538 research outputs found

    Take-all disease: New insights into an important wheat root pathogen

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    Take-all disease, caused by the fungal root pathogen Gaeumannomyces tritici, is considered to be the most important root disease of wheat worldwide. Here we review the advances in take-all research over the last 15 years, focusing on the identification of new sources of genetic resistance in wheat relatives and the role of the microbiome in disease development. We also highlight recent breakthroughs in the molecular interactions between G. tritici and wheat, including genome and transcriptome analyses. These new findings will aid the development of novel control strategies against take-all disease. In light of this growing understanding, the G. tritici-wheat interaction could provide a model study system for root-infecting fungal pathogens of cereals

    Effect of the tangential NBI current drive on the stability of pressure and energetic particle driven MHD modes in LHD plasma

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    The aim of the present study is to analyze the stability of the pressure gradient driven modes (PM) and Alfvén eigenmodes (AE) in the large helical device (LHD) plasma if the rotational transform profile is modified by the current drive of the tangential neutral beam injectors (NBI). This study forms a basic search for optimized operation scenarios with reduced mode activity. The analysis is performed using the code FAR3d which solves the reduced MHD equations describing the linear evolution of the poloidal flux and the toroidal component of the vorticity in a full 3D system, coupled with equations for density and parallel velocity moments of the energetic particle (EP) species, including the effect of the acoustic modes. The Landau damping and resonant destabilization effects are added via the closure relation. On-axis and off-axis NBI current drive modifies the rotational transform which becomes strongly distorted as the intensity of the neutral beam current drive (NBCD) increases, leading to wider continuum gaps and modifying the magnetic shear. The simulations with on-axis NBI injection show that a counter (ctr-) NBCD in inward shifted and default configurations leads to a lower growth rate of the PM, although strong n  =  1 and 2 AEs can be destabilized. For the outward shifted configurations, a co-NBCD improves the AEs stability but the PM are further destabilized if the co-NBCD intensity is 30 kA T−1. If the NBI injection is off-axis, the plasma stability is not significantly improved due to the further destabilization of the AE and energetic particle modes (EPM) in the middle and outer plasma region.This work is supported in part by NIFS under contract NIFS07KLPH004

    Analysis of the ECH effect on the EPM/AEs stability in Heliotron J plasma using a Landau closure model

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    The aim of the present study is to analyze the effect of the electron cyclotron heating (ECH) on the linear stability of Alfven Eigenmodes (AE) and energetic particle modes (EPM) triggered by energetic ions in Heliotron J plasma. The analysis is performed using the FAR3d code that solves a reduced MHD model to describe the thermal plasma coupled with a gyrofluid model for the energetic particles (EP) species. The simulations reproduce the AE/EPM stability trends observed in the experiments as the electron temperature (Te) increases, modifying the thermal plasma beta, EP beta and EP slowing down time. Particularly, the n/m=1/2 EPM and 2/4 Global AE (GAE) are stabilized in the low bumpiness (LB) configuration due to an enhancement of the continuum, Finite Larmor radius (FLR) and e-i Landau damping effects as the thermal beta increases. On the other hand, a larger ECH injection power cannot stabilize the AE/EPM in Medium (MB) and High bumpiness (HB) configurations because the damping effects are weaker compared to the LB case, unable to balance the further destabilization induced by an enhanced EP resonance as the EP slowing down time and EP beta increases with T

    Analysis of Alfven eigenmodes destabilization by energetic particles in TJ-II using a Landau-closure model

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    Alfven Eigenmodes (AE) can be destabilized by energetic particles in neutral beam injection (NBI) heated plasmas through inverse Landau damping and couplings with gap modes in the shear Alfven continua. We describe the linear evolution of the poloidal flux and the toroidal component of the vorticity in a full 3D system using the reduced MHD equations, density and parallel velocity moments for the energetic particles as well as the geodesic acoustic wave dynamics. A closure relation adds the Landau damping and resonant destabilization effects in the model. We apply the model to study the Alfven modes stability in TJ-II, performing a parametric analysis in a range of realistic values of energetic particle beta (beta(f)), ratios of thermal/Alfven velocities (V-th/V-A0), energetic particle density profiles and toroidal modes (n) including toroidal and helical couplings. The study predicts a large helical coupling between different toroidal modes and the destabilization of helical Alfven eigenmodes (HAE) with frequencies similar to the AE activity measured in TJ-II, between 50-400 kHz. The analysis has also revealed the destabilization of GAE (global Alfven eigenmodes), TAE (toroidal Alfven eigenmodes) and EPM (energetic particle modes). For the modes considered here, optimized TJ-II operations require a t profile in the range of [0.845, 0.979] to stabilize AEs in the inner and middle plasma. AEs in the plasma periphery cannot be fully stabilized, although for a configuration with t = [0.945, 1.079], only n = 7, 11, 15 AE are unstable with a growth rate 4 times smaller compared to the standard t = [1.54, 1.68] case and a frequency of 100 kHz. We reproduce the frequency sweeping evolution of the AE frequency observed in TJ-II as the t profile is varied. The AE frequency sweeping is caused by consecutive changes of the instability dominant modes between different helical families.This material based on work is supported both by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC. This research was sponsored in part by the Ministerio of Economia y Competitividad of Spain under project no. ENE2015-68265-P. We also want to acknowledge Alexander Melnikov and the TJ-II group at CIEMAT for providing us the initial VMEC equilibria and useful discussions regarding the experimental phenomena

    Potential for increased connectivity between differentiated wolverine populations

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    Information on genetic population structure provides important knowledge for species conservation. Yet, few studies combine extensive genetic data to evaluate the structure and population dynamics of transboundary populations. Here we used single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), microsatellites and mitochondrial haplotypes to analyze the genetic population structure of wolverines (Gulo gulo) across Fennoscandia using a long-term monitoring dataset of 1708 individuals. Clear population subdivision was detected between the Scandinavian and the eastern Finnish population with a steep cline in the contact zone. While the Scandinavian population showed isolation by distance, large swaths of this population were characterized by high connectivity. Areas with high resistance to gene flow are likely explained by a combination of factors, such as historical isolation and founder effects. From a conservation perspective, promoting gene flow from the population in eastern Finland to the northwest of Scandinavia could augment the less variable Scandinavian population, and increase the demographic resilience of all subpopulations. Overall, the large areas of low resistance to gene flow suggest that transboundary cooperation with aligned actions of harvest and conflict mitigation could improve genetic connectivity across Finland, Sweden, and Norway

    MHD stability of JT-60SA operation scenarios driven by passing energetic particles for a hot Maxwellian model

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    We analyze the effects of the passing energetic particles on the resistive ballooning modes (RBM) and the energetic particle driven modes in JT-60SA plasma, which leads to the prediction of the stability in N-NBI heated plasma. The analysis is performed using the code FAR3d that solves the reduced MHD equations describing the linear evolution of the poloidal flux and the toroidal component of the vorticity in a full 3D system, coupled with equations of density and parallel velocity moments for the energetic particle (EP) species assuming an averaged Maxwellian EP distribution fitted to the slowing down distribution, including the effect of the acoustic modes. The simulations show the possible destabilization of a 3/24/23/2-4/2 TAE with a frequency (f) of 115 kHz, a 6/47/46/4-7/4 TAE with f = 98 kHz and a 6/4 or 7/4 BAE with f = 57 kHz in the ITER-like inductive scenario. If the energetic particle β increases, beta induced Alfven Eigenmodes (BAE), toroidal AEs (TAE) and elliptical AEs (EAE) are destabilized between the inner-middle plasma region, leading to the overlapping of AE of different toroidal families. If these instabilities coexist in the non-linear saturation phase the EP transport could be enhanced leading to a lower heating efficiency. For a hypothetical configuration based on the ITER-like inductive scenario but an center peaked EP profile, the EP β threshold increases and several BAEs are destabilized in the inner plasma region, indicating an improved AE stability with respect to the off-axis peaked EP profile. In addition, the analysis of a hypothetical JT-60SA scenario with a resonant q = 1 in the inner plasma region shows the destabilization of fishbones-like instabilities by the off-axis peaked EP profile. Also, the EPs have a stabilizing effect on the RBM, stronger as the population of EP with low energies (below 250 keV) increases at the plasma pedestal

    Growth hormone action predicts age-related white adipose tissue dysfunction and senescent cell burden in mice

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    The aging process is associated with the development of several chronic diseases. White adipose tissue (WAT) may play a central role in age-related disease onset and progression due to declines in adipogenesis with advancing age. Recent reports indicate that the accumulation of senescent progenitor cells may be involved in age-related WAT dysfunction. Growth hormone (GH) action has profound effects on adiposity and metabolism and is known to influence lifespan. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that GH activity would predict age-related WAT dysfunction and accumulation of senescent cells. We found that long-lived GH-deficient and -resistant mice have reduced age-related lipid redistribution. Primary preadipocytes from GH-resistant mice also were found to have greater differentiation capacity at 20 months of age when compared to controls. GH activity was also found to be positively associated with senescent cell accumulation in WAT. Our results demonstrate an association between GH activity, age-related WAT dysfunction, and WAT senescent cell accumulation in mice. Further studies are needed to determine if GH is directly inducing cellular senescence in WAT or if GH actions on other target organs or alternative downstream alterations in insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin or glucose levels are responsible

    Njihanje i upravljanje stabilnošću koturajućeg Acrobota

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    In this paper the Wheeled Acrobot (WAcrobot), a novel mechanical system consisting of an underactuated double inverted pendulum robot (Acrobot) equipped with actuated wheels, is described. This underactuated and highly nonlinear system has potential applications in mobile manipulators and leg-wheeled robots. It is also a testbed for researchers studying advanced methodologies in nonlinear control. The control system for swing-up of the WAcrobot based on collocated or non-collocated feedback linearisation to linearise the active or passive Degree Of Freedom (DOF) followed by Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) to stabilise the robot is discussed. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is validated with numerical simulation. The numerical results are visualised by graphical simulation to demonstrate the correlation between the numerical results and the WAcrobot physical response.U članku je opisan koturajući Acrobot (WAcrobot), novi mehanički sustav koji se sastoji od podupravljanog robota u obliku dvostrukog inverznog njihala (Acrobot) opremljenog s aktuiranim kotačem. Ovaj podupravljani i izrazito nelinearni sustav ima potencijalnu primjenu u mobilnim manipulatorima i robotima na kotačima. Također služi kao testni model za istraživače koji proučavaju napredne metode nelinearnog upravljanja. U radu je opisan sustav upravljanja za podizanje WAcrobot-a u ispravan položaj baziran na metodama kolocirane i nekolocirane eksterne linearizacije za linearizaciju aktivnog ili pasivnog stupnja slobode, i linearnom kvadratičnom regulatoru za stabilizaciju robota. Učinkovitost predvi.ene metode je validirana simulacijskim rezultatima. Rezultati su prikazani u obliku animacije kako bi se demonstrirala korelacija izme.u simulacijskih odziva i fizičkog odziva WAcrobota-a