461 research outputs found

    GAM-based individual difference measures for L2 ERP studies

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    ERPs (Event-Related Potentials) have become a widely-used measure to study second language (L2) processing. To study individual differences, traditionally a component outcome measure is calculated by averaging the amplitude of a participant's brain response in a pre-specified time window of the ERP waveform in different conditions (e.g., the ā€˜Response Magnitude Indexā€™; Tanner, Mclaughlin, Herschensohn & Osterhout, 2013). This approach suffers from the problem that the definition of such time windows is rather arbitrary, and that the result is sensitive to outliers as well as participant variation in latency. The latter is particularly problematic for studies on L2 processing. Furthermore, the size of the ERP response (i.e., amplitude difference) of an L2 speaker may not be the best indicator of near-native proficiency, as native speakers also show a great deal of variability in this respect, with the ā€˜robustnessā€™ of an L2 speaker's ERP response (i.e., how consistently they show an amplitude difference) potentially being a more useful indicator. In this paper we introduce a novel method for the extraction of a set of individual difference measures from ERP waveforms. Our method is based on participantsā€™ complete waveforms for a given time series, modelled using generalized additive modelling (GAM; Wood, 2017). From our modelled waveform, we extract a set of measures which are based on amplitude, area and peak effects. We illustrate the benefits of our method compared to the traditional Response Magnitude Index with data on the processing of grammatical gender violations in 66 Slavic L2 speakers of German and 29 German native speakers. One of our measures in particular appears to outperform the others in characterizing differences between native speakers and L2 speakers, and captures proficiency differences between L2 speakers: the ā€˜Normalized Modelled Peakā€™. This measure reflects the height of the (modelled) peak, normalized against the uncertainty of the modelled signal, here in the P600 search window. This measure may be seen as a measure of peak robustness, that is, how reliable the individual is able to show a P600 effect, largely independently of where in the P600 window this occurs. We discuss implications of our results and offer suggestions for future studies on L2 processing. The code to implement these analyses is available for other researchers

    Complex inferential processes are needed for implicature comprehension, but not for implicature production

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    Upon hearing ā€œSome of Michelangeloā€™s sculptures are in Romeā€, adults can easily generate a scalar implicature and infer that the intended meaning of the utterance corresponds to ā€œSome but not all Michelangeloā€™s sculptures are in Romeā€. Comprehension experiments show that preschoolers struggle with this kind of inference until at least five years of age. Surprisingly, the few studies having investigated childrenā€™s production of scalar expressions like 'some' and 'all' suggest that production is adult-like already in their third year of life. Thus, childrenā€™s production of implicatures seems to develop at least two years before their comprehension of implicatures. In this paper, we present a novel account of scalar implicature generation in the framework of Bidirectional Optimality Theory: the Asymmetry Account. We show that the production-comprehension asymmetry is predicted to emerge because the comprehension of 'some' requires the hearer to consider the speakerā€™s perspective, but the production of 'some' does not require the speaker to consider the hearerā€™s perspective. Hence, childrenā€™s comprehension of scalar expressions, but not their production of scalar expressions, is predicted to be related to their theory of mind development. Not possessing fully developed theory of mind abilities yet, children thus have difficulty in comprehending scalar expressions such as 'some' in an adult-like way. Our account also explains why variable performance is found in experimental studies testing childrenā€™s ability to generate scalar implicatures; moreover, it describes the differences between childrenā€™s and adultsā€™ implicature generation in terms of their ability to recursively apply theory of mind; finally, it sheds new light on the question why the interpretation of numerals does not require implicatures generation
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