16 research outputs found

    Effect of global posture re-education on range of motion, pain and quality of life in adults individuals with chronic lower back pain: a randomized clinical trial

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    Global Postural Re-Education (RPG®) method, developed by the French physiotherapist Philippe E. Souchard, is based on progressing knowledge of human biomechanics and motor coordination, all applied to postural re-education and neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitation. It requires an active role to the patient can be applied to patients of any age, respecting each person’s capability and is indicated in for people presenting postural ailments and musculoskeletal disorder. In the same way, Mézières Method end point is regain “body harmony”. Raggi® Method and Pancafit ® apply the principles previously theorized and combine them to diaphragmatic breathing. Our asses was to evaluate the effect of muscle chain stretching, as proposed by the global posture reeducation method, in the therapy of patients with chronic lower back pain. Eight patients (6 male and 2 female, aged 52.0 +/- 7.3 years old), performed global posture re-education using Pancafit according Raggi Method, once a week. The treatment program consisted of 1-hour individual sessions per week for eight weeks. Patients were evaluated before and after treatment and tested for Platform Lizard ( Stabilometry and postural assessment), pain intensity (by means of visual analog scale), range of motion (bending test), and health-related quality of life (by the SF-36 questionnaire). Significant pain relief and range of motion improvement were observed after treatment; quality of life also improved. Muscle chain stretching was effective in reducing pain and improving the range of motion and quality of life of patients with chronic lower back pain, suggesting that stretching exercises should be prescribed to chronic back pain patients

    “Wake-up time activation” in older adults: first randomized experimental clinical trial

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    Balance main rely on vestibular, proprioceptive and visual apparatus integrity. In elderly, postural control fails also due to deficit of sensory functions, atrophy of the musculoskeletal system and neuronal reduction. Deterioration of these functions finally lead to abnormality in performing voluntary muscle movements, subjective feeling of vulnerability, insecurity and depression. Besides, physical inactivity (hypokinesia) is a major risk factor for developing coronary artery disease and stroke, contributing to obesity, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes. For these reasons, especially in elderly, it is important to include physical activity as part of a regular routine. Aim of this randomized controlled trial was to demonstrate that daily subministration of “Wake-up Time Activation” protocol allow individual recovery of balance and tensile properties of periarticular and intra-articular structures, so preventing morning stiffness and reduction of the Range Of Motion (R.O.M.), mainly in the Vertebral Columna. Therefore, we propose to 50 Healthy individuals (age 45-86) of both sexes a peculiar sequence of movements that allow individual recovery of balance and tensile properties of periarticular and intra-articular structures, so preventing morning stiffness and reduction of the Range Of Motion (R.O.M.), mainly in the Vertebral Columna. To verify the effectiveness of this exercises, we scientifically detected, by mean of validated test and instruments, different parameters at tifferent time, for each individual, for two months. Tests were detected at T0 (before starting daily exercises), T1 (after one month of daily exercises), T2 (at the end of the second month of exercises). At each time, on every person, we performed: Cervical Test, Spinal motility, Pelvic motility (mobility); Standing one leg Test (balance); Get up and Go (reactivity); SF-36 (mood/depression); Paint Rating Scales (joint pain). Statistical analysis of obtained results, discussed in detail in the Postrer, scientifically demonstrate that performing of “Wake-up Time Activation” protocol of adapted fisical activity lead to immediate and persistent back pain reduction, articular R.O.M. increase, recovery of balance and coordination, improved autonomy and mood, also in elderly

    Stretching optimization for lower limb posterior chain: comparison between two different executions of the same exercise

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    Stretching of the posterior kinetic chain muscles, especially the hamstrings, is one of the most practiced exercises in all types of physical activity and postural rehabilitation protocols (1). Objective of our experimental trial was to compare the performance of two different variants of muscle stretching (A and B), highlighting for each one the regions of the posterior kinetic chain (lumbar region, gluteus muscles, hamstrings) most affected by the exercise. 161 selected subjects reported on a specific Body Chart the localization of the stretching sensation; the software Pain-drawing (2) was employed for the analysis of the stretching sensation felt by each subject (75 men and 86 women) aged between 20 and 80 years old, with different lifestyles but subjected to defined exclusion criteria (prosthesis, artificial implants, crippling arthritis, flare–up pain, recent surgical procedures). Stretching A is the generally accepted practice available in the literature. The proposed variant (Stretching B) is the experimental suggested procedure which adapts the execution of the exercise on biomechanical reasoning, in order to focus the stretching sensation on the hamstrings muscles and, at the same time, decreasing the stress in the lumbar region. In stretching B, subjects were positioned with lower limb in neutral position, knee with approximately 18° of feeble bending (variable depth, compact rolls in various size, behind popliteal fossa. Notably, results show that the same area has not been affected; when subjects performed Stretching B exercise avoids both the pre-tension of the hamstrings and the lever created by the arms stretched forward, focusing the stretching sensation on the hamstrings muscles and gastrocnemius and affecting only marginally the lumbar region and never the back region. This appears particularly relevant for the prevention of lower back pain and for situation when the stretching of the posterior kinetic chain is performed as a cool-down following physical activity or for rehabilitation purposes

    Analysis of cadence/heart rate (RPM/HR) versus power output (PO) during incremental test in cyclists

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    Studies on cycling cadence have been mainly focussed on the optimisation of cycling efficiency [1-3]. In order to obtain new insight into physiological indicators of performance, the present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between freely chosen cadence (FCC), heart rate (HR) and power output (PO) profiles in members of professional and non professional cycling teams during an incremental test (10W 30 sec). Heterogeneous group of 25 male cyclists performed a maximal incremental test on SRM powermeter (SRM Training Systems, Jülich, Germany) and FCC/HR vs PO was measured. In all subjects the FCC/HR vs PO obtained showed a linear phase followed by a curvilinear phase starting at comparable FCC/HR value in all subjects (0,62 ± 0,06 SD; ES: 0,01, IC95%: 0,60 - 0,65, IC99%: 0.59 - 0.65). Whether the observed deflection point corresponds to anaerobic threshold deserves future investigation

    An optimization and management tool for complex multi-generation systems

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    Multi-generation systems where different energy vectors are interacting, should be controlled in an optimal way, minimizing their operational cost. This paper presents a web-based software tool for the management and optimization of such systems. The presented tool incorporates an optimization core, a graphical user interface, a module for the acquisition of field data and graphic reporting features. In this paper the different components of the tool are presented. The optimization tool is then applied to a real test case and the results are discussed