3 research outputs found

    Agricultural Research Bulletins, Nos. 448-488

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    Volume 33, Bulletins 448-488. (448) Management Aspects of School Lunch Programs in Iowa; (449) Optimum Farm Plans for Beginning Tenant Farmers on Clarion-Webster Soils (An Application of Linear Programming); (450) Farm Planning for Maximum Profits on the Cresco-Clyde Soils in Northeast Iowa, And Comparison of Farm and Nonfarm Incomes for Beginning Farmers (An Application of Linear Programming; (451) Analysis of Returns from Farm and Nonfarm Employment Opportunities on Shelby-Grundy-Haig Soils; (452) Social Status and Occupational Prospects of Married Farm Laborers in Cherokee County, Iowa 1949; (453) Load Characteristics of Selected Highly Electrified Iowa Farms; (454) Application of Input-Output Analysis to a Regional Model Stressing Agriculture; (455) Economic Optima in Soil Conservation Farming and Fertilizer Use for Farms in the Ida-Monona Soil Area of Western Iowa; (456) Plans for Beginning Farmers in Southwest Iowa with Comparison of Farm and Nonfarm Income Opportunities; (457) Seasonal Changes in Soil Moisture as Related to Rainfall, Soil Type and Crop Growth; (458) Research on Irrigation of Corn and Soybeans at Conesville and Ankeny, Iowa, 1951 to 1959; (459) Effects of the Federal Programs for Corn and Other Grains on Corn Prices, Feed Grains Production and Livestock Production; (460) Soil Erosion Control in Process in Western Iowa; (461) Relative Efficiencies of Farm Tenure Classes in Intrafirm Resource Allocation; (462) New Procedures in Estimating Feed Substitution Rates and in Determining Economic Efficiency in Pork Production: II. Replacement Rates of Corn and Soybean Oilmeal in Fortified Rations for Growing-Fattening Swine on Pasture; (463) Fertilizer Production Functions for Corn and Oats: Including an Analysis of Irrigated and Residual Response; (464) Comparison of Methods and Blowers for the Purity Analysis of Kentucky Bluegrass Seed; (465) Evaluation of Some Soil Moisture Characteristics of Iowa Soils; (466) Progress and Problems in the Iowa Soil Conservation Districts Program: A Pilot Study of the Jasper Soil Conservation District; (467) Application of Linear Programming to the Study of Supply Responses in Dairying; (468) Food Intakes of 2,189 Women in Five North Central States; (469) Input-Output Analysis Emphasizing Regional and Commodity Sectors of Agriculture; (470) Educational Needs of Three Socio-Economic Groups of Rural Homemakers in Iowa; (471) Changes in Supply Functions and Supply Elasticities in Hog Production; (472) Production Surfaces and Economic Optima for Corn Yields with Respect to Stand and Nitrogen Levels; (473) Forecasting Beef Cattle and Hog Prices by Quarter-Years; (474) Statistical Analysis of Certain Institutional Variables in the Butter and Margarine Market; (475) Use of a Dynamic Model in Programming Optimum Conservation Farm Plans on Ida-Monona Soils; (476) Alternative parity Formula for Agriculture; (477) Consumer Preferences for Pork, Des Moines, Iowa; (478) Economy of Innovations in Dairy Farming and Adjustments to Increase Resource Returns; (479) Iowa Farm Operators' and Farm Landlords' Knowledge of, Participation in and Acceptance of the Old Age and Survivors Insurance Program; (480) Adjustments to Meet Changes in Prices and to Improve Incomes on Dairy Farms in Northeastern Iowa; (481) Analysis of Income Possibilities From Farm Adjustments in Southern Iowa: Including Production of Grade B Milk; (482) Biology of a Large Mayfly, Hexagenia bilineata (Say), of the Upper Mississippi River; (483) Biology and Possible Control of Nuisance Caddisflies of the Upper Mississippi River; (484) Cometitive Position of Small Dairy Herds on North-Central Iowa Farms; (485) Theories of Choice in Relation to Farmer Decisions; (486) Profit-Maximizing Plans and Static Supply Schedules for Fluid Milk in the Des Moines Milkshed; (487) Programming Procedures for Farm and Home Planning Under Variable Price, Yield and Capital Quantities; (488) Application of Game Theory Models to Decisions on Farm Practices and Resource Use</p