54 research outputs found

    Vector Bremsstrahlung by Ultrarelativistic Collisions in Higher Dimensions

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    A classical computation of vector bremsstrahlung in ultrarelativistic gravitational-force collisions of massive point particles is presented in an arbitrary number d of extra dimensions. Our method adapts the post-linear formalism of General Relativity to the multidimensional case. The total emitted energy, as well as its angular and frequency distribution and characteristic values, are discussed in detail. For an electromagnetic mediation propagated in the bulk, the emitted energy EemE_{em} of scattering with impact parameter b has magnitude Eeme4e2γd+2/(m2b3d+3)E_{em} \sim e^4 e'^2 \gamma^{d+2}/(m^2 b^{3d+3}), with dominant frequency ωemγ2/b\omega_{em} \sim \gamma^2/b. For the gravitational force the charge emits via vector field, propagated in the bulk, energy Erad[GDme]2γd+2/b3d+3E_{rad}\sim[G_D m' e]^2 \gamma^{d+2}/b^{3d+3} for d2d \geq 2, with dominant frequency ωγ2/b\omega\sim\gamma^2/b and energy Erad[G5me]2γ3lnγ/b6E_{rad}\sim[G_5 m' e]^2\gamma^{3}\ln \gamma/b^{6} for d=1d=1, with most of the energy coming from a wide frequency region ω[γ/b),γ2/b]\omega \in [\gamma/b),\gamma^2/b] . For the UED model with extra space volume V=(2πR)dV=(2\pi R)^d the emitted energy is EUED(bd/V)2EradE_{UED}\sim (b^{d}/V)^2 E_{rad}. Finally, for the ADD model, including four dimensions, the electromagnetic field living on 3-brane, loses on emission the energy EADD[GDme]2γ3/(Vb2d+3)E_{ADD}\sim[G_D m'e]^2\gamma^{3}/(V b^{2d+3}), with characteristic frequency ωADDγ/b\omega_{ADD}\sim\gamma/b. The contribution of the low frequency part of the radiation (soft photons) to the total radiated energy is shown to be negligible for all values of d. The domain of validity of the classical result is discussed. The result is analyzed from the viewpoint of the deWitt - Brehme - Hobbs equation (and corresponding equations in higher dimensions).Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure

    Piercing of domain walls: new mechanism of gravitational radiation

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    Domain wall (DW) moving in media undergoes the friction force due to particle scattering. However certain particles are not scattered, but perforate the wall. As a result, the wall gets excited in the form of the branon wave, while the particle experiences an acceleration jump. This gives rise to generation of gravitational waves which we call "piercing gravitational radiation" (PGR). Though this effect is of higher order in the gravitational constant than the quadrupole radiation from the collapsing DWs, its amplitude is enhanced in the case of relativistic particles or photons because of absence of the velocity factor which is present in the quadrupole formula. We derive the spectral-angular distribution of PGR within the simplified model of the weakly gravitating particle-wall system in Minkowski space-time of arbitrary dimensions. Within this model the radiation amplitude is obtained analytically. The spectral-angular distribution of PGR in such an approach suffers from infrared and ultraviolet divergences as well as from collinear divergence in the case of a massless perforating particle. Different cut-off schemes appropriate in various dimensions are discussed. Our results are applicable both to cosmological DWs and to the braneworld models.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Radiation reaction in curved space-time: local method

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    Although consensus seems to exist about the validity of equations accounting for radiation reaction in curved space-time, their previous derivations were criticized recently as not fully satisfactory: some ambiguities were noticed in the procedure of integration of the field momentum over the tube surrounding the world-line. To avoid these problems we suggest a purely local derivation dealing with the field quantities defined only {\em on the world-line}. We consider point particle interacting with scalar, vector (electromagnetic) and linearized gravitational fields in the (generally non-vacuum) curved space-time. To properly renormalize the self-action in the gravitational case, we use a manifestly reparameterization-invariant formulation of the theory. Scalar and vector divergences are shown to cancel for a certain ratio of the corresponding charges. We also report on a modest progress in extending the results for the gravitational radiation reaction to the case of non-vacuum background.Comment: 10 pages, ws-procs9x6, published in "Gravitation and Astrophysics", Proceedings of the VII Asia-Pacific International Conference National Central University, Taiwan 23 - 26 November 2005, ed. J.M. Nester, C.-M. Chen, J.-P. Hsu. World Scientific, 2006, pp. 345-35

    Casimir interaction of finite-width strings

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    Within the trln-formalism we investigate the vacuum interaction of cosmic strings and the influence of strings width on this effect. For the massless real scalar field we compute the Casimir contribution into the total vacuum energy. The dimensional-regularization technique is used. It is shown that the regularized Casimir term contains neither the UV-divergences, nor the divergences related with the non-integrability of the renormalized vacuum mean of the energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 3 figure