8 research outputs found

    A powerful test based on tapering for use in functional data analysis

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    A test based on tapering is proposed for use in testing a global linear hypothesis under a functional linear model. The test statistic is constructed as a weighted sum of squared linear combinations of Fourier coefficients, a tapered quadratic form, in which higher Fourier frequencies are down-weighted so as to emphasize the smooth attributes of the model. A formula is QnOPT=nβˆ‘j=1pnjβˆ’1/2βˆ₯Yn,jβˆ₯2Q_n^{OPT}=n\sum_{j=1}^{p_n}j^{-1/2}\|\boldsymbol{Y}_{n,j}\|^2. Down-weighting by jβˆ’1/2j^{-1/2} is selected to achieve adaptive optimality among tests based on tapering with respect to its ``rates of testing,'' an asymptotic framework for measuring a test's retention of power in high dimensions under smoothness constraints. Existing tests based on truncation or thresholding are known to have superior asymptotic power in comparison with any test based on tapering; however, it is shown here that high-order effects can be substantial, and that a test based on QnOPTQ_n^{OPT} exhibits better (non-asymptotic) power against the sort of alternatives that would typically be of concern in functional data analysis applications. The proposed test is developed for use in practice, and demonstrated in an example application.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-EJS172 the Electronic Journal of Statistics (http://www.i-journals.org/ejs/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Risk-reducing shrinkage estimation for generalized linear models

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    Empirical Bayes techniques for normal theory shrinkage estimation are extended to generalized linear models in a manner retaining the original spirit of shrinkage estimation, which is to reduce risk. The investigation identifies two classes of simple, all-purpose prior distributions, which supplement such non-informative priors as Jeffreys's prior with mechanisms for risk reduction. One new class of priors is motivated as optimizers of a core component of asymptotic risk. The methodology is evaluated in a numerical exploration and application to an existing data set. Copyright 2005 Royal Statistical Society.

    Subjective Bayesian testing using calibrated prior probabilities

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