29 research outputs found

    Some Controversies in the Understanding of Equilibria in Electrical Interfacial Layer

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    This review discusses several controversies connected to the measurements and interpretation of equilibria in the electrical interfacial layer at the solid/solution interfaces. The discussion concerns equilibria of amphoteric reactions and counterion association at the surface. The applicability of the intrinsic equilibrium constant concept for counterion association is compared to a model where associated counterions are not located fin a plane but distributed in the vicinity of central surface charged groups. Measurements indicating the adsorption of counterions in the region of the point of zero charge reveal insufficiencies of the common models based on the Gouy-Chapman theory. These results are explained in terms of the effect of the discreteness of surface charge. The differences in the double layer model and the triple layer model are discussed. Numerical simulation of interfacial layer equilibria shows that the isoelectric point can be close to the common intersection point despite the significant specific adsorption. This finding suggests that these values should be determined with high accuracy if they are used as ithe point of zero charge. It is demonstrated that mass titration method for p,z.c. determination is applicable only for pure samples. The contamination of samples by acid or base results in significant errors in p.z.c. and thus (in experimental surface charge densities. The adhesion method for determination of the isoelectric point of metallic surfaces is presented

    Bioindykation cadmium in children exposed to the effect of passive smoking, with help pharyngeal tonsil dependending on age, gender and place of residence

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    Przedmiotem bada艅 by艂y migda艂ki gard艂owe, kt贸re ze wzgl臋du na swoje po艂o偶enie anatomiczne, stanowi膮 pierwsz膮 tkank臋, maj膮c膮 styczno艣膰 z zawartymi we wdychanym powietrzu substancjami. Migda艂ki gard艂owe pochodzi艂y od dzieci zamieszkuj膮cych wojew贸dztwo 艣l膮skie, zosta艂y podzielone ze wzgl臋du na wiek, p艂e膰, nara偶enie na bierne palenie oraz miejsce zamieszkania. Zawarto艣膰 kadmu w migda艂kach gard艂owych oznaczono metod膮 z indukcyjnie sprz臋偶on膮 plazm膮 (ICP-AES) za pomoc膮 aparatu Solar 2000. Przeci臋tna zawarto艣膰 kadmu w poszczeg贸lnych przedzia艂ach wiekowych by艂a najwi臋ksza u dzieci najm艂odszych w wieku od 0 do 4 lat. 艢rednia geometryczna zawarto艣膰 kadmu w migda艂kach gard艂owych dziewczynek - 0,48 ug/g by艂a nieznacznie wy偶sza w por贸wnaniu do ch艂opc贸w - 0,40 ug/g. Podobnie sytuacja przedstawia si臋 u dziewczynek (0,09 ug/g) i ch艂opc贸w (0,07 ug/g) nara偶onych na bierne palenie, gdzie 艣rednie geometryczne st臋偶enie kadmu by艂o wy偶sze w por贸wnaniu do dzieci nienara偶onych. W pracy analizowano tak偶e tendencje zmian zawarto艣ci kadmu w migda艂kach gard艂owych ch艂opc贸w i dziewczynek zamieszka艂ych w r贸偶nych rejonach wojew贸dztwa 艣l膮skiego. Mo偶na dostrzec, 偶e dzieci zamieszkuj膮ce obszary pozostaj膮ce pod bezpo艣rednim wp艂ywem emisji py艂贸w elektrownianych, posiada艂y wi臋ksze ilo艣ci kadmu w migda艂kach gard艂owych w por贸wnaniu do dzieci z teren贸w rekreacyjnych. Wyniki bada艅 potwierdzi艂y, 偶e p艂e膰, wiek, nara偶enie na bierne palenie i miejsce zamieszkania odgrywaj膮 istotn膮 rol臋 w kumulacji kadmu w migda艂kach gard艂owych dzieci.Subject of this research was pharyngeal tonsils which his anatomic location it is an interesing tissue. They are first tissue which has contact content in air inhalation substances in selective way. Pharyngeal tonsils came from children who lived in the Silesia province, samples of tonsils were divided with regard to children's age, sex, exposure to tobacco smoke and the place of residence. Contains cadmium in pharyngeal tonsils was marked by the method of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-AES) which helped apparatus Solar 2000. The environmental level of cadmium in partitions aged was the maximum in children's age from 0-4 . Geometrical mean of contents of cadmium in pharyngeal tonsils on girls - 0,48 ug/g was high in comparison to boys - 0,40 ug/g. This sytuation was present in girls (0,09 ug/g) and boys (0,07 ug/g) exposed to tobacco smoke, where averaged concentration of cadmium has been high compared to children's unexposed. In the present study we analyzed the influence of living in the Silesian Region with concentration of cadmium in analyzed samples. Here was perceive clearly, that for the children living in areas near power-station the larger concentration of cadmium was observed in pharyngeal tonsils in comparison to children living in recreational region. The results have verified that sex, living place and exposure to tobacco smoke matter in accumulation cadmium in pharyngeal tonsils from to children