper understanding of Schumpeterian economic analysis presupposes an acquaintance with certain heterodox theoretical traditions of the German-speaking world.Consumer behaviour, Economic doctrines, Economic theory, Economics