28 research outputs found

    The Interaction of Type Ia Supernovae with Planetary Nebulae: the Case of Kepler's Supernova Remnant

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    One of the key methods for determining the unknown nature of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is the search for traces of interaction between the SN ejecta and the circumstellar structures at the resulting supernova remnants (SNRs Ia). So far, the observables that we receive from well-studied SNRs Ia cannot be explained self-consistently by any model presented in the literature. In this study, we suggest that the circumstellar medium (CSM) being observed to surround several SNRs Ia was mainly shaped by planetary nebulae (PNe) that originated from one or both progenitor stars. Performing two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, we show that the ambient medium shaped by PNe can account for several properties of the CSM that have been found to surround SNe Ia and their remnants. Finally, we model Kepler's SNR considering that the SN explosion occurred inside a bipolar PN. Our simulations show good agreement with the observed morphological and kinematic properties of Kepler's SNR. In particular, our model reproduces the current expansion parameter of Kepler's SNR, the partial interaction of the remnant with a dense CSM at its northern region and finally the existence of two opposite protrusions (`ears') at the equatorial plane of the SNR.Comment: Accepted for publication in Galaxies, 7 page

    The massive star population of the Virgo Cluster galaxy NGC 4535

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    We analyzed the massive star population of the Virgo Cluster galaxy NGC 4535 using archival Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 images in filters F555W and F814W, equivalent to Johnson V and Kron-Cousins I. We performed high precision point spread function fitting photometry of 24353 sources including 3762 candidate blue supergiants, 841 candidate yellow supergiants and 370 candidate red supergiants. We estimated the ratio of blue to red supergiants as a decreasing function of galactocentric radius. Using Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics isochrones at solar metallicity, we defined the luminosity function and estimated the star formation history of the galaxy over the last 60 Myrs. We conducted a variability search in the V and I filters using three variability indexes: the median absolute deviation, the interquartile range and the inverse von-Neumann ratio. This analysis yielded 120 new variable candidates with absolute magnitudes ranging from MV_{V} = −-4 to −-11 mag. We used the MESA evolutionary tracks at solar metallicity, to classify the variables based on their absolute magnitude and their position on the color-magnitude diagram. Among the new candidate variable sources are eight candidate variable red supergiants, three candidate variable yellow supergiants and one candidate luminous blue variable, which we suggest for follow-up observations.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 7 pages, 7 Tables, 53 figure

    Discovery of an optical cocoon tail behind the runaway HD 185806

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    Studies on the circumstellar structures around evolved stars provide vital information on the evolution of the parent star and the properties of the local interstellar medium. In this work, we present the discovery and characterization of an optical cocoon tail behind the star HD 185806. The cocoon apex emission is puzzling, as it is detected in the infrared but shows no signal in the optical wavelength. The H-alpha and [OIII] fluxes of the nebular structure vary from 2.7 to 8.5x10^{-12} erg s^{-1} cm^ {-2} and from 0.9 to 7.0x10^{-13} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}, respectively. Through high-resolution spectroscopy, we derive the spectral type of the star, construct the position-velocity diagrams of the cocoon tail for the H-alpha, [OIII] and [NII] emission lines, and determine its velocity in the range of -100 to 40 km s ^{-1} . Furthermore, we use SED fitting and MESA evolutionary models adopting a distance of 900 pc, and classify HD 185806 as a 1.3 M star, in the transition phase between the RGB and early AGB stages. Finally, we study the morpho-kinematic structure of the cocoon tail using the astronomical software SHAPE. An ellipsoidal structure, with an inclination of 19 degrees with respect to the plane of sky is found to better reproduce the observed cocoon tail of HD 185806.Comment: Accepted 2022 June 29. Received 2022 June 24; in original form 2022 May 26, 14 pages. Dedicated to V.G. who passed away on 2 Sept. 202

    Red supergiant stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Infrared properties and mid-infrared variability

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    The characteristics of IR properties and MIR variability of RSGs in the LMC are analyzed based on 12 bands of NIR to MIR co-added data from 2MASS, Spitzer and WISE, and ∼\sim6.6 years of MIR time-series data collected by the ALLWISE and NEOWISE-R projects. 773 RSGs candidates were compiled from the literature and verified by using the CMD, SED and MIR variability. About 15\% of valid targets in the IRAC1−IRAC2IRAC1-IRAC2/IRAC2−IRAC3IRAC2-IRAC3 diagram may show PAH emission. We show that arbitrary dereddening Q parameters related to the IRAC4, S9W, WISE3, WISE4, and MIPS24 bands could be constructed based on a precise measurement of MIR interstellar extinction law. Several peculiar outliers in our sample are discussed, in which one outlier might be a RSG right before the explosion or an x-AGB star in the very late evolutionary stage based on the MIR spectrum and photometry. There are 744 identified RSGs in the final sample having both the WISE1- and WISE2-band time-series data. The results show that the MIR variability is increasing along with the increasing of brightness. There is a relatively tight correlation between the MIR variability, MLR, and the warm dust or continuum, where the MIR variability is evident for the targets with KS−WISE3>1.0 magK_S-WISE3>1.0~mag and WISE4<6.5 magWISE4<6.5~mag, while the rest of the targets show much smaller MIR variability. The MIR variability is also correlated with the MLR for which targets with larger variability also show larger MLR with an approximate upper limit of −6.1 M⊙/yr−1-6.1~M_\odot/yr^{-1}. Both the variability and the luminosity may be important for the MLR since the WISE4-band flux is increasing exponentially along with the degeneracy of luminosity and variability. The identified RSG sample has been compared with the theoretical evolutionary models and shown that the discrepancy between observation and evolutionary models can be mitigated by considering both variability and extinction.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figures, A&A accepte