18 research outputs found

    Ethical and Forensic Issues in the Medico-Legal and Psychological Assessment of Women Asylum Seekers

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    Asylum-seeking migrants represent a vulnerable segment of the population, and among them, women constitute an even more vulnerable group. Most of these women and girls have been exposed to threats, coercion, and violence of many kinds, including rape, forced prostitution, harassment, sexual slavery, forced marriage and pregnancy, female genital mutilation/excision, and/or other violations of their rights (e.g., deprivation of education, prohibition to work, etc.). The perpetrators of the violence from which they flee are often their own families, partners, and even institutional figures who should be in charge of their protection (such as police officers). In the process for the acceptance/rejection of an asylum application, the forensic and psychological certification can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful applications, as it can support the credibility of the asylum seeker through an assessment of the degree of compatibility between the story told and the diagnostic and forensic evidence. This is why constant and renewed reflection on the ethical, forensic, and methodological issues surrounding medico-legal and psychological certification is essential. This article aims to propose some reflections on these issues, starting from the experience of the inward healthcare service dedicated to Migrant Victims of Maltreatment, Torture, and Female Genital Mutilation operating since 2018 at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University Hospital of Palermo

    Multiparametric approach to unravel the mechanism of Strombolian activity at a multivent system: Mt. Etna case study

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    On 5th July 2014 an eruptive fissure (hereafter referred to as EF) opened at the base of North-East Crater (NEC) of Mt. Etna. EF produced both Strombolian explosions and lava effusion. Thanks to the multiparametric experiment planned in the framework of MEDSUV project, we had the chance to acquire geophysical and volcanological data, in order to investigate the ongoing volcanic activity at EF. Temporary instruments (2 broadband seismometers, 2 microphones, 3-microphone arrays, a high-speed video camera and a thermal-camera) were deployed near the active vents during 15-16 July 2014 and were integrated with the data recorded by the permanent networks. Several kinds of studies are currently in progress, such as: frequency analysis by Fourier Transform and Short Time Fourier Transform to evaluate the spectral content of both seismic and acoustic signals; partitioning of seismic and acoustic energies, whose time variations could reflect changes in the volcanic dynamics; investigation on the intertimes between explosions to investigate their recurrence behaviour; classification of the waveforms, of infrasound events. Furthermore, joint analysis of video signals and seismic-acoustic wavefields outlined relationships between pyroclasts ejection velocity, total erupted mass, peak explosion pressure, and air-ground motion coupling. This multiparametric approach allowed distinguishing and characterizing individually the behavior of the two vents active along the eruptive fissure via their thermal, visible and infrasonic signatures and shed light in the eruptive dynamics.UnpublishedVienna (Austria)5V. Processi eruttivi e post-eruttiv

    Time-series analysis of fissure-fed multi-vent activity: a snapshot from the July 2014 eruption of Etna volcano (Italy)

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    The April to May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) volcano was characterized by a large compositional variability of erupted products. To contribute to the understanding of the plumbing system dynamics of this volcano, we present new EMPA and LA-ICP-MS data on groundmass glasses of ash particles and minerals erupted between April 15 and 22. The occurrence of disequilibrium textures in minerals, such as resorption and inverse zoning, indicate that open system processes were involved in determining the observed compositional variability. The variation of major and trace element data of glasses corroborates this hypothesis indicating that mixing between magma batches with different compositions interacted throughout the whole duration of the eruption. In particular, the arrival of new basaltic magma into the plumbing system of the volcano destabilized and remobilized magma batches of trachyandesite and rhyolite compositions that, according to geophysical data, might have intruded as sills over the past 20 years beneath the Eyjafjallajökull edifice. Two mixing processes are envisaged to explain the time variation of the compositions recorded by the erupted tephra. The first occurred between basaltic and trachyandesitic end-members. The second occurred between trachyandesite and rhyolites. Least-squares modeling of major elements supports this hypothesis. Furthermore, investi- gation of compositional histograms of trace elements allows us to estimate the initial proportions of melts that interacted to generate the compositional variability triggered by mixing of trachyandesites and rhyolites.Published515V. Dinamica dei processi eruttivi e post-eruttiviJCR Journa

    Male violence against women: Integration between psychological and neuroscientific data and their use in forensic evaluation for the judgments

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    Human growth and development, starting from conception, are characterized by a progressive increase in body and organ dimensions, as well as specific functional maturity, under the influence of genetic as well as environmental and epigenetic determinants. Beyond a possible normal familial trait, increased fetal growth resulting in a large for gestational age newborn, isolated macrosomia or that associated with congenital malformation, can be attributable to both maternal metabolic and genetic pathology. Overgrowth syndromes are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by excessive tissue development often concomitant to neurodevelopmental involvement. Recently, an increased risk of fetal overgrowth with Assisted Reproductive Technology has been reported. Thus, in pediatric practice, it is fundamental to monitor any patient who presents with increased growth parameters, variable malformations, neurodevelopmental delay, and distinctive features from birth, aiming to ensure as adequate a medical management as possible, and for some of the disorders, strict tumor monitoring is also necessary


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    The correlation between maternal exposure to stressful and traumatic events during pregnancy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in offspring has been studied in the literature. Fewer studies, however, have considered the mother's exposure to traumatic events during childhood. This work focuses on maternal exposure to these events in childhood and/or adulthood, relating it to autism spectrum disorder in offspring. A questionnaire was used to assess whether and to what type of event the mothers have been exposed, and to assess eventual peri-traumatic dissociation related to the traumatic event. The mothers involved in this study were recruited at the Child Neuropsychiatry Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital of Palermo. 22 mothers (natural mothers) gave their time to participate in this pilot study, and all who were considered have the characteristics required to be enrolled in this study. The control group consists of 50 mothers of children with diagnosis of language disorder (LD). The difference between maternal exposure to stressful and traumatic events in the group of cases compared to the control group is statistically significant (p = 0.03); the median value is 7 in the cases vs 4.5 in controls. The finding of a greater number of stressful and traumatic events in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder compared to mothers of children with language disorder could suggest the existence of a correlation between maternal exposure to stress and trauma and the risk of developing autism in offsprin

    Torture and Maltreatment in Prison: A Medico-Legal Perspective

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    The maltreatment and torture of prisoners constitute a global problem. Methods of maltreatment are classified as the psychological and the physical, and physical methods inevitably lead to psychological sequelae. Our review offers an analysis from the medico-legal perspective of the literature on the torture and physical and sexual abuse experienced by prisoners and their psychological sequelae and aims to investigate the medico-legal issues of investigating maltreatment in prison so as to suggest methodologies and updated approaches for dealing with such cases in a forensic context. We performed a comprehensive literature search of peer-reviewed publications (articles and reviews), research reports, case studies, books, service models, protocols, and institutional documents available online using key electronic databases (Scopus, PubMed) and search engines (Google Scholar) with the following keywords: physical violence, psychological violence, torture, maltreatment, physical abuse, psychological abuse AND prison OR prisoner OR jail OR custody. In the medical literature, most of the publications on torture are based on retrospective studies of torture among survivors and often refer to asylum seekers. Forensic evaluation is crucial for assessing the determinant elements of torture and maltreatment. A multidisciplinary approach and standardized and updated methodologies are needed to support policymakers, national institutions, and public health system initiatives in this field

    Torture and Maltreatment in Prison: A Medico-Legal Perspective

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    The maltreatment and torture of prisoners constitute a global problem. Methods of maltreatment are classified as the psychological and the physical, and physical methods inevitably lead to psychological sequelae. Our review offers an analysis from the medico-legal perspective of the literature on the torture and physical and sexual abuse experienced by prisoners and their psychological sequelae and aims to investigate the medico-legal issues of investigating maltreatment in prison so as to suggest methodologies and updated approaches for dealing with such cases in a forensic context. We performed a comprehensive literature search of peer-reviewed publications (articles and reviews), research reports, case studies, books, service models, protocols, and institutional documents available online using key electronic databases (Scopus, PubMed) and search engines (Google Scholar) with the following keywords: physical violence, psychological violence, torture, maltreatment, physical abuse, psychological abuse AND prison OR prisoner OR jail OR custody. In the medical literature, most of the publications on torture are based on retrospective studies of torture among survivors and often refer to asylum seekers. Forensic evaluation is crucial for assessing the determinant elements of torture and maltreatment. A multidisciplinary approach and standardized and updated methodologies are needed to support policymakers, national institutions, and public health system initiatives in this field