488 research outputs found

    High-Dimensional L2L_2Boosting: Rate of Convergence

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    Boosting is one of the most significant developments in machine learning. This paper studies the rate of convergence of L2L_2Boosting, which is tailored for regression, in a high-dimensional setting. Moreover, we introduce so-called \textquotedblleft post-Boosting\textquotedblright. This is a post-selection estimator which applies ordinary least squares to the variables selected in the first stage by L2L_2Boosting. Another variant is \textquotedblleft Orthogonal Boosting\textquotedblright\ where after each step an orthogonal projection is conducted. We show that both post-L2L_2Boosting and the orthogonal boosting achieve the same rate of convergence as LASSO in a sparse, high-dimensional setting. We show that the rate of convergence of the classical L2L_2Boosting depends on the design matrix described by a sparse eigenvalue constant. To show the latter results, we derive new approximation results for the pure greedy algorithm, based on analyzing the revisiting behavior of L2L_2Boosting. We also introduce feasible rules for early stopping, which can be easily implemented and used in applied work. Our results also allow a direct comparison between LASSO and boosting which has been missing from the literature. Finally, we present simulation studies and applications to illustrate the relevance of our theoretical results and to provide insights into the practical aspects of boosting. In these simulation studies, post-L2L_2Boosting clearly outperforms LASSO.Comment: 19 pages, 4 tables; AMS 2000 subject classifications: Primary 62J05, 62J07, 41A25; secondary 49M15, 68Q3

    Valid Post-Selection and Post-Regularization Inference: An Elementary, General Approach

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    Here we present an expository, general analysis of valid post-selection or post-regularization inference about a low-dimensional target parameter, α\alpha, in the presence of a very high-dimensional nuisance parameter, η\eta, which is estimated using modern selection or regularization methods. Our analysis relies on high-level, easy-to-interpret conditions that allow one to clearly see the structures needed for achieving valid post-regularization inference. Simple, readily verifiable sufficient conditions are provided for a class of affine-quadratic models. We focus our discussion on estimation and inference procedures based on using the empirical analog of theoretical equations M(α,η)=0M(\alpha, \eta)=0 which identify α\alpha. Within this structure, we show that setting up such equations in a manner such that the orthogonality/immunization condition ηM(α,η)=0\partial_\eta M(\alpha, \eta) = 0 at the true parameter values is satisfied, coupled with plausible conditions on the smoothness of MM and the quality of the estimator η^\hat \eta, guarantees that inference on for the main parameter α\alpha based on testing or point estimation methods discussed below will be regular despite selection or regularization biases occurring in estimation of η\eta. In particular, the estimator of α\alpha will often be uniformly consistent at the root-nn rate and uniformly asymptotically normal even though estimators η^\hat \eta will generally not be asymptotically linear and regular. The uniformity holds over large classes of models that do not impose highly implausible "beta-min" conditions. We also show that inference can be carried out by inverting tests formed from Neyman's C(α)C(\alpha) (orthogonal score) statistics.Comment: 47 page

    Boosting the Anatomy of Volatility

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    Risk and, thus, the volatility of financial asset prices plays a major role in financial decision making and financial regulation. Therefore, understanding and predicting the volatility of financial instruments, asset classes or financial markets in general is of utmost importance for individual and institutional investors as well as for central bankers and financial regulators. In this paper we investigate new strategies for understanding and predicting financial risk. Specifically, we use componentwise, gradient boosting techniques to identify factors that drive financial-market risk and to assess the specific nature with which these factors affect future volatility. Componentwise boosting is a sequential learning method, which has the advantages that it can handle a large number of predictors and that it-in contrast to other machine-learning techniques-preserves interpretation. Adopting an EGARCH framework and employing a wide range of potential risk drivers, we derive monthly volatility predictions for stock, bond, commodity, and foreign exchange markets. Comparisons with alternative benchmark models show that boosting techniques improve out-of-sample volatility forecasts, especially for medium- and long-run horizons. Another finding is that a number of risk drivers affect volatility in a nonlinear fashion

    High-Dimensional Metrics in R

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    The package High-dimensional Metrics (\Rpackage{hdm}) is an evolving collection of statistical methods for estimation and quantification of uncertainty in high-dimensional approximately sparse models. It focuses on providing confidence intervals and significance testing for (possibly many) low-dimensional subcomponents of the high-dimensional parameter vector. Efficient estimators and uniformly valid confidence intervals for regression coefficients on target variables (e.g., treatment or policy variable) in a high-dimensional approximately sparse regression model, for average treatment effect (ATE) and average treatment effect for the treated (ATET), as well for extensions of these parameters to the endogenous setting are provided. Theory grounded, data-driven methods for selecting the penalization parameter in Lasso regressions under heteroscedastic and non-Gaussian errors are implemented. Moreover, joint/ simultaneous confidence intervals for regression coefficients of a high-dimensional sparse regression are implemented, including a joint significance test for Lasso regression. Data sets which have been used in the literature and might be useful for classroom demonstration and for testing new estimators are included. \R and the package \Rpackage{hdm} are open-source software projects and can be freely downloaded from CRAN: \texttt{http://cran.r-project.org}.Comment: 34 pages; vignette for the R package hdm, available at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hdm/ and http://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=2084 (development version

    Valid Simultaneous Inference in High-Dimensional Settings (with the hdm package for R)

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    Due to the increasing availability of high-dimensional empirical applications in many research disciplines, valid simultaneous inference becomes more and more important. For instance, high-dimensional settings might arise in economic studies due to very rich data sets with many potential covariates or in the analysis of treatment heterogeneities. Also the evaluation of potentially more complicated (non-linear) functional forms of the regression relationship leads to many potential variables for which simultaneous inferential statements might be of interest. Here we provide a review of classical and modern methods for simultaneous inference in (high-dimensional) settings and illustrate their use by a case study using the R package hdm. The R package hdm implements valid joint powerful and efficient hypothesis tests for a potentially large number of coeffcients as well as the construction of simultaneous confidence intervals and, therefore, provides useful methods to perform valid post-selection inference based on the LASSO.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Uniform Inference in High-Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Models

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    Graphical models have become a very popular tool for representing dependencies within a large set of variables and are key for representing causal structures. We provide results for uniform inference on high-dimensional graphical models with the number of target parameters dd being possible much larger than sample size. This is in particular important when certain features or structures of a causal model should be recovered. Our results highlight how in high-dimensional settings graphical models can be estimated and recovered with modern machine learning methods in complex data sets. To construct simultaneous confidence regions on many target parameters, sufficiently fast estimation rates of the nuisance functions are crucial. In this context, we establish uniform estimation rates and sparsity guarantees of the square-root estimator in a random design under approximate sparsity conditions that might be of independent interest for related problems in high-dimensions. We also demonstrate in a comprehensive simulation study that our procedure has good small sample properties.Comment: 59 pages, 2 figures, 6 table

    L2-Boosting for Economic Applications

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    In the recent years more and more highdimensional data sets, where the number of parameters p is high compared to the number of observations n or even larger, are available for applied researchers. Boosting algorithms represent one of the major advances in machine learning and statistics in recent years and are suitable for the analysis of such data sets. While Lasso has been applied very successfully for highdimensional data sets in Economics, boosting has been underutilized in this field, although it has been proven very powerful in fields like Biostatistics and Pattern Recognition. We attribute this to missing theoretical results for boosting. The goal of this paper is to fill this gap and show that boosting is a competitive method for inference of a treatment effect or instrumental variable (IV) estimation in a high-dimensional setting. First, we present the L2Boosting with componentwise least squares algorithm and variants which are tailored for regression problems which are the workhorse for most Econometric problems. Then we show how L2Boosting can be used for estimation of treatment effects and IV estimation. We highlight the methods and illustrate them with simulations and empirical examples. For further results and technical details we refer to (?) and (?) and to the online supplement of the paper