15 research outputs found

    Effects of hydrostaticity on the structural stability of carbonates at lower mantle pressures the case study of dolomite

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    We have conducted high pressure far-infrared absorbance and Raman spectroscopic investigations on a natural iron-free dolomite sample up to 40 GPa. Comparison between the present observations and literature results unraveled the effect of hydrostatic conditions on the high pressure dolomite polymorph adopted close to 40 GPa, i.e. the triclinic Dol-IIIc modification. In particular, non-hydrostatic conditions impose structural disorder at these pressures, whereas hydrostatic conditions allow the detection of an ordered Dol-IIIc vibrational response. Hence, hydrostatic conditions appear to be a key ingredient for modeling carbon subduction at lower mantle conditions. Our complementary first-principles calculations verified the far-infrared vibrational response of the ambient- and high pressure dolomite phases.This study was partly supported by a Grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the Research Unit FOR2125 CarboPaT under Grants KO1260/16 and JA1469/9

    Cloning and expression of two different genes from Streptococcus dysgalactidae encoding fibronectin receptors

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    host tissue. In this report we have analyzed the binding of a strain of Streptococcus dysgalactiae to fibronectin. The cells bind to a site in the NH2-terminal domain of the protein via trypsin-sensitive cell surface components. Furthermore, a lysate prepared by sonication of streptococcal cells contained fibronectin-binding proteins that inhibit the binding of the ligand to intact bacteria. When the proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, blotted to an Immobilon-P filter, and probed with 125I-labeled fibronectin, a 140-kDa fibronectin-binding protein was identified along with a number of smaller binding proteins. A genomic DNA library was constructed and screened for the expression of fibronectin-binding proteins. Two clones were isolated and shown to contain unrelated inserts by restriction mapping and cross-hybridization experiments. The two encoded proteins were also immunologically distinct although both bound to the same region of the fibronectin molecule, and both effectively inhibited the binding of 125I-fibronectin to bacterial cells. Immunological analyses showed that only one of the two proteins tentatively identified as fibronectin receptors was expressed in detectable quantities in the Streptococcus dysgalactiae strain under the culture conditions employed