94 research outputs found

    Research workshop to research work: initial steps in establishing health research systems on Malaita, Solomon Islands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Atoifi Adventist Hospital is a 90 bed general hospital in East Kwaio, Malaita, Solomon Islands providing services to the population of subsistence villagers of the region. Health professionals at the hospital and attached College of Nursing have considerable human capacity and willingness to undertake health research. However they are constrained by limited research experience, training opportunities, research systems, physical infrastructure and access to resources. This brief commentary describes an 'Introduction to Health Research' workshop delivered at Atoifi Adventist Hospital in September 2009 and efforts to move from 'research workshop' to 'research work'.</p> <p>The Approach</p> <p>Using a participatory-action research approach underpinned by decolonising methodologies, staff from Atoifi Adventist Hospital and James Cook University (Queensland, Australia) collaboratively designed, implemented and evaluated a health research workshop. Basic health research principles and methods were presented using active learning methodologies. Following the workshop, Atoifi Adventist Hospital and Atoifi College of Nursing staff, other professionals and community members reported an increased awareness and understanding of health research. The formation of a local Research Committee, improved ethics review procedures and the identification of local research mentors followed the week long workshop. The workshop has acted as a catalyst for research activity, increasing structural and human resource capacity for local health professionals and community leaders to engage in research.</p> <p>Discussion and Conclusions</p> <p>Participants from a variety of educational backgrounds participated in, and received benefit from, a responsive, culturally and linguistically accessible health research workshop. Improving health research systems at a remote hospital and aligning these with local and national research agendas is establishing a base to strengthen public health research and practice on Malaita, Solomon Islands.</p

    Prevalence of soil transmitted nematodes on Nukufetau, a remote Pacific island in Tuvalu

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    BACKGROUND: The population of Nukufetau, a remote coral atoll island in Tuvalu in the Western Pacific, received annual mass drug administration (MDA) of diethylcarbamazine and albendazole under the Pacific Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis program in 2001, 2002 and 2003, with the last MDA occurring six months before a cross-sectional survey of the whole population for soil transmitted helminths (STH). METHODS: A cross-sectional survey in May 2004 recruited 206 residents (35.2% of the population) who provided a single faecal sample that was preserved, concentrated and examined microscopically. RESULTS: Overall prevalence of STH was 69.9%; only hookworm and Trichuris trichiura were diagnosed. Trichuris was present in 68.4% with intensity of infection being light in 56.3%, medium in 11.7% and heavy in 0.5%. Hookworm occurred in 11.7% with intensity of infection 11.2% being light and medium in 0.5%. Twenty individuals (9.7%) had dual infections. The prevalence of Trichuris was constant across all ages while the prevalence of hookworm was significantly lower in residents below 30 years of age. In the age group 5–12 years comparison of results with a 2001 survey [1] suggested that the prevalence of STH has declined minimally, due to sustained high prevalence of Trichuris, while hookworm has declined dramatically from 34.4% to 1.6%. CONCLUSION: The results of this survey suggest that although the MDA appears to have reduced hookworm prevalence in residents below 30 years of age, there has been minimal effect on Trichuris prevalence. An integrated program to control STH is required

    Microarray-Based Analysis of Differential Gene Expression between Infective and Noninfective Larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis

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    Strongyloides stercoralis is a soil-transmitted helminth that affects an estimated 30–100 million people worldwide. Chronically infected persons who are exposed to corticosteroids can develop disseminated disease, which carries a high mortality (87–100%) if untreated. Despite this, little is known about the fundamental biology of this parasite, including the features that enable infection. We developed the first DNA microarray for this parasite and used it to compare infective third-stage larvae (L3i) with non-infective first stage larvae (L1). Using this method, we identified 935 differentially expressed genes. Functional characterization of these genes revealed L3i biased expression of heat shock proteins and genes with products that have previously been shown to be immunoreactive in infected humans. Genes putatively involved in transcription were found to have L1 biased expression. Potential chemotherapeutic and vaccine targets such as far-1, ucr 2.1 and hsp-90 were identified for further study

    Genotyping of Human Lice Suggests Multiple Emergences of Body Lice from Local Head Louse Populations

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    While being phenotypically and physiologically different, human head and body lice are indistinguishable based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes. As protein-coding genes are too conserved to provide significant genetic diversity, we performed strain-typing of a large collection of human head and body lice using variable intergenic spacer sequences. Ninety-seven human lice were classified into ninety-six genotypes based on four intergenic spacer sequences. Genotypic and phylogenetic analyses using these sequences suggested that human head and body lice are still indistinguishable. We hypothesized that the phenotypic and physiological differences between human head and body lice are controlled by very limited mutations. Under conditions of poor hygiene, head lice can propagate very quickly. Some of them will colonize clothing, producing a body louse variant (genetic or phenetic), which can lead to an epidemic. Lice collected in Rwanda and Burundi, where outbreaks of louse-borne diseases have been recently reported, are grouped tightly into a cluster and those collected from homeless people in France were also grouped into a cluster with lice collected in French non-homeless people. Our strain-typing approach based on highly variable intergenic spacers may be helpful to elucidate louse evolution and to survey louse-borne diseases

    Special-Publication-Aquaculture-Association-of-Canada 8 87 88 St. Andrews, Canada: Aquaculture Association of Canada

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    Project Loma is a multidisciplinary collaborative research programme aimed to develop the treatment and control of the microsporidian parasite Loma salmonae which is the cause of Microsporidial Gill Disease of Salmon (MGDS). Recent studies have shown that the principal host target, salmonids within the genus Oncorhynchus, produce an effective cell-mediated immune response against the parasite which means that vaccination is likely to become a feasible and important control option. Treatment options are limited once the parasite has established within the host, specifically, when the parasite lives within host cells and evades host detection. Preliminary studies assessing a cationic ionophore as a novel treatment modality have shown remarkable effectiveness, but only when the treatment is initiated during the very early stages of the disease.

    Special-Publication-Aquaculture-Association-of-Canada 6 69 70 St. Andrews, Canada: Aquaculture Association of Canada

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    With respect to the culture of salmonids, environmental diseases per se, and the specific role of environmental factors in the genesis of infectious disease conditions, are often trivialized and in many cases have not been explored beyond a perfunctory level. The present trend toward use of recirculation technology will usher in an era of fish health management which will - out of necessity - approach environmental diseases and environmental factors in disease propagation, as highly significant primary areas of research and awareness. This paper will focus on one particular scenario, specifically the synergistic interplay between two common water quality problems - nitrite and gas supersaturation - and their combined role in the genesis of gas bubble disease (GBD). The principal pathobiological effect of nitrite, an intermediate product produced during biofiltration, is through the transformation of haemoglobin into methaemoglobin. Nitrite is also a powerful vasodilator and inhibitor of the immune system. Gas bubble disease (GBD) which stems from elevated total gas pressure (TGP), develops most commonly in vascular beds and rete where blood pressure is diminished. In the presence of nitrite-induced vasodilation, GBD can develop at levels of TGP which are typically considered &quot;safe&quot;.
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