186 research outputs found

    Trade and Management: Exclusive Economic Zones and the Changing Japanese Surimi Market

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    The United States' increasing competitive advantage in international seafood trade in Alaska walleye pollock. Theragra chalcogramma, has contributed to higher prices for surimi-based goods and structural changes in seafood production and trade in Japan. The objectives of this analytical investigation include: 1) Evaluation of the role reversal of Japan and the United States in international seafood trade and 2) quantification of the impact of rising prices of frozen surimi on household consumption of surimi-based foods in Japan. This study documents Japan's regression from "seafood self-sufficiency" to increasing dependence on imported products and raw materials. In particular, Japan's growing dependence on American fishermen and seafood producers is described. Surimi production by the United States, and its emerging dominance over Japanese sources of supply, are especially significant. Results of the analysis suggest that Japanese consumer demand for surimi-based food stuffs correlates directly with "competitive" food prices, e.g., pork, chicken, and beef, and inversely with personal income. Also revealed is how rising household income and relative price shifts among competing animal protein sources in the Japanese diet have contributed to declining household consumption of surimi-based foods, specifically, and a shift away from seafoods in favor of beef, in general. The linkages between, for example. Japanese domestic seafood production and consumption, international trade in marine products, and resource management decisions in the U.S. EEZ present a picture of a changing global marketplace. Increasingly, actions in one arena will have perhaps profound implications in the others

    Climate oscillations, glacial refugia, and dispersal ability: factors influencing the genetic structure of the least salmonfly, Pteronarcella badia (Plecoptera), in Western North America

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    Background: Phylogeographic studies of aquatic insects provide valuable insights into mechanisms that shape the genetic structure of communities, yet studies that include broad geographic areas are uncommon for this group. We conducted a broad scale phylogeographic analysis of the least salmonfly Pteronarcella badia (Plecoptera) across western North America. We tested hypotheses related to mode of dispersal and the influence of historic climate oscillations on population genetic structure. In order to generate a larger mitochondrial data set, we used 454 sequencing to reconstruct the complete mitochondrial genome in the early stages of the project. Results: Our analysis revealed high levels of population structure with several deeply divergent clades present across the sample area. Evidence from five mitochondrial genes and one nuclear locus identified a potentially cryptic lineage in the Pacific Northwest. Gene flow estimates and geographic clade distributions suggest that overland flight during the winged adult stage is an important dispersal mechanism for this taxon. We found evidence of multiple glacial refugia across the species distribution and signs of secondary contact within and among major clades. Conclusions: This study provides a basis for future studies of aquatic insect phylogeography at the inter-basin scale in western North America. Our findings add to an understanding of the role of historical climate isolations in shaping assemblages of aquatic insects in this region. We identified several geographic areas that may have historical importance for other aquatic organisms with similar distributions and dispersal strategies as P. badia. This work adds to the ever-growing list of studies that highlight the potential of next-generation DNA sequencing in a phylogenetic context to improve molecular data sets from understudied groups

    New Tricks (2015)

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    As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul. Hermes Trismegistus I am but a humbly painted vessel of the Almighty Artist, here to share in this uniquely significant piece of the great mural. They say that art imitates life and that through the creation of art we become one with the divine painter of the universe. That is why the calling of the artist is the most noble of pursuits, for the artist is the truest reflection of the source of things. Yet art is not finite and cannot be nailed down. Like the artist, art channels itself through many different vessels and media. It is elusive, but when encountered there is a definite understanding the that Almighty Artist is present in the work. In this, our collective effort at paying homage to our inner artist, we have collected together reflections of life as channeled through the talented artists of Dakota State University. Mirroring the Master Creation, New Tricks has become a perfectly reflected world of its own. Each piece of art inside the magazine has been given life and granted power to interact with the rest of creation, namely you. So it is with great honor that we present to you the many mirrors of our souls, so that they may act as portals for you to venture deep and greet the eternal inside of us

    Відгук офіційного опонента доктора філологічних наук, професора Кузьменка В.І. на дисертацію Галича А.О. за темою Жанрові модифікації портретного дискурсу в документалістиці ХХ – ХХІ ст

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    У дисертації вперше в українському літературознавстві здійснено комплексне дослідження особливостей портретування в документальній літературі, осмислено його специфіку у творах різних жанрів, простежено складники портретних характеристик, визначено домінантні підходи до створення портретів. Удосконалено системну класифікацію портретів в українській документалістиці згідно з новітніми досягненнями літературознавства. Уточнено структуру, семіотику й семантику портрета в різних жанрах мемуарної, біографічної (автобіографічної) літератури. Набули подальшого розвитку модифікації портретів у документальних творах. Розширено й уточнено формулювання низки теоретичних понять, зокрема таких, як портрет, концентрований портрет, деконцентрований портрет, автопортрет, парний портрет, колективний портрет, оніричний портрет, некропортрет. Залучено до аналізу тексти, зокрема останніх літ, які досі не були предметом наукових студій, а також маловідомі архівні матеріали.У дисертації вперше в українському літературознавстві здійснено комплексне дослідження особливостей портретування в документальній літературі, осмислено його специфіку у творах різних жанрів, простежено складники портретних характеристик, визначено домінантні підходи до створення портретів. Удосконалено системну класифікацію портретів в українській документалістиці згідно з новітніми досягненнями літературознавства. Уточнено структуру, семіотику й семантику портрета в різних жанрах мемуарної, біографічної (автобіографічної) літератури. Набули подальшого розвитку модифікації портретів у документальних творах. Розширено й уточнено формулювання низки теоретичних понять, зокрема таких, як портрет, концентрований портрет, деконцентрований портрет, автопортрет, парний портрет, колективний портрет, оніричний портрет, некропортрет. Залучено до аналізу тексти, зокрема останніх літ, які досі не були предметом наукових студій, а також маловідомі архівні матеріали.У дисертації вперше в українському літературознавстві здійснено комплексне дослідження особливостей портретування в документальній літературі, осмислено його специфіку у творах різних жанрів, простежено складники портретних характеристик, визначено домінантні підходи до створення портретів. Удосконалено системну класифікацію портретів в українській документалістиці згідно з новітніми досягненнями літературознавства. Уточнено структуру, семіотику й семантику портрета в різних жанрах мемуарної, біографічної (автобіографічної) літератури. Набули подальшого розвитку модифікації портретів у документальних творах. Розширено й уточнено формулювання низки теоретичних понять, зокрема таких, як портрет, концентрований портрет, деконцентрований портрет, автопортрет, парний портрет, колективний портрет, оніричний портрет, некропортрет. Залучено до аналізу тексти, зокрема останніх літ, які досі не були предметом наукових студій, а також маловідомі архівні матеріали

    New Tricks (2014)

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    It is an exclusive secret if one knows a muse and it is an even more exclusive ability if said person is able to channel her beauty. For most people, seducing a muse is no easy task. It takes a special kind of creative mind to attract the personification of art. Frequently, the rigorous process of invoking one of the muses often involves a set of rituals that resemble courtship displays. Muses demand undying attention and affection from their vessel before they will allow themselves to flow through a mortal instrument and onto a medium of art. In those rare moments, a beautiful process of creation happens and a little piece of the divine is brought down to the Earth in the form of a painting, poem, or epic tale. It is considered one thing to channel the muses and create art, but it is considered a whole other thing to gather the individual musings of creative minds in an attempt to create a collection of inspired works. With the help of many talented people, that is exactly what has been accomplished in this publication. From collecting and reviewing the submissions to all the technical work behind the scenes, the New Tricks team had to call upon their own muses to produce this wonderful collection of artwork, poems, and short stories. It is with much pride and admiration that I prsent you the 2014 issue of New Tricks. Enjoy

    Length of the weaning period affects postweaning growth, health, and carcass merit of ranch-direct beef calves weaned during the fall

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    Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the most economically devastating feedlot disease. Risk factors associated with incidence of BRD include (1) stress associated with maternal separation, (2) stress associated with introduction to an unfamiliar environment, (3) poor intake associated with introduction of novel feedstuffs into the animal\u27s diet, (4) exposure to novel pathogens upon transport to a feeding facility and commingling with unfamiliar cattle, (5) inappropriately administered respiratory disease vaccination programs, and (6) poor response to respiratory disease vaccination programs. Management practices that are collectively referred to as preconditioning are thought to minimize damage to the beef carcass from the BRD complex. Preconditioning management reduces the aforementioned risk factors for respiratory disease by (1) using a relatively long ranch-of-origin weaning period following maternal separation, (2) exposing calves to concentrate-type feedstuffs, and (3) producing heightened resistance to respiratory disease-causing organisms through a preweaning vaccination program. The effectiveness of such programs for preserving animal performance is highly touted by certain segments of the beef industry. Ranch-of-origin weaning periods of up to 60 days are suggested for preconditioning beef calves prior to sale; however, optimal length of the ranch-of-origin weaning period has not been determined experimentally. The objective of this study was to test the validity of beef industry assumptions about appropriate length of ranch-of-origin weaning periods for calves aged 160 to 220 days and weaned during the fall

    The Freshman, vol. 4, no. 1

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. The Class of 1937 run of The Freshman featured original cover art by sketch artist Jack Frost (John Edward Frost, 1915-1997), who was born in Eastport, Maine. He attended the University of Maine for only a single academic year before moving to Massachusetts to work for the Boston Herald. Frost later became a columnist and illustrator for the Boston Post

    Diverse interventions that extend mouse lifespan suppress shared age-associated epigenetic changes at critical gene regulatory regions

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    Background: Age-associated epigenetic changes are implicated in aging. Notably, age-associated DNA methylation changes comprise a so-called aging “clock”, a robust biomarker of aging. However, while genetic, dietary and drug interventions can extend lifespan, their impact on the epigenome is uncharacterised. To fill this knowledge gap, we defined age-associated DNA methylation changes at the whole-genome, single-nucleotide level in mouse liver and tested the impact of longevity-promoting interventions, specifically the Ames dwarf Prop1 df/df mutation, calorie restriction and rapamycin. Results: In wild-type mice fed an unsupplemented ad libitum diet, age-associated hypomethylation was enriched at super-enhancers in highly expressed genes critical for liver function. Genes harbouring hypomethylated enhancers were enriched for genes that change expression with age. Hypermethylation was enriched at CpG islands marked with bivalent activating and repressing histone modifications and resembled hypermethylation in liver cancer. Age-associated methylation changes are suppressed in Ames dwarf and calorie restricted mice and more selectively and less specifically in rapamycin treated mice. Conclusions: Age-associated hypo- and hypermethylation events occur at distinct regulatory features of the genome. Distinct longevity-promoting interventions, specifically genetic, dietary and drug interventions, suppress some age-associated methylation changes, consistent with the idea that these interventions exert their beneficial effects, in part, by modulation of the epigenome. This study is a foundation to understand the epigenetic contribution to healthy aging and longevity and the molecular basis of the DNA methylation clock