109 research outputs found

    Space shuttle main engine computed tomography applications

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    For the past two years the potential applications of computed tomography to the fabrication and overhaul of the Space Shuttle Main Engine were evaluated. Application tests were performed at various government and manufacturer facilities with equipment produced by four different manufacturers. The hardware scanned varied in size and complexity from a small temperature sensor and turbine blades to an assembled heat exchanger and main injector oxidizer inlet manifold. The evaluation of capabilities included the ability to identify and locate internal flaws, measure the depth of surface cracks, measure wall thickness, compare manifold design contours to actual part contours, perform automatic dimensional inspections, generate 3D computer models of actual parts, and image the relationship of the details in a complex assembly. The capabilities evaluated, with the exception of measuring the depth of surface flaws, demonstrated the existing and potential ability to perform many beneficial Space Shuttle Main Engine applications

    Blockchain standards for compliance and trust

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    Blockchain methods are emerging as practical tools for validation, record-keeping, and access control in addition to their early applications in cryptocurrency. This column explores the options for use of blockchains to enhance security, trust, and compliance in a variety of industry settings and explores the current state of blockchain standards.N/

    Polish Thyroid Association PTT 2011 3rd Meeting

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    Research Articles in Simplified HTML: a Web-first format for HTML-based scholarly articles

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    Purpose. This paper introduces the Research Articles in Simplified HTML (or RASH), which is a Web-first format for writing HTML-based scholarly papers; it is accompanied by the RASH Framework, a set of tools for interacting with RASH-based articles. The paper also presents an evaluation that involved authors and reviewers of RASH articles submitted to the SAVE-SD 2015 and SAVE-SD 2016 workshops. Design. RASH has been developed aiming to: be easy to learn and use; share scholarly documents (and embedded semantic annotations) through the Web; support its adoption within the existing publishing workflow. Findings. The evaluation study confirmed that RASH is ready to be adopted in workshops, conferences, and journals and can be quickly learnt by researchers who are familiar with HTML. Research Limitations. The evaluation study also highlighted some issues in the adoption of RASH, and in general of HTML formats, especially by less technically savvy users. Moreover, additional tools are needed, e.g., for enabling additional conversions from/to existing formats such as OpenXML. Practical Implications. RASH (and its Framework) is another step towards enabling the definition of formal representations of the meaning of the content of an article, facilitating its automatic discovery, enabling its linking to semantically related articles, providing access to data within the article in actionable form, and allowing integration of data between papers. Social Implications. RASH addresses the intrinsic needs related to the various users of a scholarly article: researchers (focussing on its content), readers (experiencing new ways for browsing it), citizen scientists (reusing available data formally defined within it through semantic annotations), publishers (using the advantages of new technologies as envisioned by the Semantic Publishing movement). Value. RASH helps authors to focus on the organisation of their texts, supports them in the task of semantically enriching the content of articles, and leaves all the issues about validation, visualisation, conversion, and semantic data extraction to the various tools developed within its Framework

    Diagnostic value of immunohistochemistry in lesions of the endocrine system

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    Immunohistochemia i immunocytochemia to technika badawcza, której celem jest ujawnienie swoistych antygenów w komórkach i tkankach na zasadzie wywoływania reakcji antygen-przeciwciało i uwidocznienie tego zjawiska w preparatach mikroskopowych. Za prekursora tej metody diagnostycznej uważa się Alberta Coonsa, który w 1940 r. zastosował technikę immunofluorescencji do wykrywania antygenów w mrożonych skrawkach. Później stopniowo udoskonalano te procedury w celu zwiększenia ich czułości i swoistości. Obecnie trudno wyobrazić sobie nowoczesną diagnostykę patomorfologiczną bez tego sposobu badań. W latach dziewięćdziesiątych ubiegłego stulecia szacowano, iż zastosowanie odczynów immunocytochemicznych stwarza szansę precyzyjnego rozpoznania w prawie 3⁄4 przypadków.Patologia mikroskopowa narządów wewnątrz-wydzielniczych, w których procesy nowotworowe mogą współistnieć ze zmianami czynnościowymi należy do szczególnie trudnych działów histopatologii. Do bezbłędnego rozpoznawania procesów patologicznych gruczołów dokrewnych istotne wydaje się być ustalenie, jakie hormony zawierają komórki zmiany. Osiągnąć to można poprzez wykorzystywanie przeciwciał skierowanych przeciwko hormonom i ich prekursorom. Większość tych antygenów można poszukiwać w materiale tkankowym utrwalonym w formalinie zatopionym w parafinie albo rozmazach cytologicznych utrwalonych w alkoholu etylowym. Otwiera to drogę do stosowania badań immunohistochemicznych i immunocytochemicznych w ramach rutynowej diagnostyki patomorfologicznej. Jednak znaczna część biologicznie czynnych substancji obecna jest w różnych narządach i tkankach. Oznacza to, że nie można poprzestać na wykonaniu jednego odczynu, aby być pewnym słuszności sformułowanego rozpoznania. Im więcej przeprowadzi się takich reakcji, tym bliżej prawdy absolutnej znajdzie się wynik badania. W tej grze z naturą należy liczyć się jednak z aspektem ekonomicznym, gdyż podwyższając niepotrzebnie koszt procedury diagnostycznej przynosi się niekiedy w sumie więcej szkody niż korzyści zarówno choremu, jak i placówce medycznej. Problemy diagnostyki immunohistochemicznej omówione zostaną na przykładzie zmian patologicznych gruczołu tarczowego, przytarczyc, aparatu wyspowego trzustki, nadnerczy, przysadki mózgowej oraz nowotworów neuroendokrynnych i niektórych hormonalnie czynnych guzów gonad.The aim of immunohistochemistry and immunocyto-chemistry is to reveal specific antigens in cells and tissue samples. Those techniques are based on an antigen-antibody reaction and visualization of its product in microscopic examination. The precursor of this new diagnostic procedure was an immunofluorescent reaction in frozen tissue samples performed by Albert Coons in 1940. Then the immunohistochemical techniques were perfected to increase sensitivity and specificity. Currently it is hard to imagine a modern pathological examination without immunohistochemistry. At the end of XXth century it was believed that 75% of cases is possible to be diagnosed due to immunohistochemical stains.Microscopic examination of endocrine glands tissue samples is extremely difficult because of coexistence of the presence of neoplasms and endocrine dysfunction. It is necessary to establish the type of hormones in the cells of the endocrine system lesions to make a proper diagnosis. Thanks to the use of antibodies against hormones and its precursors it becomes possible. At present most of the antigens are easily detected in both: formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues samples and ethanol fixed cytological smears so immunohistochemocal and immunocytological stains can be a part of routine diagnostic procedures in pathology. However most of the biologically active substances are revealed in many organs and tissues and it is necessary to perform a satisfactory immunohistochemical panel to be sure the diagnosis. It is important to notice that there is no need to make a wide panel of antibodies in all of the cases and the economical aspect of examination is also important. Of course immunohistochemistry sometimes is the guarantee of proper diagnosis but in some cases too wide panel of antibodies can be a loss for the patient and for medical department.We discussed the proper diagnostic procedures and immunohistochemical profile in pathological lesions of endocrine system (thyroid and adrenal gland, adenohypophysis, neuroendocrine tumours and some hormones-secreting tumours of gonads)

    Molecular symmetry-constrained systematic search approach to structure solution of the coiled-coil SRGAP2 F-BARx domain.

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from International Union of Crystallography via the DOI in this record.SRGAP2 (Slit-Robo GTPase-activating protein 2) is a cytoplasmic protein found to be involved in neuronal branching, restriction of neuronal migration and restriction of the length and density of dendritic postsynaptic spines. The extended F-BAR (F-BARx) domain of SRGAP2 generates membrane protrusions when expressed in COS-7 cells, while most F-BARs induce the opposite effect: membrane invaginations. As a first step to understand this discrepancy, the F-BARx domain of SRGAP2 was isolated and crystallized after co-expression with the carboxy domains of the protein. Diffraction data were collected from two significantly non-isomorphous crystals in the same monoclinic C2 space group. A correct molecular-replacment solution was obtained by applying a molecular symmetry-constrained systematic search approach that took advantage of the conserved biological symmetry of the F-BAR domains. It is shown that similar approaches can solve other F-BAR structures that were previously determined by experimental phasing. Diffraction data were reprocessed with a high-resolution cutoff of 2.2 Å, chosen using less strict statistical criteria. This has improved the outcome of multi-crystal averaging and other density-modification procedures.This work was supported by funds from the ISF (Grant No. 1425/15 to YO) and BSF (Grant No. 2013310 to YO)

    Nietypowa lokalizacja wola nawrotowego w pobliżu kości gnykowej

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    Introduction: Recurrent goitre is a significant clinical problem among patients who have been operated due to benign lesions. An atypical localization of recurrent goitre - near the hyoid bone - poses additional difficulties as there are no data available on the clinical significance of such lesions. The aim of this study was to analyze if this unusual localization of recurrence is related to any significant differences in the clinical course, and if it significantly increases the risk of thyroid neoplasm. Material and methods: The outcomes of ultrasound (US) and cytological examinations of 62 patients presenting with a goitre recurrence localised as a focal lesion near the hyoid bone were analyzed (mean age 59.4 ± 12.4 years). The analysis included the period from the operation to the lesion-revealing US, the lesion’s volume, the presence of ultrasound features of malignancy, the volume of residual thyroid tissue in the thyroid bed, the changes in volumes of examined structures, and the outcomes of cytological examinations. Results: The mean period from the surgery to the US confirming the lesion presence was 16 years, the mean volume of lesion was 2.17 cm3, and the mean period of observation was 3.2 years (ranging from 1 to 10). Fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed in 47 (76%) focal lesions. The cytological results were never suspicious or malignant. In 38% of patients in whom control US was done within the observation period, the lesions enlarged by 20% or more, in 21% of them - by 50%, and in 15% - by over 100%. The category of cytological result did not imply any significant change, even in the case of significant isolated increase in volume of the lesion near the hyoid bone. Conclusions: Focal lesions near the hyoid bone, revealed in patients operated previously for benign goitre, are not related to increased risk of thyroid neoplasm, and their enlargement does not imply their malignancy. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (5): 448-453)Wstęp: Wole nawrotowe u pacjentów po operacji tarczycy z powodu zmian łagodnych stanowi istotny problem kliniczny. Nietypowa lokalizacja wola w okolicy kości gnykowej stwarza dodatkowe trudności, ze względu na brak danych na temat klinicznego ryzyka takich zmian. Celem pracy była ocena czy taka nietypowa lokalizacja zmian wiąże się z odmiennym przebiegiem klinicznym oraz istotnym ryzykiem obecności nowotworu/raka tarczycy. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano kolejne wyniki badań ultrasonograficznych (USG) i biopsji aspiracyjnych cienkoigłowych (BAC) 62 pacjentów (śr. wieku 59,4 ± 12,4 lat). Oceniono czas jaki minął od operacji do ujawnienia zmiany w okolicy kości gnykowej, jej objętość, obecność ultrasonograficznych cech złośliwości w zmianie, objętość miąższu tarczycy w loży płatów, zmiany objętości powyższych struktur i wyniki badań cytologicznych ujawnionych zmian. Wyniki: Średni czas od operacji do potwierdzenia obecności zmiany w USG wynosił 16 lat, średnia objętość zmiany - 2,17cm3, średni okres obserwacji - 3,2 lat (1–10 lat). Biopsji aspiracyjnej cienkoigłowej poddano 47 zmian (76%), wynik badania w żadnym przypadku nie wskazywał na zmianę złośliwą bądź podejrzaną. Co najmniej 20-procentowy wzrost objętości zmiany obserwowano u 38% pacjentów poddanych kontrolnemu USG, 50-procentowy wzrost u 21% pacjentów, a ponad 100-procentowy - u 15% osób. Kontrolne biopsje nie przyniosły istotnej zmiany kategorii wyniku biopsji, nawet w przypadku izolowanego znacznego wzrostu objętości ogniska w okolicy kości gnykowej. Wnioski: Zmiany ogniskowe okolicy kości gnykowej ujawnione u pacjentów operowanych wcześniej z powodu wola łagodnego nie wiążą się z wyższym ryzykiem obecności nowotworu/raka tarczycy, powiększanie się takich zmian nie jest dowodem ich złośliwego charakteru. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (5): 448-453

    Markers of malignancy in pheochromocytomas

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    Barwiak chromochłonny jest nowotworem zbudowanym z komórek syntetyzujących i uwalniających katecholaminy. Guzy te wywołują nadciśnienie tętnicze, które można wyleczyć poprzez wycięcie zmiany. Obraz patomorfologiczny pheochromocytoma jest różnorodny i żadna z cech guza, za wyjątkiem obecności przerzutów, nie przesądza o złośliwości nowotworu. Obecnie poszukuje się innych markerów biologicznych, które pomogłyby odpowiednio wcześnie wyodrębnić guzy złośliwe, zanim pojawią się przerzuty i włączyć bardziej skuteczne leczenie. Bada się szczegóły budowy mikroskopowej tych guzów, czynniki oceniane za pomocą technik immunochistochemicznych, jak i zaburzenia molekularne. W ocenie stopnia agresywności barwiaków wydaje się niezbędne zastosowanie skali PASS. Wykrycie wysokiej ekspresji telomerazy i hTERT, a także dużej aktywności proliferacyjnej komórek guza ujawnionej w reakcji immunohistochemicznej przy użyciu MIB-1 najsilniej przemawiają za złośliwością biologiczną pheochromocytoma.A pheochromocytoma is a neoplasm composed of cells which synthesize and release catecholamines. These tumors produce the hypertension which can be cured with surgical excision of the lesion. The pathological picture of pheochromocytomas is varied and nothing but the presence of metastases can determine aggressiveness of this neoplasm. Current studies try to look for other biological markers which can separate malignant tumors before they metastasize. It allows to target with more effective therapy. Many studies analyze details of microscopic features of these tumors, immunohistochemical markers and molecular disorders. It seems that the most important factor in estimation of aggressiveness of pheochromocytomas is PASS scale. The detection of high expression of telomerase and hTERT and high proliferative activity, measured by immunohistochemistry with the MIB-1 antibody supports most strongly biological malignancy of pheochromocytoma

    Riedel's thyroiditis - a case report with genes' expression studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic background of Riedel's thyroiditis remains unknown. Herein, we describe our results of studies on genes expression levels in Riedel's thyroiditis.</p> <p>Case report and genetic findings</p> <p>We report the case of 48-year old woman with Riedel's thyroiditis who has presented unusual course of disease with non-specific cervical discomfort, though as with no pain and/or no compression symptoms. After surgery, thyroid specimens were quantitatively evaluated, regarding <it>PIK3CA, PIK3CD, PIK3CG, Tg, TGFB1, THRB, COL1, CDKN1C, CDH3 </it>and <it>CACNA2D2 </it>genes expression levels, by real-time PCR in the ABI PRISM<sup>® </sup>7500 Sequence Detection System. Out of 10 above genes, in 2 cases the expression was higher than in respective Controls of unchanged thyroid tissue. In the remaining 8 cases, expression in question became comparable or lower as in Controls.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The association between increased expression levels of <it>PIK3CA </it>and <it>CDH3 </it>genes and Riedel's thyroiditis is not well-defined. However, the increased expression of <it>PIK3CA </it>and <it>CDH3 </it>genes in our case report and in previous studies of other authors on various malignancies may suggest possible molecular relation between Riedel's thyroiditis and certain neoplastic processes, the relation of which requires further genetic evaluation. It is to be stressed that gene expression studies in Riedel's thyroiditis are difficult to perform, mainly due to fibrosis, resulting in scarce thyroid specimens and - in consequence - small amount of genetic material.</p