90 research outputs found
Sind wir schon in der Dienstleistungsgesellschaft angekommen?
In den letzten Jahren hat sich einiges in Deutschland auf dem Weg zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft getan. Rein statistisch gesehen kann man bereits von einem Wandel von einer Industrie- zu einer Dienstleistungsgesellschaft sprechen. Aber, nach Prof. Dr. Martin Baethge, Universität Göttingen, ist die »Auskunftsfähigkeit bei der Frage des Charakters einer Gesellschaft - ob Dienstleistungs- oder noch Industriegesellschaft - ... begrenzt«. Vor allem der institutionelle Umbau ist, seiner Meinung nach, noch nicht abgeschlossen. Auch Prof. Dr. Dieter Spath, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation und Universität Stuttgart, und Marc Opitz, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation, beantworten die Frage mit »Jein«. Denn sie sehen noch erhebliche Defizite bei der Entwicklung und Leistungserbringung von Dienstleistungen
The utilization of hypermedia-based information systems for developing recyclable products and for disassembly planning
When products are considered in the context of their overall life-cycle, there is an increased requirement for information on the various life-phases involved. Information on disposal options determines the product design concept, and conversely the product design parameters affect the degree of rationalization achievable in disassembly. The resultant need to provide ecologically relevant product data both for development engineers and for disassembly planners in the context of the specific requirements concerned entails the necessity of using computer-aided information systems. This paper presents an information concept of this kind for supporting development engineers in implementing recyclable product designs, plus a procedure for planning and supporting manual disassembly. In methodological terms, systematized approaches are employed for design evaluation and procedures for qualification-oriented disassembly planning. Initial software developments are indicated for practical applications based on Hypermedia
A Supply Chain Management view from ICPR – Innovation in Product and Production
This Special Issue of the Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management (BJOPM) features six papers selected from the supply chain management (SCM) track of the 21st International Conference on Production Research (ICPR), which conference theme was “Innovation in Product and Production”. This introduction paper evaluates and summarizes the selected contributions characterizing SCM with a leading role in innovation management. The research presented here focuses on supply chain design and cultural influences on supply chain performance, bridges the gap between basic research and industrial application and provides approaches to effectively design supply networks and processes. Some of the dominate key topics emphasized in the six papers contained in this special issue are countertrade in supply chains, types of contracts in supply chains, value stream mapping (VSM), process management, supply chain performance measurement, order penetration points and inventory policies for distribution systems. The main research tools used are analytical hierarchy process (AHP), simulation, SCM logistic scorecard and Markov chains
Qualitätssicherung in der Auftragsabwicklung : automatisierte Produktion von Nockenschaltern
Zunehmende Kundenanforderungen, einhergehend mit höherer Qualität und steigendem Kostendruck, zwingen zu einer effizienten Durchsetzung von Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen. Einfluß auf diese Entwicklung üben das Produktehaftungsgesetz und die Normung bezüglich der Einführung von Qualitätssicherungssystemen nach DIN ISO 9000 aus. Basierend auf einem Laboraufbau, gelang es zum Beispiel bei der automatisierten Produktion von Nockenschaltern, die gesamte Prozeßkette datentechnisch so zu integrieren, daß ein Großteil von Fehlern ausgeschlossen werden kann
Object-oriented programming of PLC based on IEC 1131
The software development for programmable logical controllers is usually based on low-level languages such as the instruction list or the ladder diagram. At the same time, the programmer looks at a machine or an assembly system in a bit-oriented way: he translates the operational sequences into logical and/or time based combinations of binary signals described by the means of boolean algebra. A machine, however, does not only consist of binary signals but of technical components, i.e. objects such as nc-axes, carriage systems and other facilities. These objects can be characterized by different features; their connection to a PLC being the basis of the conventional programming methods is only one of them. As these classical methods cause a lot of problems in reality they should be improved. The following report shows a way how to integrate object-oriented features into the standardized PLC-language "Sequential Function Chart"
Integrated modelling of decentralised energy supply in combination with electric vehicle charging in a real-life case study
Intelligent integration of decentralised energy resources, local storage and direct consumption are key factors in achieving the transformation of the energy system. In this study, we present a modular simulation concept that allows the planning of decentralised energy systems for buildings and building blocks. In comparison to related studies, we use a simulation model for energy planning with a high time-resolution from the perspective of the energy system planner. In this study, we address the challenges of the grid connection in combination with an increasing number of electric vehicles (EV) in the future. The here developed model is applied for an innovative building block in Germany with a photovoltaic (PV) system, a combined heat and power (CHP) unit, battery storage and electric vehicles. The results of the simulation are validated with real-life data to illustrate the practical relevance and show that our simulation model is able to support the planning of decentralised energy systems. We demonstrate that without anticipating future electric vehicle charging, the system configurations could be sub-optimal if complete self-sufficiency is the objective: in our case study, the rate of self-sufficiency of the net-zero energy building will be lowered from 100% to 91% if considering electric vehicles. Furthermore, our simulation shows that a peak minimising operation strategy with a battery can prevent grid overloads caused by EV charging in the future. Simulating different battery operation strategies can further help to implement the most useful strategy, without interruption of the current operation
The industrial Internet : business models as challenges for innovations
Internet of things innovations and the industrial internet these days become more and more decisive factors of future success for companies. Especially manufacturing oriented SME will face the challenge to develop innovative technology driven business models alongside technology innovations in this field which will be essential for future competitiveness. Failing in developing these technology driven business models in an internationally highly competitive environment will have a serious impact both on companies and on the society. Hence, securing economic stability and success of these technology driven business models is an indispensable task. To identify challenges for innovative industrial internet business models first it is necessary to understand what the industrial internet means to the leading parties and applying companies and start-ups in the field. Second, challenges from general business model development will be outlined. In a third step risks and challenges in business model development will be discussed with regard to the special characteristics of technology driven business models in the context of the industrial internet and the important role of the technological key component of the business model. Especially the capability to deal with an integrated consideration of the indivisible linked dimensions of economic and technological aspects of these business models is questioned. In the fourth place the specific challenges for industrial internet business models are derived. On the basis of these results it is also discussed what might be done to handle these challenges successfully with the goal to turn them into chances. The need for future research on the integration of the risk management perspective into the development of these technology driven business models is derived. This will help established companies and start-ups to realize great technological innovations for the industrial internet in sound and successful innovative business models
Intelligent support mechanisms in adaptable human-computer interfaces
Advanced production technology is not only characterized by higher automation of production flow and control, but more and more measured at the level of the ergonomics of man-machine interaction. Although much effort has been devoted to user fiiendly design and improved interface techniques, today's systems do not take into account their individual user's problems and tasks. One possible answer to this problem is the design of "cooperative", adaptable or adaptive user interfaces. The idea proposed is to adapt interface behavior (presentation and dialog control) on account of individual user differences or user problems, by reasoning about user intensions in situational work contexts. This paper presents the theory behind and an approach for design of adaptable/adaptive human-computer interfaces for software applications in the tield of production technology, exemplified by a shop floor technology planning tool
Grundlagen der Organisationsgestaltung
In diesem Kapitel werden Grundlagen der Organisationsgestaltung dargestellt. Im Gegensatz zu einem klassischen Lehrbuchtext ist dieser Abschnitt stärker für Verantwortliche in Unternehmen geschrieben und weniger wissenschaftlich geprägt. Das „Lehrbuchwissen“ wird daher bewusst knapp gehalten. Das betrifft z. B. die Klärung des Organisationsbegriffes und die Fragen nach den Zielsetzungen und den Gestaltungsbereichen von Organisation. Stattdessen widmet sich das Kapitel ausführlicher den Fragen, ob es Trends in der Organisationsgestaltung gibt, welche wichtigen Einflussgrößen existieren und welche übergeordneten und beständigen Leitlinien es gibt. Somit bildet es einen Rahmen der Unternehmensorganisation für das vorliegende Sammelwerk, in den sich punktuell die weiteren Beiträge einordnen
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